
The dyadic rationals are numbers of the shape m × 2 ^ e with m : Z and e : Z for some Integers implementation Z. These numbers form a ring and can be embedded into any Rationals implementation Q.
Require Import
  Ring abstract_algebra
  interfaces.integers interfaces.naturals interfaces.rationals
  interfaces.additional_operations interfaces.orders
  orders.minmax orders.integers orders.rationals
  nonneg_integers_naturals stdlib_rationals
  theory.rationals theory.shiftl theory.int_pow theory.nat_pow theory.abs.

Record Dyadic Z := dyadic { mant: Z; expo: Z }.
Arguments dyadic {Z} _ _.
Arguments mant {Z} _.
Arguments expo {Z} _.

Infix "▼" := dyadic (at level 80) : mc_scope.

Section dyadics.
Context `{Integers Z} `{Apart Z} `{!TrivialApart Z} `{!FullPseudoSemiRingOrder Zle Zlt}
  `{equiv_dec : (x y : Z), Decision (x = y)}
  `{le_dec : (x y : Z), Decision (x y)}
  `{!ShiftLSpec Z (Z⁺) sl}.

Notation Dyadic := (Dyadic Z).
Add Ring Z: (rings.stdlib_ring_theory Z).

Global Program Instance dy_plus: Plus Dyadic := λ x y,
  if decide_rel (≤) (expo x) (expo y)
  then mant x + mant y (expo y - expo x)↾_ expo x expo y
  else mant x (expo x - expo y)↾_ + mant y expo x expo y.
Next Obligation. now apply rings.flip_nonneg_minus. Qed.
Next Obligation. apply rings.flip_nonneg_minus. now apply orders.le_flip. Qed.

Global Instance dy_inject: Cast Z Dyadic := λ x, x 0.
Global Instance dy_negate: Negate Dyadic := λ x, -mant x expo x.
Global Instance dy_mult: Mult Dyadic := λ x y, mant x × mant y expo x + expo y.
Global Instance dy_0: Zero Dyadic := ('0 : Dyadic).
Global Instance dy_1: One Dyadic := ('1 : Dyadic).

Section DtoQ_slow.
  Context `{Rationals Q} `{Pow Q Z} (ZtoQ: Z Q).
  Definition DtoQ_slow (x : Dyadic) := ZtoQ (mant x) × 2 ^ (expo x).
End DtoQ_slow.

Section with_rationals.
  Context `{Rationals Q} `{!IntPowSpec Q Z ipw} `{!SemiRing_Morphism (ZtoQ: Z Q)}.
  Add Ring Q: (rings.stdlib_ring_theory Q).

  Notation DtoQ_slow' := (DtoQ_slow ZtoQ).

  Lemma ZtoQ_shift (x n : Z) Pn : ZtoQ (x nPn) = ZtoQ x × 2 ^ n.
    rewrite shiftl_nat_pow.
    rewrite rings.preserves_mult, nat_pow.preserves_nat_pow, rings.preserves_2.
    now rewrite <-(int_pow_nat_pow (f:=cast (Z⁺) Z)).

  Lemma DtoQ_slow_preserves_plus x y : DtoQ_slow' (x + y) = DtoQ_slow' x + DtoQ_slow' y.
    destruct x as [xn xe], y as [yn ye].
    unfold plus at 1. unfold DtoQ_slow, dy_plus. simpl.
    case (decide_rel (≤) xe ye); intros E; simpl.
     rewrite rings.preserves_plus, ZtoQ_shift.
     rewrite (lattices.meet_l xe ye) by assumption.
     rewrite <-associativity, <-int_pow_exp_plus.
      now setoid_replace (ye - xe + xe) with ye by ring.
     now apply (rings.is_ne_0 (2:Q)).
    rewrite rings.preserves_plus, ZtoQ_shift.
    rewrite lattices.meet_r.
     rewrite <-associativity, <-int_pow_exp_plus.
      now setoid_replace (xe - ye + ye) with xe by ring.
     now apply (rings.is_ne_0 (2:Q)).
    now apply orders.le_flip.

