Cornell University Game Library
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
cugl Namespace Reference


class  AccelerationEvent
class  Accelerometer
class  Affine2
class  AnimationNode
class  Application
class  Asset
class  AssetManager
class  AudioEngine
class  BaseLoader
class  BinaryReader
class  BinaryWriter
class  BoxObstacle
class  Button
class  ButtonState
class  Camera
class  CapsuleObstacle
class  Color4
class  Color4f
class  ComplexObstacle
class  CubicSpline
class  CubicSplineApproximator
class  Display
class  Font
class  FontLoader
class  FreeList
class  Frustum
class  GenericLoader
class  GestureEvent
class  GestureInput
class  GreedyFreeList
class  Input
class  InputDevice
class  JsonLoader
class  JsonReader
class  JsonValue
class  JsonWriter
class  Keyboard
struct  KeyCodeHasher
class  KeyEvent
class  Label
class  Loader
class  Mat4
class  Mouse
class  MouseEvent
class  MouseWheelEvent
class  Music
class  MusicLoader
class  Node
class  Obstacle
class  ObstacleSelector
class  ObstacleWorld
class  OrthographicCamera
class  PanEvent
class  PanInput
class  PathExtruder
class  Pathname
class  PathNode
class  PathOutliner
class  PerspectiveCamera
class  PinchEvent
class  PinchInput
class  Plane
class  Poly2
class  PolygonNode
class  PolygonObstacle
class  Polynomial
class  ProgressBar
class  Quaternion
class  Ray
class  Rect
class  RotationEvent
class  RotationInput
class  Scene
struct  scheduable
class  Shader
class  SimpleObstacle
class  SimpleTriangulator
class  Size
class  Sound
class  SoundLoader
class  SpriteBatch
class  SpriteShader
class  TextInput
class  TextInputEvent
class  TextReader
class  Texture
class  TexturedNode
class  TextureLoader
class  TextWriter
class  ThreadPool
class  Timestamp
class  TouchEvent
class  Touchscreen
class  Vec2
class  Vec3
class  Vec4
class  Vertex2
class  Vertex3
class  WheelObstacle
class  WireNode


typedef std::function< void(const std::string &name, bool down)> ButtonListener
typedef std::function< void(const std::string &key, bool success)> LoaderCallback
typedef std::function< void(const AccelerationEvent &event, bool focus)> AccelerationListener
typedef std::function< void(const KeyEvent &event, bool focus)> KeyListener
typedef std::function< void(const MouseEvent &event, Uint8 clicks, bool focus)> MouseButtonListener
typedef std::function< void(const MouseEvent &event, const Vec2 &previous, bool focus)> MouseMotionListener
typedef std::function< void(const MouseWheelEvent &event, bool focus)> MouseWheelListener
typedef std::function< void(const TextInputEvent &event, bool focus)> TextInputListener
typedef std::function< bool(const std::string &value)> TextInputValidator
typedef Sint64 TouchID
typedef std::function< void(const TouchEvent &event, bool focus)> TouchListener
typedef std::function< void(const TouchEvent &event, const Vec2 &previous, bool focus)> TouchMotionListener
typedef std::function< void(const GestureEvent &event, bool focus)> GestureListener
typedef std::function< void(GestureState ostate, GestureState nstate)> GestureStateListener
typedef std::function< void(const PanEvent &event, bool focus)> PanListener
typedef std::function< void(const PinchEvent &event, bool focus)> PinchListener
typedef std::function< void(const RotationEvent &event, bool focus)> RotationListener
typedef Vec2 Point2
typedef Vec3 Point3


