Currently I am a fifth(!!) year doctoral student in the Department of Computer Science, Cornell University. My advisor is Prof. John Hopcroft. My area of interest consists mainly of problems dealing with large networks. Other areas of interest are game theory, approximation algorithms. Sometime in distant past, I have worked on verification logic.


Some interesting course and other websites:

  1. Anupam Gupta's course on Metric Embeddings
  2. David Aldous's course in Berkeley
  3. DIMACS workshops.
  4. IMA workshop on large scale data analysis
  5. Computer and Maths articles in Science and articles on Science and society.

Courses done at Cornell:

Fall 2003

  1. Approximation Algorithms, Yuval Rabani
  2. auditing Probability, Greg Lawler

Spring 2003

  1. Network and Approximation Algorithms
  2. Advanced Databases

Fall 2002

  1. Topology
  2. sat through a great course Structure of Information Networks.

Spring 2002

  1. Game theory
  2. Compiler Design for High Performance Architectures

Fall 2001

  1. Network and Approximation Algorithms
  2. Randomized Algorithms

Spring 2001

  1. Advanced Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  2. Theory of Computing

Fall 2000

  1. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  2. Advanced Programming Languages