Cornell University Game Library
cugl::Font Member List

This is the complete list of members for cugl::Font, including all inherited members.

alloc(const std::string &file, int size)cugl::Fontinlinestatic
alloc(const char *file, int size)cugl::Fontinlinestatic
allocSurface(int width, int height)cugl::Fontprotected
buildAtlas(const std::string &charset)cugl::Fontinline
buildAtlas(const char *charset)cugl::Fontinline
buildAtlasAsync(const std::string &charset)cugl::Font
buildAtlasAsync(const char *charset)cugl::Fontinline
computeAtlasSize(int *width, int *height)cugl::Fontprotected
computeKerning(Uint32 a, Uint32 b) const cugl::Fontprotected
computeMetrics(Uint32 thechar) const cugl::Fontprotected
generateSurface(int width, int height)cugl::Fontprotected
getAscent() const cugl::Fontinline
getAtlasQuad(Uint32 thechar, Vec2 &offset, const Rect &rect, std::vector< Vertex2 > &vertices)cugl::Fontprotected
getAtlasQuads(const std::string &text, const Vec2 &origin, const Rect &rect, std::vector< Vertex2 > &vertices, bool utf8)cugl::Fontprotected
getDescent() const cugl::Fontinline
getHeight() const cugl::Fontinline
getHinting() const cugl::Fontinline
getInternalBounds(const std::string &text, bool utf8=true) const cugl::Font
getInternalBounds(const char *text, bool utf8=true) const cugl::Fontinline
getInternalBoundsASCII(const std::string &text) const cugl::Fontprotected
getInternalBoundsUTF8(const std::string &text) const cugl::Fontprotected
getKerning(char a, char b) const cugl::Fontinline
getKerning(Uint32 a, Uint32 b) const cugl::Font
getLineSkip() const cugl::Fontinline
getMetrics(char thechar) const cugl::Fontinline
getMetrics(Uint32 thechar) const cugl::Font
getName() const cugl::Fontinline
getQuad(Uint32 thechar, Vec2 &offset, std::vector< Vertex2 > &vertices)cugl::Font
getQuad(Uint32 thechar, Vec2 &offset, const Rect &rect, std::vector< Vertex2 > &vertices)cugl::Font
getQuads(const std::string &text, const Vec2 &origin, std::vector< Vertex2 > &vertices, bool utf8=true)cugl::Font
getQuads(const char *text, const Vec2 &origin, std::vector< Vertex2 > &vertices, bool utf8=true)cugl::Fontinline
getQuads(const std::string &text, const Vec2 &origin, const Rect &rect, std::vector< Vertex2 > &vertices, bool utf8=true)cugl::Font
getQuads(const char *text, const Vec2 &origin, const Rect &rect, std::vector< Vertex2 > &vertices, bool utf8=true)cugl::Fontinline
getRenderedQuad(Uint32 thechar, Vec2 &offset, const Rect &rect, std::vector< Vertex2 > &vertices)cugl::Fontprotected
getRenderedQuads(const std::string &text, const Vec2 &origin, const Rect &rect, std::vector< Vertex2 > &vertices, bool utf8)cugl::Fontprotected
getResolution() const cugl::Fontinline
getSize(const std::string &text, bool utf8=true) const cugl::Font
getSize(const char *text, bool utf8=true) const cugl::Fontinline
getSizeASCII(const std::string &text) const cugl::Fontprotected
getSizeUTF8(const std::string &text) const cugl::Fontprotected
getStyle() const cugl::Fontinline
getStyleName() const cugl::Fontinline
hasAtlas() const cugl::Fontinline
hasGlyph(char a) const cugl::Fontinline
hasGlyph(Uint32 a) const cugl::Font
hasString(const std::string &text) const cugl::Font
hasString(const char *text) const cugl::Fontinline
Hinting enum namecugl::Font
init(const std::string &file, int size)cugl::Font
init(const char *file, int size)cugl::Fontinline
isFixedWidth() const cugl::Fontinline
layoutAtlas(const std::vector< std::vector< Uint32 > > &rectangle)cugl::Fontprotected
planAtlas(int width, int height)cugl::Fontprotected
prepareAtlas(std::string charset)cugl::Fontprotected
Resolution enum namecugl::Font
setHinting(Hinting hinting)cugl::Font
setKerning(bool kerning)cugl::Font
setResolution(Resolution resolution)cugl::Fontinline
setStyle(Style style)cugl::Font
Style enum namecugl::Font
usesKerning() const cugl::Fontinline