enum  KeyCode : int {
  KeyCode::NUM_0 = SDLK_0, KeyCode::NUM_1 = SDLK_1, KeyCode::NUM_2 = SDLK_2, KeyCode::NUM_3 = SDLK_3,
  KeyCode::NUM_4 = SDLK_4, KeyCode::NUM_5 = SDLK_5, KeyCode::NUM_6 = SDLK_6, KeyCode::NUM_7 = SDLK_7,
  KeyCode::NUM_8 = SDLK_8, KeyCode::NUM_9 = SDLK_9, KeyCode::A = SDLK_a, KeyCode::B = SDLK_b,
  KeyCode::C = SDLK_c, KeyCode::D = SDLK_d, KeyCode::E = SDLK_e, KeyCode::F = SDLK_f,
  KeyCode::G = SDLK_g, KeyCode::H = SDLK_h, KeyCode::I = SDLK_i, KeyCode::J = SDLK_j,
  KeyCode::K = SDLK_k, KeyCode::L = SDLK_l, KeyCode::M = SDLK_m, KeyCode::N = SDLK_n,
  KeyCode::O = SDLK_o, KeyCode::P = SDLK_p, KeyCode::Q = SDLK_q, KeyCode::R = SDLK_r,
  KeyCode::S = SDLK_s, KeyCode::T = SDLK_t, KeyCode::U = SDLK_u, KeyCode::V = SDLK_v,
  KeyCode::W = SDLK_w, KeyCode::X = SDLK_x, KeyCode::Y = SDLK_y, KeyCode::Z = SDLK_z,
  KeyCode::KEYPAD_2 = SDLK_KP_2, KeyCode::KEYPAD_3 = SDLK_KP_3, KeyCode::KEYPAD_4 = SDLK_KP_4, KeyCode::KEYPAD_5 = SDLK_KP_5,
  KeyCode::KEYPAD_6 = SDLK_KP_6, KeyCode::KEYPAD_7 = SDLK_KP_7, KeyCode::KEYPAD_8 = SDLK_KP_8, KeyCode::KEYPAD_9 = SDLK_KP_9,
enum  KeyCategory {
  KeyCategory::NUMBER, KeyCategory::LETTER, KeyCategory::ARROW, KeyCategory::PUNCTUATION,
  KeyCategory::SPECIAL, KeyCategory::MODIFIER, KeyCategory::KEYPAD, KeyCategory::UNKNOWN
enum  GestureState : int {
  GestureState::UNDEFINED = 0, GestureState::MATCHING = 1, GestureState::PAUSED = 2, GestureState::RECORDING = 3,
  GestureState::ABORTING = 4, GestureState::LOADING = 5, GestureState::STORING = 6
enum  PathJoint : int { PathJoint::NONE = 0, PathJoint::MITRE = 1, PathJoint::BEVEL = 2, PathJoint::ROUND = 3 }
enum  PathCap : int { PathCap::NONE = 0, PathCap::SQUARE = 1, PathCap::ROUND = 2 }
enum  PathTraversal : int { PathTraversal::NONE = 0, PathTraversal::OPEN = 1, PathTraversal::CLOSED = 2, PathTraversal::INTERIOR = 3 }


int operator* (Font::Style value)
Font::Style operator| (Font::Style lhs, Font::Style rhs)
Font::Style operator& (Font::Style lhs, Font::Style rhs)
Font::Style operator^ (Font::Style lhs, Font::Style rhs)
Font::Style operator~ (Font::Style lhs)
SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint16 marshall (Sint16 value)
SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint16 marshall (Uint16 value)
SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint32 marshall (Sint32 value)
SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint32 marshall (Uint32 value)
SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint64 marshall (Sint64 value)
SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint64 marshall (Uint64 value)
SDL_FORCE_INLINE float marshall (float value)
SDL_FORCE_INLINE double marshall (double value)
Vec2operator*= (Vec2 &v, const Affine2 &m)
const Vec2 operator* (const Vec2 &v, const Affine2 &m)
const Affine2 operator* (float scalar, const Affine2 &m)
const Color4f operator* (float s, const Color4f &c)
const Color4 operator* (float s, Color4 c)
Vec2operator*= (Vec2 &v, const Mat4 &m)
const Vec2 operator* (const Vec2 &v, const Mat4 &m)
Vec3operator*= (Vec3 &v, const Mat4 &m)
const Vec3 operator* (const Vec3 &v, const Mat4 &m)
Vec4operator*= (Vec4 &v, const Mat4 &m)
const Vec4 operator* (const Vec4 &v, const Mat4 &m)
const Mat4 operator* (float scalar, const Mat4 &m)
Vec3operator*= (Vec3 &v, const Quaternion &quat)
const Vec3 operator* (const Vec3 &v, const Quaternion &quat)
const Quaternion operator* (float s, const Quaternion &quat)
const Vec2 operator* (float x, const Vec2 &v)
const Vec3 operator* (float x, const Vec3 &v)
const Vec4 operator* (float x, const Vec4 &v)
std::string to_string (Uint8 value)
std::string to_string (Sint16 value)
std::string to_string (Uint16 value)
std::string to_string (Sint32 value)
std::string to_string (Uint32 value)
std::string to_string (Sint64 value)
std::string to_string (Uint64 value)
std::string to_string (float value)
std::string to_string (double value)
std::string to_string (Uint8 *array, size_t length, size_t offset=0)
std::string to_string (Sint16 *array, size_t length, size_t offset=0)
std::string to_string (Uint16 *array, size_t length, size_t offset=0)
std::string to_string (Sint32 *array, size_t length, size_t offset=0)
std::string to_string (Uint32 *array, size_t length, size_t offset=0)
std::string to_string (Sint64 *array, size_t length, size_t offset=0)
std::string to_string (Uint64 *array, size_t length, size_t offset=0)
std::string to_string (float *array, size_t length, size_t offset=0)
std::string to_string (double *array, size_t length, size_t offset=0)
Uint8 stou8 (const std::string &str, std::size_t *pos=0, int base=10)
Sint16 stos16 (const std::string &str, std::size_t *pos=0, int base=10)
Uint16 stou16 (const std::string &str, std::size_t *pos=0, int base=10)
Sint32 stos32 (const std::string &str, std::size_t *pos=0, int base=10)
Uint32 stou32 (const std::string &str, std::size_t *pos=0, int base=10)
Sint64 stos64 (const std::string &str, std::size_t *pos=0, int base=10)
Uint64 stou64 (const std::string &str, std::size_t *pos=0, int base=10)
float stof (const std::string &str, std::size_t *pos=0)
double stod (const std::string &str, std::size_t *pos=0)

