[Team Notes]

The BRAIN team is composed of twenty-five of Cornell's brightest students. Last year's team roster can be found here.

Name Year Major Email
Aaron Birkland N/A N/A apbl8@cornell.edu
James Buescher Sophomore Mech E jb246@cornell.edu
Walter Chang N/A N/A wcc3@cornell.edu
Hubert Chao Junior Comp Sci hc85@cornell.edu
Richard Chung Freshman Comp Sci rc238@cornell.edu
Brian Dunstan Junior Comp Sci bkd3@cornell.edu
Vikash "V" Goel N/A N/A vrg3@cornell.edu
Scott Hartranft Senior Elec E swh8@cornell.edu
Dave Hays Senior Comp Sci dwh9@cornell.edu
Wei-Chang "Mae" Huang N/A Elec E wh34@cornell.edu
Lars Kalnajs Senior Elec E lek11@cornell.edu
Nidhi Kalra Junior Comp Sci nrk5@cornell.edu
Jeremy Kubica Senior Comp Sci jmk45@cornell.edu
Marla Leahy Junior Comp Sci mal41@cornell.edu
Frank Liu N/A N/A fh14@cornell.edu
Keisuke "K" Nakagawa Junior N/A kn65@cornell.edu
Anthony Peng Sophomore Elec E awp7@cornell.edu
John Riley Senior Mat Sci jhr13@cornell.edu
Warwick Tucker Asst Prof Math warwick@polygon.math.cornell.edu
Johanna Velez Sophomore Elec E jmv25@cornell.edu
Dan Weaver Sophomore Elec E kioh@rdwarf.com
Renaldi Winoto Sophomore Elec E rw67@cornell.edu
Tony Webber Senior Mech E amw23@cornell.edu
Sean Welch PhD Elec E smw17@cornell.edu
Darren Zhang N/A N/A dz27@cornell.edu

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