Get Started

From CS113


You will be using SSH to remotely log into a GNU/Linux terminal.

Username: <your netid>

For access, mail Saikat your NetID. You will be assigned a password over email.

Log in using any SSH client. For Windows users, the following clients are recommended:

For those who have not used Unix/Linux before, once you log in you'll see the command line where you can type commands to create directories, files, compile and run programs, etc.

[netid@submit ~]$

For more details on Linux commands, see Use GNU/Linux

Creating your Workspace

Create a directory where you'll keep your CS113 stuff (only once).

[netid@submit ~]$ mkdir cs113

Enter the directory:

[netid@submit ~]$ cd cs113

Create and edit files with VIM:

[netid@submit cs113]$ vim hello.c

See here for more details on how to Use VIM.

See here for how to Write Your First C Program.

Compile your file using GCC:

[netid@submit cs113]$ gcc -o hello hello.c

Run your program by executing the compiled version:

[netid@submit cs113]$ ./hello
Hello World.
[netid@submit cs113]$

You can use ls to see the contents of your current directory.

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