Detailed Description

Comment this out to use SDL sound on Mac/iOS (not recommended)

Typedef Documentation

This type represents a listener for the Accelerometer class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

An event is delivered whenever the accleration delta (the difference between the current and previous value) exceeds the device threshold. See the method Accelerometer#getThreshold() for more information.

Listeners are guaranteed to be called at the start of an animation frame, before the method Application#update(float).

While accleration listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the Acclerometer device.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const std::string& value, Timestamp stamp, bool focus)>
eventThe acceleration event
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

This type represents a listener for state change in the Button class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. For simplicity, Button nodes only support a single listener. If you wish for more than one listener, then your listener should handle its own dispatch.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const std::string& name, bool down)>
nameThe button name
clicksWhether the button is now down

This type represents a listener for a gesture in the GestureInput class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

While gesture listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the GestureInput device.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const GestureEvent& event, bool focus)>
eventThe touch event for this gesture event
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

This type represents a listener for a state change in the GestureInput class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

This type of listener responds to changes in the input device state. This is necessary because the GestureInput class cycles between many states and the state changes (such as from recording back to input matching) are asynchronous. As with all listeners, these functions guaranteed to be called at the start of an animation frame, before the method Application#update(float).

While state listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the GestureInput device.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(GestureInput::State ostate, GestureInput::State nstate)>
ostateThe old input state
nstateThe new input state

This type represents a listener for the Keyboard class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

A Keyboard is designed to send input to a focused object (e.g. a text field or other UI widget). While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the Keyboard.

Listeners are guaranteed to be called at the start of an animation frame, before the method Application#update(float).

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const KeyEvent& event, bool focus)>
codeThe code for this key
stampThe timestamp for this event
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

This type represents a callback for asynchronous asset loading

This callback is associated with an asset at the time of the asychronous load request. When the asset either loads, or fails to load, this callback is called with the asset status.

In the case of JSON asset directories, a single callback may be associated with several assets. In that case, the callback funtion is called each time that an asset loads or fails to load. If an entire node in the asset directory fails to load, the callback function will be notified using the key for that JSON node.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const std::string& key, bool success)>
keyThe key to associate with the asset (or asset category)
successWhether the asset was successfully loaded

This type represents a listener for button presses/releases in the Mouse class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

This type of listener only responds to button presses and releases, not mouse movement. Listeners are guaranteed to be called at the start of an animation frame, before the method Application#update(float).

The listener does not receive any information indicating whether the event is a press or a release. That is handled when the listener is registered. On the other hand, the listener will get a counter if the press/release is a sequence of rapid clicks. This is a way of detecting double or even triple clicks. The click counter will continue to increment as long as there is a click every .5 seconds.

While mouse listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the Mouse device.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const MouseEvent& event, Uint8 clicks, bool focus)>
eventThe mouse event for this press/release
clicksThe number of recent clicks, including this one
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

This type represents a listener for movement in the Mouse class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

This type of listener only responds to mouse movement, not button presses or releases. Listeners are guaranteed to be called at the start of an animation frame, before the method Application#update(float).

In addition the the mouse event, the listener will provide the previously registered mouse location. This will allow you to determin the relative mouse movement.

While mouse listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the Mouse device.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const MouseEvent& event, const Vec2& previous, bool focus)>
eventThe mouse event for this movement
previousThe previous position of the mouse
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

This type represents a listener for the mouse wheel in the Mouse class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

This type of listener only responds to the wheel mouse, not any other buttons or mouse movement. Listeners are guaranteed to be called at the start of an animation frame, before the method Application#update(float).