  Lemma DtoQ_slow_preserves_negate x : DtoQ_slow' (-x) = -DtoQ_slow' x.
    unfold DtoQ_slow. simpl.
    rewrite rings.preserves_negate. ring.

  Lemma DtoQ_slow_preserves_mult x y : DtoQ_slow' (x × y) = DtoQ_slow' x × DtoQ_slow' y.
    destruct x as [xn xe], y as [yn ye].
    unfold DtoQ_slow. simpl.
    rewrite rings.preserves_mult.
    rewrite int_pow_exp_plus.
    apply (rings.is_ne_0 (2:Q)).

  Lemma DtoQ_slow_preserves_0 : DtoQ_slow' 0 = 0.
    unfold DtoQ_slow. simpl.
    rewrite rings.preserves_0. ring.

  Lemma DtoQ_slow_preserves_1 : DtoQ_slow' 1 = 1.
    unfold DtoQ_slow. simpl.
    rewrite int_pow_0, rings.preserves_1. ring.
End with_rationals.

Notation StdQ := QArith_base.Q.
Notation ZtoStdQ := (integers.integers_to_ring Z StdQ).
Notation DtoStdQ := (DtoQ_slow ZtoStdQ).

Add Ring StdQ : (rings.stdlib_ring_theory StdQ).

Global Instance dy_equiv: Equiv Dyadic := λ x y, DtoStdQ x = DtoStdQ y.

Instance: Setoid Dyadic.
Proof. now apply (setoids.projected_setoid DtoStdQ). Qed.

Instance: Proper ((=) ==> (=)) DtoStdQ.
Proof. now repeat red. Qed.

Instance: Injective DtoStdQ.
Proof. now repeat (split; try apply _). Qed.

Global Instance: Ring Dyadic.
  apply (rings.projected_ring DtoStdQ).
       exact DtoQ_slow_preserves_plus.
      exact DtoQ_slow_preserves_0.
     exact DtoQ_slow_preserves_mult.
    exact DtoQ_slow_preserves_1.
   exact DtoQ_slow_preserves_negate.

Global Instance dyadic_proper: Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> (=)) dyadic.
  intros ? ? E1 ? ? E2.
  unfold equiv, dy_equiv, DtoQ_slow. simpl.
  now rewrite E1, E2.

Instance: SemiRing_Morphism DtoStdQ.
  repeat (split; try apply _).
     exact DtoQ_slow_preserves_plus.
    exact DtoQ_slow_preserves_0.
   exact DtoQ_slow_preserves_mult.
  exact DtoQ_slow_preserves_1.

Instance: Setoid_Morphism dy_inject.
  split; try apply _.
  intros x y E.
  unfold equiv, dy_equiv, dy_inject, DtoQ_slow. simpl in ×.
  rewrite int_pow_0. now rewrite E.

Global Instance: Injective dy_inject.
  repeat (split; try apply _).
  intros x y E. unfold equiv, dy_equiv, dy_inject, DtoQ_slow in E. simpl in ×.
  rewrite int_pow_0 in E. ring_simplify in E.
  now apply (injective ZtoStdQ).

Global Instance: SemiRing_Morphism dy_inject.
  repeat (split; try apply _).
   intros x y. unfold sg_op at 2, plus_is_sg_op, dy_plus.
   unfold equiv, dy_equiv, dy_inject, DtoQ_slow; simpl.
   case (le_dec 0 0); intros E; simpl.
    rewrite 2!rings.preserves_plus, ZtoQ_shift.
    rewrite rings.plus_negate_r.
    rewrite lattices.meet_l, int_pow_0. ring.
   now destruct E.
  intros x y. unfold sg_op at 2, mult_is_sg_op, dy_mult. simpl.
  now setoid_replace (0 + 0:Z) with (0:Z) by ring.

