Require Import
 Qabs CRArith CRabs.

Hint Immediate CRle_refl.
Open Scope CR_scope.

Section contents.

  Context {M: MetricSpace}.

  Definition CRball (r: CR) (x y: M): Prop := q, r ' qgball q x y.

  Global Instance proper: Proper (@st_eq _ ==> @st_eq _ ==> @st_eq _ ==> iff) CRball.
   intros ?? E ?? F ?? G.
   apply iff_under_forall.
   intro. rewrite E, F, G.

  Global Instance reflexive (r: CR): CRnonNeg rReflexive (CRball r).
  Proof with auto.
   unfold CRball, Reflexive.
   apply gball_refl.
   apply CRle_Qle.
   apply CRle_trans with r...

  Lemma zero (x y: M): x [=] y CRball 0 x y.
  Proof with auto.
   rewrite <- gball_0.
   split; repeat intro...
   apply gball_weak_le with 0%Q...
   apply CRle_Qle...

  Lemma weak_le (r r': CR): r r' x y, CRball r x yCRball r' x y.
  Proof. intros ??? E ??. apply E. apply CRle_trans with r'; assumption. Qed.

  Lemma rational (r: Q) (x y: M): gball r x y CRball ('r) x y.
  Proof with auto.
   repeat intro.
   apply CRle_Qle in H0.
   apply gball_weak_le with r...

End contents.

Lemma as_distance_bound (r x y: CR): CRball r x y CRdistance x y r.
Proof with auto.
 unfold CRball.
 rewrite <- CRdistance_CRle.
 rewrite <- (@iff_under_forall Q
   (fun q: Q ⇒ (r 'q) → (x - ' q y) (y x + ' q))
   (fun q: Q ⇒ (r 'q) → gball q x y)).
  2: intros; rewrite in_CRgball; intuition.
 split; intros.
   apply CRplus_le_l with (r - y).
   CRring_replace (r - y + (x - r)) (x - y).
   CRring_replace (r - y + y) r.
   apply (proj1 (Qle_CRle_r _ _)).
   apply CRplus_le_l with (y - ' y').
   CRring_replace (y - 'y' + (x - y)) (x - 'y').
   CRring_replace (y - 'y' + 'y') y.
   now apply (H y').
  apply CRplus_le_r with (-x).
  CRring_replace (x + r - x) r.
  apply (proj1 (Qle_CRle_r _ _)). intros.
  apply CRplus_le_l with x.
  CRring_replace (x + (y - x)) y...
  apply H...
  apply CRle_trans with (x - r).
   apply CRplus_le_compat...
  apply H.
 apply CRle_trans with (x + r).
  apply H.
 apply CRplus_le_compat...
Lemma gball_CRabs (r : Q) (x y : CR) : gball r x y CRabs (x - y) ' r.
Proof. rewrite rational. apply as_distance_bound. Qed.

Lemma gball_CRmult_Q (e a : Q) (x y : CR) :
  gball e x ygball (Qabs a × e) ('a × x) ('a × y).
intro A. apply gball_CRabs.
setoid_replace ('a × x - 'a × y) with ('a × (x - y)) by ring.
rewrite CRabs_CRmult_Q, <- CRmult_Qmult.
assert (0 'Qabs a) by (apply CRle_Qle; auto).
apply (orders.order_preserving (CRmult (' Qabs a))).
now apply gball_CRabs.

Lemma gball_CRmult_Q_nonneg (e a : Q) (x y : CR) :
  (0 a)%Qgball e x ygball (a × e) ('a × x) ('a × y).
intros A1 A2. rewrite <- (Qabs_pos a) at 1; [apply gball_CRmult_Q |]; easy.

Module notations.

  Notation CRball := CRball.

End notations.