While mouse listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the Mouse device.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const MouseWheelEvent& event, bool focus)>
eventThe mouse event for this wheel motion
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

This type represents a listener for a pan in the PanInput class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

While pan listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the PanInput device.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const PanEvent& event, bool focus)>
eventThe touch event for this pan event
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

This type represents a listener for a pinch/zoom in the PinchInput class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

While pinch listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the PinchInput device.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const PinchEvent& event, bool focus)>
eventThe touch event for this pinch/zoom
focusWhether the listener currently has focus
typedef Vec2 cugl::Point2

Provide an alternative name for Vec2

typedef Vec3 cugl::Point3

Provide an alternative name for Vec3

This type represents a listener for a rotation in the RotationInput class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

While rotation listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the RotationInput device.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const RotationInput& event, bool focus)>
eventThe touch event for this pinch/zoom
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

This type represents a listener for the TextInput class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

A TextInput is designed to send input to a focused object (e.g. a text field or other UI widget). While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the TextInput.

This listener is called whenever text is appends to the buffer. Listeners are guaranteed to be called at the start of an animation frame, before the method Application#update(float).

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const TextInputEvent& event, bool focus)>
eventThe input event for this append to the buffer
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

This type represents a listener for validating text input. A validator checks whether intermediate input should be appended to the buffer. There may only be one validator at a time.

This function type is equivalent to

 std::function<bool(const std::string& value)>
valueThe character or string to append to the buffer
true if the value should be appended to the buffer
typedef Sint64 cugl::TouchID

This is the type representing a finger or touch

This type represents a listener for a press/release in the Touchscreen class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

This type of listener only responds to button presses and releases, not touch movement. Listeners are guaranteed to be called at the start of an animation frame, before the method Application#update(float).

The listener does not receive any information indicating whether the event is a press or a release. That is handled when the listener is registered.

While touch listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the Touchscreen device.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const TouchEvent& event, bool focus)>
eventThe touch event for this press/release
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

This type represents a listener for movement in the Touchscreen class.

In CUGL, listeners are implemented as a set of callback functions, not as objects. This allows each listener to implement as much or as little functionality as it wants. A listener is identified by a key which should be a globally unique unsigned int.

This type of listener only responds to touch movement, not presses or releases. Listeners are guaranteed to be called at the start of an animation frame, before the method Application#update(float).

In addition the the touch event, the listener will provide the previously registered touch location. This will allow you to determin the relative touch movement.

While touch listeners do not traditionally require focus like a keyboard does, we have included that functionality. While only one listener can have focus at a time, all listeners will receive input from the Touchscreen device.

The function type is equivalent to

 std::function<void(const TouchEvent& event, const Vec2& previous, bool focus)>
eventThe touch event for this movement
previousThe previous position of the touch
focusWhether the listener currently has focus

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum cugl::GestureState : int

This enum represents the current state of the gesture input device

Unlike most other input devices, this device can be in several different states as it cycles between recording and template matching. Gesture events will only be generated during the MATCHING state


The input device is uninitialized.

This is the state of the input device if there is no attached touch device for receiving gestures. Because of an unusual design decision in SDL, some touch devices are not recognized until the user touches for the first time. Hence it is possible that the input device may change from this state to another state.


The input device is matching gestures to templates.

This is the default state of the device. When it this state, the device is actively matching against any defined dollar templates.


The input device is paused.

In this state, the input device is not matching against any dollar templates. The templates are not erased (as in the case when the device is deactivated), but the matching overhead is not incurred.


The input device is recording a gesture.

In this state, the input device will record the next gesture on the device. This gesture will start from the next finger down and last until the finger is removed. Adding any fingers will stop the recording as well.


The input device is aborting a recorded gesture.

If you abort a recorded gesture, you must wait until the recording is complete. This state will wait until it is complete and perform any necessary clean-up.


The input device is loading gestures from a file.

The input device will block until the file is fully loading.


The input device is storing gestures to a file.

The input device will block until the file has been written.

enum cugl::KeyCategory

This enum represents the category of the key

Categories are used to group key codes in rough groups


This key code is a number 0 to 9


This key code is letter in the roman alphabet


This key code is an arrow key


This key code is a punctuation (or space) marker


This key code is a special character, including return or enter


This key code is a modier like shift or control


This key code is a character from the keypad


This key code is not supported by CUGL

enum cugl::KeyCode : int

This is enum represents a key on a keyboard.

The keys available are subset of the full range of available keys. Because of our goal of cross-platform support, we only support keys that are found on most common keyboards.

The Input dispatcher will convert from an SDL keycode this enum. That means it is possible to receive a KeyCode that is not present in the enum. Any switch statement for this enum should have a default value.


