Project 1a: Image Filtering

Design and implement image filters that works on desktop.

Project 1b: Image Filtering on Cell Phone

Move the desktop program to the cell phone.

Project 2a: Feature Detection and Matching

Design and implement a feature detector that allows you to robustly compare images with differences in position, orientation, and illumination.

Project 2b: Object Detection and Panorama Stiching

Develop and implement object detection and panorama stiching on the cell phone.

Final project

Devise and implement your own mobile vision application.

See the results!

Coming Soon: Useful libraries and examples for final projects

Please, let me know if your team intends to use a certain library and needs help understanding how to use the library. I may be able to point to examples or in some cases, I might be able to construct simple examples for you. If the particular library is not available in the Maemo repositories, then I can help you build one. If you are working on the Nokia N900, then the following libraries might be very useful to you. -kmatzen

Approved OpenCV functions (P2 and later)

Project FAQ

VMware disk image with project build tools (2.1GB .vmdk)

Pictoral walkthroughs to use vmdk
VMware Player (Windows and Linux)
VMware Fusion (Mac)
VM image requires update for project 2 and later
sudo apt-get install qt-sdk gnuplot

Files for lab machines


Examples of C++ Pitfalls (13 Sept 2010 Lecture)

Aliasing Resources/Explainations

10 Sept 2010 Lecture

OpenCv reference materials

Introduction to Programming With OpenCV
OpenCV Cheat Sheet
OpenCV Reference Manual