CS5430 Homework 3: Authenticating People

General Instructions. You are expected to work alone on this assignment.

Due: March 5 (Tues) 11:59pm. No late assignments will be accepted.

Submit your solution using CMS. Prepare your solution as .pdf, as follows:

Problem 1:

DNA has been suggested as a basis for biometric authentication. Moreover, DNA sequencing technology will someday mature and be quite fast, so it will be feasible to consider its use for authentication of living things.

Will it be sensible, too? Discuss advantages and disadvantages of using DNA for biometric authentication, as compared with

  1. good quality passwords
  2. iris scanning
  3. facial recognition
  4. fingerprints
For any concerns you raise, discuss possible mitigations where they exist or might someday exist.

Problem 2:

A technophobe-oriented version of a 2-factor authentication product might implement the "2nd factor" by having a designated phone number where a given person can be contacted.

Here's how technophobe P visiting a web site WS might be authenticated.

1.  P visits web page WS, which loads that page into browser.
2.  WS learns a login identifier id for P either from a cookie
      or by having P complete a form that WS displays.  
3.  WS forwards id to the authentication service.
4.  The authentication service calls the designated phone number for P.
5.  When the phone is answered, a fresh 4-digit number is vocalized by
      the authentication service.
6.  ????
There are two design options for what P should do (i.e., as step 6) with the 4-digit number that P hears vocalized when P answers the phone:
  1. P enters the 4-digit number into the phone keypad.
  2. P enters the 4-digit number into a web page WS provided.
Compare and constrast these design options.

Problem 3:

Rather than enforcing a particular password recipe, some websites indicate to users whether a password they choose is strong or weak. Your task is to build such a password classifier. Given a password as input, it should classify that password as either strong or weak. A more nuanced classification (e.g. very strong, strong, weak, very weak) is possible, but we are only seeking a binary classification here.

Use any heuristics that you want, including those covered in class and/or those you discover by studying the literature. Include comments in your source code and the written description you submit to identify the sources for algorithms or ideas your classifier implements.

Here are some example invocations:

$ ./classify.sh 123456

$ ./classify.sh 2984borawQ!

$ ./classify.sh iloveyou

Implementation and Evaluation: You may provide a setup script setup.sh to perform any initial compilation or configuration needed for your program. This script may also include an initial download of static data files (e.g. wordlists). But note that any wordlists we use in generating test cases will be those we could freely download---not wordlists for which payment is required. So you have no motivation to pay for wordlists. Needless to say, using a download to update your own source code itself would be a serious violation of academic integrity.

We will evalute your classifier, in part, by running it against passwords that we have previously classified ourselves. We will generate high-strength passwords, labeled strong, and low-strength passwords, labeled weak based on the work by Kelley et al. Our high-strength passwords will be generated by recipes that their Figure 1 suggests are hard to crack, and likewise for low-strength passwords.

Target Environment: You may develop your system anywhere. But we will grade your system by running it on the Linux hosts in UGCLab (ugclinux.cs.cornell.edu; see here for more information). So use a programming or scripting language available within this environment, and use Linux hosts in UGCLab to test what you will submit. Programs that do not run on the Linux hosts in UGCLab will receive no credit for executing correctly.

What to submit:

Resources For a refresher on bash scripting, see these CS 2043 lectures: here and here.