Class AuthorDatabase


public class AuthorDatabase
extends java.lang.Object

Field Summary
private static java.util.Hashtable authors
private static boolean DEBUG
private static java.lang.String ME
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void delete(java.lang.String key)
          delete - remove the entire entry from the hashtable
static void dump()
          dump - Print out current contents of the Author database
static void dump(java.lang.String fname)
          dump - Write current contents of the Author database to file
static java.util.Vector fetchAuthor(java.lang.String lastName)
          fetchAuthor - returns a vector of Author objects with this last name or returns null if lookup fails
static Author fetchSpecificAuthor(Author a)
          fetchAuthor - this form returns the particular element in the database that matches Author a ( or null )
static boolean isInDatabase(Author a)
          isInDatabase - return true if this author is already there (flesh out author data in the process)
static void reload()
          reload - initialize the hash table from storage (partially) from the file specified in
static void save()
static void stashAuthor(Author a)
          stashAuthor - adds a specified Author to the hash table.
static void updateAuthor(java.lang.String key, java.util.Vector v)
          updateAuthor - The author vector at the specified key is replaced by the new Vector (good for deleting Authors)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final java.lang.String ME


private static final boolean DEBUG


private static java.util.Hashtable authors
Constructor Detail


public AuthorDatabase()
Method Detail


public static java.util.Vector fetchAuthor(java.lang.String lastName)
fetchAuthor - returns a vector of Author objects with this last name or returns null if lookup fails
- - last name of author to be fetched


public static Author fetchSpecificAuthor(Author a)
fetchAuthor - this form returns the particular element in the database that matches Author a ( or null )


public static void stashAuthor(Author a)
stashAuthor - adds a specified Author to the hash table. As a side-effect, if there is a hash conflict, but the values are consistent with each other, then fields get completed and the merged Author stays at this key and at this Vector index. We assume the Author given to this routine will be discarded during garbage collection. If the two entries are inconsistent, then assume that we have a new author with the same last name as another one.
the - Author that should be inserted into the table


public static boolean isInDatabase(Author a)
isInDatabase - return true if this author is already there (flesh out author data in the process)
the - Author object to be looked up


public static void delete(java.lang.String key)
delete - remove the entire entry from the hashtable


public static void updateAuthor(java.lang.String key,
                                java.util.Vector v)
updateAuthor - The author vector at the specified key is replaced by the new Vector (good for deleting Authors)


public static void reload()
reload - initialize the hash table from storage (partially) from the file specified in format for the record in file is (author-last-name, Vector of Author objects)


public static void save()


public static void dump()
dump - Print out current contents of the Author database


public static void dump(java.lang.String fname)
dump - Write current contents of the Author database to file