The 0 key


The 1 key


The 2 key


The 3 key


The 4 key


The 5 key


The 6 key


The 7 key


The 8 key


The 9 key

The A key

The B key

The C key

The D key

The E key

The F key

The G key

The H key

The I key

The J key

The K key

The L key

The M key

The N key

The O key

The P key

The Q key

The R key

The S key

The T key

The U key

The V key

The W key

The X key

The Y key

The Z key


The down arrow key


The Left arrow key


The right arrow key


The up arrow key


The ' (apostrophe) key


The \ (backslash) key


The , (comma) key


The = (equals) key


The ` (grave accent) key


The [ (left bracket) ley


The - (minus) key


The . (period) key


The ] (right bracket) key


The ; (semicolon) key


The / (slash) key


The backspace key


The spacebar


The tab key


The Delete key


The End key


The Esc key


The Home key


The Help key


The PageDown key


The PageUp key


The Pause/Break key


The Return key


The Enter key


The Caps Lock key


The left Alt/Option key


The left Ctrl key


The left Shift key


The left Windows/Apple/Meta key


The right Alt/Option key


The right Ctrl key


The right Shift key


The right Windows/Apple/Meta key


The Numlock/Clear key


Tthe 0 key (numeric keypad)


The 1 key (numeric keypad)


The 2 key (numeric keypad)


The 3 key (numeric keypad)


The 4 key (numeric keypad)


The 5 key (numeric keypad)


The 6 key (numeric keypad)


The 7 key (numeric keypad)


The 8 key (numeric keypad)


The 9 key (numeric keypad)


The Clear key (numeric keypad)


The = [equals] key (numeric keypad)


The / [divide] key (numeric keypad)


The * [multiply] key (numeric keypad)


The - [minus] key (numeric keypad)


The + [plus] key (numeric keypad)


The Enter key (numeric keypad)


We have no idea what this key is

enum cugl::PathCap : int

The types of caps supported in an extrusion.

A cap is the rule for how to end an extruded line segment that has no neighbor on that end. If there is no cap, the path terminates at the end vertices.

This enumeration is used by both PathExtruder and PathNode.


No end cap; the path terminates at the end vertices


Square cap; like no cap, except the ends are padded by stroke width


Round cap; the ends are half circles whose radius is the stroke width

enum cugl::PathJoint : int

The types of joints supported in an extrusion.

A joint is the rule for how to connect two extruded line segments. If there is not joint, the path will look like a sequence of overlapping rectangles.

This enumeration is used by both PathExtruder and PathNode.


No joint; the path will look like a sequence of links


Mitre joint; ideal for paths with sharp corners


Bevel joint; ideal for smoother paths


Round joint; used to smooth out paths with sharp corners

enum cugl::PathTraversal : int

This enum lists the types of path traversal that are supported.

This enumeration is used by both PathOutliner and WireNode.


No traversal; the index list will be empty.


Traverse the border, but do not close the ends.


Traverse the border, and close the ends.


Traverse the individual triangles in the standard tesselation.

Function Documentation

SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint16 cugl::marshall ( Sint16  value)

Returns the given value encoded in network order

On a big-endian system, this function has no effect. On a little-endian system, it swaps the bytes to put them in big-endian order.

This function is idempotent. To decode an encoded value, call this function on the value again.

valueThe value to encode
the given value encoded in network order
SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint16 cugl::marshall ( Uint16  value)

Returns the given value encoded in network order

On a big-endian system, this function has no effect. On a little-endian system, it swaps the bytes to put them in big-endian order.

This function is idempotent. To decode an encoded value, call this function on the value again.

valueThe value to encode
the given value encoded in network order
SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint32 cugl::marshall ( Sint32  value)

Returns the given value encoded in network order

On a big-endian system, this function has no effect. On a little-endian system, it swaps the bytes to put them in big-endian order.

This function is idempotent. To decode an encoded value, call this function on the value again.

valueThe value to encode
the given value encoded in network order
SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint32 cugl::marshall ( Uint32  value)

Returns the given value encoded in network order

On a big-endian system, this function has no effect. On a little-endian system, it swaps the bytes to put them in big-endian order.

This function is idempotent. To decode an encoded value, call this function on the value again.

valueThe value to encode
the given value encoded in network order
SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint64 cugl::marshall ( Sint64  value)

Returns the given value encoded in network order

On a big-endian system, this function has no effect. On a little-endian system, it swaps the bytes to put them in big-endian order.

This function is idempotent. To decode an encoded value, call this function on the value again.

valueThe value to encode
the given value encoded in network order
SDL_FORCE_INLINE Uint64 cugl::marshall ( Uint64  value)

Returns the given value encoded in network order

On a big-endian system, this function has no effect. On a little-endian system, it swaps the bytes to put them in big-endian order.

This function is idempotent. To decode an encoded value, call this function on the value again.

valueThe value to encode
the given value encoded in network order
SDL_FORCE_INLINE float cugl::marshall ( float  value)

Returns the given value encoded in network order

On a big-endian system, this function has no effect. On a little-endian system, it swaps the bytes to put them in big-endian order.

This function is idempotent. To decode an encoded value, call this function on the value again.

valueThe value to encode
the given value encoded in network order
SDL_FORCE_INLINE double cugl::marshall ( double  value)

Returns the given value encoded in network order

On a big-endian system, this function has no effect. On a little-endian system, it swaps the bytes to put them in big-endian order.

