Game ClassesΒΆ

The game classes provide functionality for a simple animated game. They provide the base classes for the view and primary controller. The view, GameView, need never be subclassed and can be used as-is (as an attribute of GameController).

On the other hand, GameController must be subclassed to provide your game functionality. In particular, your subclass must override the following methods.

initialize: Called at the start of the game to initialize your program. It is preferable to put start-up code here rather than in your constructor.

update: Called every animation frame (60x a second). This is where you add any game animation code.

on_touch_down: Called whenever the user presses the mouse or a finger (for a touch screen device).

on_touch_up: Called whenever the user releases the mouse or a finger (for a touch screen device). Every touch_down event has a corresponding touch_up event.

on_touch_move: Called whenever the user moves the mouse or a finger while it is still help down. touch_move events are optional for each press, while touch_down and touch_up are not.

These classes are all provided by the graphics module.


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