CS 665
Advanced Interactive Rendering
Cornell University Computer Science Department, Fall '06

Instructor: Kavita Bala


This course teaches fundamental principles and techniques for high-quality rendering. The course covers both the theory of rendering and practical rendering algorithms and techniques. The first half of the course covers rendering fundamentals including basic radiometry for rendering,  the rendering equation, and Monte Carlo rendering  and sampling. In the second half of the course we will study practical, state-of-art rendering techniques including scalable rendering algorithms, hierarchical acceleration structures,  interactive ray tracing on modern computer architectures including multicore processors and GPUs, and perceptually-based rendering. 

A prior graphics course is a pre-requisite. If you have not taken an introductory graphics course, you must get the permission of the instructor to register for CS 665.


  • Oct 23: Jeffrey Katzenberg, C.E.O. of  DreamWorks will be speaking  at 2 pm on Monday, October 30th.
  • Oct 17: Pixar job posting
  • Oct 14: HW 3 is out.
  • Oct 1: HW 2 is out.
  • Sept. 11: HW 1 is out.
  • Sept. 11:Software Developer Job Opportunity for May 2007 Grads!


  • COMS 665 Advanced Rendering  4 Cr.
    • Location: 207 Upson
    • Times: Tu,Th 10:10-11:25
    • Schedule
  • Instructor: Kavita Bala
    • Office: 5142 Upson
    • Office Hours:
      Wed 1:15-2:30
      Thu 11:30-12:00
  • Administrative Assistant: Kelly Patwell
    • Office: 4146 Upson

Text book

The required text book for this course is:

  • Advanced Global Illumination by Phil Dutre, Kavita Bala, and Philippe Bekaert ISBN: (1-56881-307-4)