Lemma dy_eq_dec_aux (x y : Dyadic) p :
  mant x = mant y (expo y - expo x)↾p x = y.
  destruct x as [xm xe], y as [ym ye].
  assert (xe ye).
   now apply rings.flip_nonneg_minus.
  split; intros E.
   unfold equiv, dy_equiv, DtoQ_slow. simpl in ×.
   rewrite E, ZtoQ_shift.
   rewrite <-associativity, <-int_pow_exp_plus.
    now setoid_replace (ye - xe + xe) with ye by ring.
  unfold equiv, dy_equiv, DtoQ_slow in E. simpl in ×.
  apply (injective ZtoStdQ).
  apply (right_cancellation (.*.) (2 ^ xe)).
  rewrite E, ZtoQ_shift.
  rewrite <-associativity, <-int_pow_exp_plus.
   now setoid_replace (ye - xe + xe) with ye by ring.

Lemma dy_eq_dec_aux_neg (x y : Dyadic) p :
  mant x mant y (expo y - expo x)↾p x y.
Proof. split; intros E; intro; apply E; eapply dy_eq_dec_aux; eassumption. Qed.

Global Program Instance dy_eq_dec : (x y: Dyadic), Decision (x = y) := λ x y,
  if decide_rel (≤) (expo x) (expo y)
  then if decide_rel (=) (mant x) (mant y (expo y - expo x)↾_) then left _ else right _
  else if decide_rel (=) (mant x (expo x - expo y)↾_) (mant y) then left _ else right _.
Next Obligation. now apply rings.flip_nonneg_minus. Qed.
Next Obligation. eapply dy_eq_dec_aux; eauto. Qed.
Next Obligation. eapply dy_eq_dec_aux_neg; eauto. Qed.
Next Obligation. apply rings.flip_nonneg_minus. now apply orders.le_flip. Qed.
Next Obligation. symmetry. eapply dy_eq_dec_aux. symmetry. eassumption. Qed.
Next Obligation. apply not_symmetry. eapply dy_eq_dec_aux_neg. apply not_symmetry. eassumption. Qed.

Global Instance dy_pow `{!Pow Z (Z⁺)} : Pow Dyadic (Z⁺) := λ x n, (mant x) ^ n 'n × expo x.

Global Instance dy_pow_spec `{!NatPowSpec Z (Z⁺) pw} : NatPowSpec Dyadic (Z⁺) dy_pow.
  split; unfold pow, dy_pow.
    intros [xm xe] [ym ye] E1 e1 e2 E2.
    unfold equiv, dy_equiv, DtoQ_slow in E1 |- ×. simpl in ×.
    setoid_replace (xm ^ e1) with (xm ^ e2) by now apply (_ : Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> (=)) pw).     rewrite E2. clear e1 E2.
    rewrite 2!(preserves_nat_pow (f:=ZtoStdQ)).
    rewrite 2!(commutativity ('e2 : Z)).
    rewrite 2!int_pow_exp_mult.
    rewrite 2!int_pow_nat_pow.
    rewrite <-2!nat_pow_base_mult.
    now rewrite E1.
   intros [xm xe]. simpl.
   rewrite rings.preserves_0, left_absorb.
   now rewrite nat_pow_0.
  intros [xm xe] n. simpl.
  rewrite nat_pow_S.
  rewrite rings.preserves_plus, rings.preserves_1.
  now rewrite distribute_r, left_identity.

Global Instance dy_shiftl: ShiftL Dyadic Z := λ x n, mant x n + expo x.

Global Instance: ShiftLSpec Dyadic Z dy_shiftl.
    intros [xm xe] [ym ye] E1 n1 n2 E2.
    unfold shiftl, dy_shiftl, equiv, dy_equiv, DtoQ_slow in ×. simpl in ×.
    rewrite 2!int_pow_exp_plus; try apply (rings.is_ne_0 (2:StdQ)).
    transitivity (ZtoStdQ xm × 2 ^ xe × 2 ^ n1).
    rewrite E1, E2. ring.
   intros [xm xe].
   unfold shiftl, dy_shiftl, equiv, dy_equiv, DtoQ_slow. simpl.
   now rewrite left_identity.
  intros [xm xe] n. simpl.
  rewrite <-(rings.preserves_2 (f:=dy_inject)).
  unfold shiftl, dy_shiftl, equiv, dy_equiv, DtoQ_slow. simpl.
  rewrite <-associativity, int_pow_S.
   rewrite rings.preserves_mult, rings.preserves_2.
   rewrite rings.plus_0_l. ring.
  apply (rings.is_ne_0 (2:StdQ)).

