Cornell University Game Library
cugl::Plane Member List

This is the complete list of members for cugl::Plane, including all inherited members.

contains(const Vec3 &point, float variance=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const cugl::Planeinline
distance(const Vec3 &point) const cugl::Planeinline
equals(const Plane &p, float variance=CU_MATH_EPSILON) const cugl::Planeinline
getIntersection(const Ray &ray) const cugl::Planeinline
intersection(const Plane &plane, const Ray &ray)cugl::Planestatic
isFrontFacing(const Vec3 &direction) const cugl::Planeinline
multiply(const Plane &plane, const Mat4 &mat, Plane *dst)cugl::Planestatic
multiply(const Mat4 &mat)cugl::Planeinline
operator std::string() const cugl::Planeinline
operator!=(const Plane &p) const cugl::Planeinline
operator*(const Mat4 &mat) const cugl::Planeinline
operator*=(const Mat4 &mat)cugl::Planeinline
operator=(const Plane &plane)cugl::Planeinline
operator=(const Vec3 &normal)cugl::Planeinline
operator==(const Plane &p) const cugl::Planeinline
Plane(const Vec3 &normal, float dist=0)cugl::Planeinline
Plane(const Vec3 &normal, const Vec3 &point)cugl::Planeinline
Plane(const Vec3 &point1, const Vec3 &point2, const Vec3 &point3)cugl::Planeinline
Plane(float a, float b, float c, float d)cugl::Planeinline
Plane(const Plane &plane)cugl::Planeinline
set(const Vec3 &normal, float dist=0)cugl::Plane
set(const Vec3 &normal, const Vec3 &point)cugl::Plane
set(const Vec3 &point1, const Vec3 &point2, const Vec3 &point3)cugl::Plane
set(float a, float b, float c, float d)cugl::Plane
set(const Plane &plane)cugl::Planeinline
Side enum namecugl::Plane
sideOf(const Vec3 &point) const cugl::Planeinline
sideOf(float x, float y, float z) const cugl::Planeinline
toString(bool verbose=false) const cugl::Plane