This function is idempotent. To decode an encoded value, call this function on the value again.

valueThe value to encode
the given value encoded in network order
Font::Style cugl::operator& ( Font::Style  lhs,
Font::Style  rhs 

Returns the bitwise and of two font styles.

the bitwise and of two font styles.
const Vec2 cugl::operator* ( const Vec2 v,
const Affine2 m 

Returns a copy of the vector after it is transformed.

vThe point to transform.
mThe transform to apply.
a copy of the vector after it is transformed.
const Affine2 cugl::operator* ( float  scalar,
const Affine2 m 

Multiplies the components of the given matrix by the specified scalar.

The scalar is applied to BOTH the core matrix and the offset.

scalarThe scalar value.
mThe transform to scale.
a copy of the scaled transform
const Vec3 cugl::operator* ( const Vec3 v,
const Quaternion quat 

Returns a copy of the vector rotated by the quaternion.

The rotation is defined by the matrix associated with the vector. As per the convention for Mat4, we only allow vectors to be multiplied on the right by quaternions.

vThe vector to rotate.
quatThe rotation quaternion.
a copy of the vector rotated by the quaternion.
const Quaternion cugl::operator* ( float  s,
const Quaternion quat 

Returns the scalar product of the quaternion with the given value.

sThe value to scale by.
quatThe quaternion to scale.
The scalar product of this quaternion with the given value.
const Vec3 cugl::operator* ( float  x,
const Vec3 v 

Returns the scalar product of the given vector with the given value.

xThe value to scale by.
vThe vector to scale.
The scaled vector.
int cugl::operator* ( Font::Style  value)

Returns the int equivalent of a font style.

the int equivalent of a font style.
const Vec4 cugl::operator* ( float  x,
const Vec4 v 

Returns the scalar product of the given vector with the given value.

xThe value to scale by.
vThe vector to scale.
The scaled vector.
const Vec2 cugl::operator* ( float  x,
const Vec2 v 

Returns the scalar product of the given vector with the given value.

xThe value to scale by.
vThe vector to scale.
The scaled vector.
const Vec2 cugl::operator* ( const Vec2 v,
const Mat4 m 

Returns a copy of the vector transformed by the given matrix.

The vector is treated as a point, which means that translation is applied to the result.

vThe point to transform.
mThe matrix to transform by.
a copy of the vector transformed by the given matrix.
const Vec3 cugl::operator* ( const Vec3 v,
const Mat4 m 

Returns a copy of the vector transformed by the given matrix.

The vector is treated as a point, which means that translation is applied to the result.

vThe point to transform.
mThe matrix to transform by.
a copy of the vector transformed by the given matrix.
const Vec4 cugl::operator* ( const Vec4 v,
const Mat4 m 

Returns a copy of the vector transformed by the given matrix.

The vector is treated as is. Hence whether or not translation is applied depends on the value of w.

vThe point to transform.
mThe matrix to transform by.
a copy of the vector transformed by the given matrix.
const Mat4 cugl::operator* ( float  scalar,
const Mat4 m 

Multiplies the components of the given matrix by the specified scalar.

scalarThe scalar value.
mThe matrix to transform by.
a copy of the scaled matrix
const Color4f cugl::operator* ( float  s,
const Color4f c 

Returns the scalar product of the given color with the given value.

The scaling is clamped so that this remains a valid color.

This version of scaling always multiplies the alpha values.

sThe value to scale by.
cThe color to scale.
The scaled color.
const Color4 cugl::operator* ( float  s,
Color4  c 

Returns the scalar product of the given color with the given value.

The scaling is clamped so that this remains a valid color.

This version of scaling always multiplies the alpha values.

sThe value to scale by.
cThe color to scale.
The scaled color.
Vec2& cugl::operator*= ( Vec2 v,
const Affine2 m 

Transforms the given point in place.

vThe point to transform.
mThe transform to apply.
this point, after the transformation occurs.
Vec3& cugl::operator*= ( Vec3 v,
const Quaternion quat 

Rotates the vector in place by the quaternion.

The rotation is defined by the matrix associated with the vector. As per the convention for Mat4, we only allow vectors to be multiplied on the right by quaternions.

vThe vector to rotate.
quatThe rotation quaternion.
a reference to the vector, after rotation.
Vec2& cugl::operator*= ( Vec2 v,
const Mat4 m 

Transforms the given point by the given matrix.

The vector is treated as a point, which means that translation is applied to the result.

vThe point to transform.
mThe matrix to transform by.
this point, after the transformation occurs.
Vec3& cugl::operator*= ( Vec3 v,
const Mat4 m 

Transforms the given point by the given matrix.