Global Instance dy_le: Le Dyadic := λ x y, DtoStdQ x DtoStdQ y.
Global Instance dy_lt: Lt Dyadic := orders.dec_lt.

Instance: Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> iff) dy_le.
  intros [x1m x1e] [y1m y1e] E1 [x2m x2e] [y2m y2e] E2.
  unfold dy_le, equiv, dy_equiv, DtoQ_slow in ×. simpl in ×.
  now rewrite E1, E2.

Instance: SemiRingOrder dy_le.
Proof. now apply (rings.projected_ring_order DtoStdQ). Qed.

Instance: TotalRelation dy_le.
Proof. now apply (maps.projected_total_order DtoStdQ). Qed.

Instance: OrderEmbedding DtoStdQ.
Proof. now repeat (split; try apply _). Qed.

Global Instance: ZeroProduct Dyadic.
  intros x y E.
  destruct (zero_product (DtoStdQ x) (DtoStdQ y)) as [Ex|Ey].
    now rewrite <-rings.preserves_mult, E, rings.preserves_0.
   left. apply (injective DtoStdQ). now rewrite Ex, rings.preserves_0.
  right. apply (injective DtoStdQ). now rewrite Ey, rings.preserves_0.

Global Instance: FullPseudoSemiRingOrder dy_le dy_lt.
Proof. now rapply (semirings.dec_full_pseudo_srorder (R:=Dyadic)). Qed.

Lemma nonneg_mant (x : Dyadic) : 0 x 0 mant x.
  split; intros E.
   unfold le, dy_le, DtoQ_slow in E. simpl in ×.
   apply (order_reflecting ZtoStdQ).
   apply (order_reflecting (.* 2 ^ expo x)).
   now rewrite rings.preserves_0, left_absorb in E |- ×.
  unfold le, dy_le, DtoQ_slow. simpl.
  apply (order_preserving ZtoStdQ) in E.
  apply (order_preserving (.* 2 ^ expo x)) in E.
  now rewrite rings.preserves_0, left_absorb in E |- ×.

Lemma nonpos_mant (x : Dyadic) : x 0 mant x 0.
  rewrite 2!rings.flip_nonpos_negate.
  apply nonneg_mant.

Global Program Instance dy_abs `{!Abs Z} : Abs Dyadic := λ x, abs (mant x) expo x.
Next Obligation.
  split; intros E.
   rewrite abs_nonneg.
    now destruct x.
   now apply nonneg_mant.
  rewrite abs_nonpos.
   now destruct x.
  now apply nonpos_mant.

Lemma dy_le_dec_aux (x y : Dyadic) p :
  mant x mant y (expo y - expo x)↾p x y.
  destruct x as [xm xe], y as [ym ye].
  intros E. unfold le, dy_le, DtoQ_slow. simpl in ×.
  apply (order_preserving ZtoStdQ) in E.
  rewrite ZtoQ_shift in E.
  apply (order_preserving (.* 2 ^ xe)) in E.
  rewrite <-associativity, <-int_pow_exp_plus in E.
   now setoid_replace ((ye - xe) + xe) with ye in E by ring.
  now apply (rings.is_ne_0 (2:StdQ)).

