M, W, F 10:10-11:00
in Upson 142

CS 1133: Short Course in Python

Spring 2019

CS 1130 Staff

Name E-Mail/Contact Office Availability
Craig Frey craig.frey@cornell.edu
Phone: 255-2166
Gates 441A

1. Office Hours: 3:30 - 4:30 pm Wed
    441A Gates Hall
2. By Appointment (via e-mail)

Administrative Assistant
Amy Elser ahf42@cornell.edu
Phone: 255-5331
Gates 401 Contact for administrative issues
(e.g. section changes, exam conflicts)

The supervising consultant is ().

The consultant is Mi Zhou (mz558).

Consulting Hours

You can meet with consultants during the hours outlined in the calendar below. This calendar will be updated regularly; whenever there is a change. Hours can change on a weekly basis, depending on what is going on in the course that week (for instance, if an assignment is due or not), so please check here first.

Consulting hours are held whenever there is a time slot listing a consultant's name (do not try to attend something called "Consultant meeting"), and are located in the ACCEL lab green room.

Course Material Authors: D. Gries, L. Lee, S. Marschner, & W. White (over the years)