Require Import Ndigits.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Basics.
Require Import Qordfield.
Require Import COrdFields2.
Require Import Qpower.
Require Import CornTac.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.

These functions effiecently find bounds on rational numbers of the form 3^z or 4^z.

Lemma power3bound : (q:Q), (q (3^(Z_of_nat (let (n,_):= q in match n with Zpos pPsize p | _O end)))%Z).
 intros [[|n|n] d]; try discriminate.
 unfold Qle.
 Open Scope Z_scope.
 rewrite Zpos_mult_morphism.
 apply Zmult_le_compat; auto with ×.
 clear - n.
 apply Zle_trans with (two_p (Zsucc (log_inf n))-1)%Z.
  rewrite <- Zle_plus_swap.
  apply Zlt_succ_le.
  change (' n+1) with (Zsucc ('n)).
  apply Zsucc_lt_compat.
  destruct (log_inf_correct2 n).
 replace (Zsucc (log_inf n)) with (Z_of_nat (Psize n)).
  apply Zle_trans with (two_p (Z_of_nat (Psize n))).
   auto with ×.
  induction (Psize n); auto with ×.
  rewrite inj_S.
  unfold Zsucc.
  rewrite two_p_is_exp; auto with ×.
  change (two_p 1) with 2.
  rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with ×.
  change (3^1) with 3.
  apply Zmult_le_compat; auto with ×.
  induction (Z_of_nat n0); auto with ×.
 induction n; auto with *; simpl; rewrite <- IHn;
   rewrite <- POS_anti_convert; rewrite inj_S; reflexivity.
Close Scope Z_scope.

Lemma power4bound : (q:Q), (q (4^(Z_of_nat (let (n,_):= q in match n with Zpos pPsize p | _O end)))%Z).
 intros q.
 eapply Qle_trans.
  apply power3bound.
 generalize (let (n, _) := q in match n with | 0 ⇒ 0%nat | ' pPsize p | Zneg _ ⇒ 0%nat end)%Z.
 intros n.
 unfold Qle.
 induction n.
  apply Zle_refl.
 rewrite inj_S.
 unfold Zsucc.
 do 2 (rewrite Zpower_exp;try auto with × ).
 apply Zmult_le_compat; try discriminate.
 clear -n.
 induction n.
 rewrite inj_S.
 unfold Zsucc.
 rewrite Zpower_exp;try auto with ×.

Lemma power4bound' : (q:Q), (0 < q) → ((/(4^(Z_of_nat (let (_,d):= q in Psize d)))%Z) q).
 intros [[|n|n] d] H.
   elim (Qlt_not_eq _ _ H).
  assert (X:=power4bound (d#n)).
  simpl in X.
  rewriteZpower_Qpower; try auto with ×.
  apply Qle_shift_inv_r.
   clear - d.
   induction (Psize d).
   rewrite inj_S.
   unfold Zsucc.
   apply: mult_resp_pos;[assumption|constructor].
  rewrite <- Zpower_Qpower; try auto with ×.
  destruct (inject_Z (4%positive ^ Psize d)%Z).
  change ((1 × (d × Qden)%positive n × Qnum × 1)%Z).
  unfold Qle in ×.
  simpl in X.
  rewrite Zmult_comm.
 elim (Qlt_not_le _ _ H).