The vector is treated as a point, which means that translation is applied to the result.

vThe point to transform.
mThe matrix to transform by.
this point, after the transformation occurs.
Vec4& cugl::operator*= ( Vec4 v,
const Mat4 m 

Transforms the given point by the given matrix.

The vector is treated as is. Hence whether or not translation is applied depends on the value of w.

vThe point to transform.
mThe matrix to transform by.
this point, after the transformation occurs.
Font::Style cugl::operator^ ( Font::Style  lhs,
Font::Style  rhs 

Returns the bitwise exclusive or of two font styles.

the bitwise exclusive or of two font styles.
Font::Style cugl::operator| ( Font::Style  lhs,
Font::Style  rhs 

Returns the bitwise or of two font styles.

the bitwise or of two font styles.
Font::Style cugl::operator~ ( Font::Style  lhs)

Returns the bitwise complement of a font style.

the bitwise complement of a font style.
double cugl::stod ( const std::string &  str,
std::size_t *  pos = 0 

Returns the double equivalent to the given string

This function discards any whitespace characters (as determined by std::isspace()) until first non-whitespace character is found. Then it takes as many characters as possible to form a valid floating point representation and converts them to a floating point value.

strthe string to convert
posaddress of an integer to store the number of characters processed
the double equivalent to the given string
float cugl::stof ( const std::string &  str,
std::size_t *  pos = 0 

Returns the float equivalent to the given string

This function discards any whitespace characters (as determined by std::isspace()) until first non-whitespace character is found. Then it takes as many characters as possible to form a valid floating point representation and converts them to a floating point value.

strthe string to convert
posaddress of an integer to store the number of characters processed
the float equivalent to the given string
Sint16 cugl::stos16 ( const std::string &  str,
std::size_t *  pos = 0,
int  base = 10 

Returns the signed 16 bit integer equivalent to the given string

This function discards any whitespace characters (as identified by calling isspace()) until the first non-whitespace character is found, then takes as many characters as possible to form a valid base-n (where n=base) integer number representation and converts them to a long value.

strthe string to convert
posaddress of an integer to store the number of characters processed
basethe number base
the signed 16 bit integer equivalent to the given string
Sint32 cugl::stos32 ( const std::string &  str,
std::size_t *  pos = 0,
int  base = 10 

Returns the signed 32 bit integer equivalent to the given string

This function discards any whitespace characters (as identified by calling isspace()) until the first non-whitespace character is found, then takes as many characters as possible to form a valid base-n (where n=base) integer number representation and converts them to a long value.

strthe string to convert
posaddress of an integer to store the number of characters processed
basethe number base
the signed 32 bit integer equivalent to the given string
Sint64 cugl::stos64 ( const std::string &  str,
std::size_t *  pos = 0,
int  base = 10 

Returns the signed 64 bit integer equivalent to the given string

This function discards any whitespace characters (as identified by calling isspace()) until the first non-whitespace character is found, then takes as many characters as possible to form a valid base-n (where n=base) integer number representation and converts them to a long value.

strthe string to convert
posaddress of an integer to store the number of characters processed
basethe number base
the signed 64 bit integer equivalent to the given string
Uint16 cugl::stou16 ( const std::string &  str,
std::size_t *  pos = 0,
int  base = 10 

Returns the unsigned 16 bit integer equivalent to the given string

This function discards any whitespace characters (as identified by calling isspace()) until the first non-whitespace character is found, then takes as many characters as possible to form a valid base-n (where n=base) integer number representation and converts them to a long value.

strthe string to convert
posaddress of an integer to store the number of characters processed
basethe number base
the unsigned 16 bit integer equivalent to the given string
Uint32 cugl::stou32 ( const std::string &  str,
std::size_t *  pos = 0,
int  base = 10 

Returns the unsigned 32 bit integer equivalent to the given string

This function discards any whitespace characters (as identified by calling isspace()) until the first non-whitespace character is found, then takes as many characters as possible to form a valid base-n (where n=base) integer number representation and converts them to a long value.

strthe string to convert
posaddress of an integer to store the number of characters processed
basethe number base
the unsigned 32 bit integer equivalent to the given string
Uint64 cugl::stou64 ( const std::string &  str,
std::size_t *  pos = 0,
int  base = 10 

Returns the unsigned 64 bit integer equivalent to the given string

This function discards any whitespace characters (as identified by calling isspace()) until the first non-whitespace character is found, then takes as many characters as possible to form a valid base-n (where n=base) integer number representation and converts them to a long value.

strthe string to convert
posaddress of an integer to store the number of characters processed
basethe number base
the unsigned 64 bit integer equivalent to the given string
Uint8 cugl::stou8 ( const std::string &  str,
std::size_t *  pos = 0,
int  base = 10 