Local Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Global Program Instance dy_le_dec : (x y: Dyadic), Decision (x y) := λ x y,
   if decide_rel (≤) (expo x) (expo y)
   then if decide_rel (≤) (mant x) (mant y (expo y - expo x)↾_) then left _ else right _
   else if decide_rel (≤) (mant x (expo x - expo y)↾_) (mant y) then left _ else right _.
Next Obligation.
  intros. now apply rings.flip_nonneg_minus.
Next Obligation.
  intros x y E1 E2. eapply dy_le_dec_aux. eassumption.
Next Obligation.
  intros x y E1 E2.
  apply orders.lt_not_le_flip.
  apply orders.not_le_lt_flip in E2. apply rings.flip_lt_negate in E2.
  rewrite orders.lt_iff_le_ne in E2. destruct E2 as [E2a E2b]. split.
   apply rings.flip_le_negate.
   eapply dy_le_dec_aux.
   simpl. rewrite shiftl_negate. eassumption.
  intros E3. apply E2b. apply sm_proper.
  apply dy_eq_dec_aux. now symmetry.
Next Obligation.
  intros. apply rings.flip_nonneg_minus. now apply orders.le_flip.
Next Obligation.
  intros x y E1 E2.
  apply orders.le_equiv_lt in E2. destruct E2 as [E2 | E2].
   apply orders.eq_le. symmetry in E2 |- ×.
   eapply dy_eq_dec_aux. eassumption.
  apply rings.flip_le_negate.
  eapply dy_le_dec_aux.
  simpl. rewrite shiftl_negate. apply rings.flip_le_negate. apply orders.lt_le, E2.
Next Obligation.
  intros x y E1 E2.
  apply orders.not_le_lt_flip in E2.
  rewrite orders.lt_iff_le_ne in E2. destruct E2 as [E2a E2b].
  apply orders.lt_not_le_flip. apply orders.lt_iff_le_ne. split.
   eapply dy_le_dec_aux. eassumption.
  eapply dy_eq_dec_aux_neg. eassumption.

Section DtoQ.
  Context `{Rationals Q} (ZtoQ: Z Q) `{!SemiRing_Morphism (ZtoQ: Z Q)}.

  Local Obligation Tactic := program_simpl.
  Program Definition DtoQ (x : Dyadic) : Q :=
    if decide_rel (≤) 0 (expo x)
    then ZtoQ (mant x (expo x)↾_)
    else ZtoQ (mant x) / ZtoQ (1 (-expo x)↾_).
  Next Obligation.
    apply rings.flip_nonpos_negate.
    now apply orders.le_flip.
End DtoQ.

Section embed_rationals.
  Context `{Rationals Q} `{!IntPowSpec Q Z ipw} `{!SemiRing_Morphism (ZtoQ: Z Q)}.
  Context `{Apart Q} `{!TrivialApart Q} `{!FullPseudoSemiRingOrder Qlt Qle}.

  Add Ring Q2 : (rings.stdlib_ring_theory Q).

  Notation DtoQ' := (DtoQ ZtoQ).
  Notation DtoQ_slow' := (DtoQ_slow ZtoQ).
  Notation StdQtoQ := (rationals_to_rationals StdQ Q).

  Instance: Params (@DtoQ_slow) 6.
  Lemma DtoQ_slow_correct : DtoQ_slow' = StdQtoQ DtoStdQ.
    intros x y E. unfold compose. rewrite <- E. clear y E.
    unfold DtoQ_slow.
    rewrite rings.preserves_mult, (preserves_int_pow 2), rings.preserves_2.
    now rewrite (integers.to_ring_unique_alt ZtoQ (StdQtoQ ZtoStdQ)).

  Global Instance: SemiRing_Morphism DtoQ_slow'.
  Proof. apply (rings.semiring_morphism_proper _ _ DtoQ_slow_correct), _. Qed.

  Global Instance: Injective DtoQ_slow'.
  Proof. rewrite DtoQ_slow_correct. apply _. Qed.

  Global Instance: OrderEmbedding DtoQ_slow'.
  Proof. apply (maps.order_embedding_proper _ _ DtoQ_slow_correct). apply _. Qed.

  Lemma DtoQ_correct : DtoQ' = DtoQ_slow'.
    intros x y E. rewrite <-E. clear y E.
    unfold DtoQ, DtoQ_slow.
    destruct x as [xm xe]. simpl.
    case (decide_rel _); intros E.
     now rewrite ZtoQ_shift.
    rewrite int_pow_negate_alt, ZtoQ_shift.
    now rewrite rings.preserves_1, left_identity.

  Global Instance: SemiRing_Morphism DtoQ'.
  Proof. apply (rings.semiring_morphism_proper _ _ DtoQ_correct), _. Qed.

  Global Instance: Injective DtoQ'.
  Proof. rewrite DtoQ_correct. apply _. Qed.

  Global Instance: OrderEmbedding DtoQ'.
  Proof. apply (maps.order_embedding_proper _ _ DtoQ_correct). apply _. Qed.
End embed_rationals.

End dyadics.