Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

CS 4700 - Spring 2019

Haym Hirsh (Instructor)

Contact Information: For all main course correspondance, please email This email contacts both Prof. Hirsh and graduate TAs. It will facilitate better (and hopefully quicker!) communication between you and the staff. If your issue is something you prefer to discuss only with Prof. Hirsh, his email is found on his website.

Office Hours: office hours will be posted on the Course Calendar and may be updated week-to-week; check the calendar before you attend!

Schedule & Calendar

Quick Links


Schedule & Course Calendar

Please follow this link for the schedule, which outlines topics and provides links to lecture slides, readings, and homeworks as well as the course calendar.

The course calendar will be updated with relevant course information that is not lecture or assignment specific, as appropriate. The calendar will also show office hours; specific timing may change week to week, so please check the calendar before you go to office hours. Please only attend office hours for 4700, although the calendar is also shared with the practicum.



Your grade will be calculated from the following:

The +/- 3% noted in grading will be adjusted by up to 3% to maximize your overall grade. For example, if your homeworks were your lowest grade and your final your highest, your homework would count for 12% and the final 48%.

Regrade Requests

Regrade requests must be submitted within seven days of grades being released via Gradescope.

Technology Policy

The technology policy for this course can be found here.

Academic Integrity

From Cornell's code of academic integrity:

Absolute integrity is expected of every Cornell student in all academic undertakings. Integrity entails a firm adherence to a set of values, and the values most essential to an academic community are grounded on the concept of honesty with respect to the intellectual efforts of oneself and others. Academic integrity is expected not only in formal coursework situations, but in all University relationships and interactions connected to the educational process, including the use of University resources. ... A Cornell student's submission of work for academic credit indicates that the work is the student's own. All outside assistance should be acknowledged, and the student's academic position truthfully reported at all times. In addition, Cornell students have a right to expect academic integrity from each of their peers.


This course complies with the Cornell University policy and equal access laws to ensure that students with disabilities can still participate fully in this course. Requests for academic accommodations should be made during the first three weeks of the semester, except for unusual circumstances, so arrangements can be made as soon as possible. Please do this by scanning your documentation letter and emailing it to Students are encouraged to register with Student Disability Services, as we may require verification of eligibility to provide appropriate accommodations.

Respect in Class

Everyone, the instructor, TAs, and students, must be respectful of everyone else in this class. All communication, in class and online, will be held to a high standard for thoughtfulness and inclusiveness: it may never target individuals or groups for harassment, and it may not exclude specific groups. That includes everything from outright animosity to the subtle ways we phrase things and even our timing.

If any of the communication in this class doesn't meet these standards, please don't escalate it by responding in kind. Instead, contact the instructor as early as possible; if for whatever reason you don't feel comfortable discussing something directly with the instructor please contact your advising office or the department chair.

Website layout inspired by UCSD's Compiler Construction.