Returns the byte equivalent to the given string

This function discards any whitespace characters (as identified by calling isspace()) until the first non-whitespace character is found, then takes as many characters as possible to form a valid base-n (where n=base) integer number representation and converts them to an integer value.

strthe string to convert
posaddress of an integer to store the number of characters processed
basethe number base
the byte equivalent to the given string
std::string cugl::to_string ( Uint8  value)

Returns a string equivalent to the given byte

The value is displayed as a number, not a character.

valuethe numeric value to convert
a string equivalent to the given byte
std::string cugl::to_string ( Sint16  value)

Returns a string equivalent to the given signed 16 bit integer

valuethe numeric value to convert
a string equivalent to the given signed 16 bit integer
std::string cugl::to_string ( Uint16  value)

Returns a string equivalent to the given unsigned 16 bit integer

valuethe numeric value to convert
a string equivalent to the given unsigned 16 bit integer
std::string cugl::to_string ( Sint32  value)

Returns a string equivalent to the given signed 32 bit integer

valuethe numeric value to convert
a string equivalent to the given signed 32 bit integer
std::string cugl::to_string ( Uint32  value)

Returns a string equivalent to the given unsigned 32 bit integer

valuethe numeric value to convert
a string equivalent to the given unsigned 32 bit integer
std::string cugl::to_string ( Sint64  value)

Returns a string equivalent to the given signed 64 bit integer

valuethe numeric value to convert
a string equivalent to the given signed 64 bit integer
std::string cugl::to_string ( Uint64  value)

Returns a string equivalent to the given unsigned 64 bit integer

valuethe numeric value to convert
a string equivalent to the given unsigned 64 bit integer
std::string cugl::to_string ( float  value)

Returns a string equivalent to the given float value

The precision is the same as std::to_string(float).

valuethe numeric value to convert
a string equivalent to the given float value
std::string cugl::to_string ( double  value)

Returns a string equivalent to the given double value

The precision is the same as std::to_string(double).

valuethe numeric value to convert
a string equivalent to the given double value
std::string cugl::to_string ( Uint8 *  array,
size_t  length,
size_t  offset = 0 

Returns a string equivalent to the given byte array

The value is display as a python-style list in brackets.

arraythe array to convert
lengththe array length
offsetthe starting position in the array
a string equivalent to the given byte array
std::string cugl::to_string ( Sint16 *  array,
size_t  length,
size_t  offset = 0 

Returns a string equivalent to the signed 16 bit integer array

The value is display as a python-style list in brackets.

arraythe array to convert
lengththe array length
offsetthe starting position in the array
a string equivalent to the signed 16 bit integer array
std::string cugl::to_string ( Uint16 *  array,
size_t  length,
size_t  offset = 0 

Returns a string equivalent to the unsigned 16 bit integer array

The value is display as a python-style list in brackets.

arraythe array to convert
lengththe array length
offsetthe starting position in the array
a string equivalent to the unsigned 16 bit integer array
std::string cugl::to_string ( Sint32 *  array,
size_t  length,
size_t  offset = 0 

Returns a string equivalent to the signed 32 bit integer array

The value is display as a python-style list in brackets.

arraythe array to convert
lengththe array length
offsetthe starting position in the array
a string equivalent to the signed 32 bit integer array
std::string cugl::to_string ( Uint32 *  array,
size_t  length,
size_t  offset = 0 

Returns a string equivalent to the unsigned 32 bit integer array

The value is display as a python-style list in brackets.

arraythe array to convert
lengththe array length
offsetthe starting position in the array
a string equivalent to the unsigned 32 bit integer array
std::string cugl::to_string ( Sint64 *  array,
size_t  length,
size_t  offset = 0 

Returns a string equivalent to the signed 64 bit integer array

The value is display as a python-style list in brackets.

arraythe array to convert
lengththe array length
offsetthe starting position in the array
a string equivalent to the signed 64 bit integer array
std::string cugl::to_string ( Uint64 *  array,
size_t  length,
size_t  offset = 0 

Returns a string equivalent to the unsigned 64 bit integer array

The value is display as a python-style list in brackets.

arraythe array to convert
lengththe array length
offsetthe starting position in the array
a string equivalent to the unsigned 64 bit integer array
std::string cugl::to_string ( float *  array,
size_t  length,
size_t  offset = 0 

Returns a string equivalent to the given float array

The value is display as a python-style list in brackets.

arraythe array to convert
lengththe array length
offsetthe starting position in the array
a string equivalent to the given float array
std::string cugl::to_string ( double *  array,
size_t  length,
size_t  offset = 0 

Returns a string equivalent to the given double array

The value is display as a python-style list in brackets.

arraythe array to convert
lengththe array length
offsetthe starting position in the array
a string equivalent to the given double array