Require Export CRIR.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import CRArith.

Tactics for Inequalities

This module defines tactics for automatically proving inequalities over real numbers.
Automatically solve the goal {e:Qpos | CR_epsilon_sign_dec e x = Gt} by starting with approximating by e, and halving the allowed error until the problem is solved. (This tactic may not terminate.)
Ltac CR_solve_pos_loop e :=
 ( e;
  match goal with
  | |- Gt = Gtreflexivity
  | |- Lt = Gtfail 2 "CR number is negative"
 || CR_solve_pos_loop ((1#2)*e)%Qpos.

This is the main tactic for solving goal of the from CRpos e. It tries to clear the context to make sure that e is a closed term. Then it applies the helper lemma and runs CR_solve_pos_loop.
Ltac CR_solve_pos e :=
 repeat (match goal with
 | H:_ |-_clear H
 match goal with
 | H:_ |-_fail 1 "Context cannot be cleared"
 | |-_idtac
 apply CR_epsilon_sign_dec_pos;
 CR_solve_pos_loop e.

This tactic is used to transform an inequality over IR into an problem bout CRpos over CR. Some fancy work needs to be done because autorewrite will not in CRpos, because it is in Type and not Prop.
Ltac IR_dec_precompute :=
 try apply less_leEq;
 apply CR_less_as_IR;
 unfold CRltT;
 match goal with
 | |- CRpos ?Xlet X0 := fresh "IR_dec" in
                  set (X0:=X);
                  let XH := fresh "IR_dec" in
                  assert (XH:(X==X0)%CR) by reflexivity;
                  autorewrite with IRtoCR in XH;
                  unfold ms_id;
                  autorewrite with CRfast_compute in XH;
                  apply (CRpos_wd XH);
                  clear X0 XH

This tactic solves inequalites over IR. It converts the problem into a question about positivity over CR, and then tries to solve it.
Ltac IR_solve_ineq e :=
 IR_dec_precompute; CR_solve_pos e.