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Common Policies

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Common Policies for Digital Libraries

From Sandy Payette's Interview with Anne Kenney and Peter Hirtle
(Co-Directors of Cornell Institute for Digital Collections):

  1. Object: Course Reserve Packet (CRP) contains several scanned articles

    Subject: course members
    Actions: read all articles

    Subject: professor
    Actions: read or delete articles, delete CRP

    Subject: all others
    Actions: no access

  2. Object: CRP contains syllabus, multiple articles, multiple reports

    Subject: course members
    Actions: read syllabus, articles, and reports

    Subject: professor
    Actions: read syllabus, read, add, or delete articles and reports, delete CRP

    Subject: all others
    Actions: read syllabus

  3. Object: Book - bib record and scanned images

    Subject: users who have not purchased the rights to access the book

    read bib record and table of contents
    pay fee #1 for read (download/print) of low resolution page images
    pay fee #2 for read (download/print) of high resolution page images
    pay fee #3 for read (download/print) of whole book of high resolution page images
    pay fee #4 for read (download/print) of book updates

    Subject: users who have purchased right to access the book

    read (download/print) whole book in high or low resolution until expiration date
    read updates until expiration date

  4. Object: a remotely-stored article

    Subject: members of Cornell community (CC), identified by IP address
    Actions: read (download/print) whole article

    Subject: all others
    Actions: none

  5. Object: an article in an inter-library loan agreement

    Subject: CC

    read until CC has made X accesses to the article in Y years
    read until CC has made X1 accesses to the article's parent journal
    pay copyright fee to read article if CC has lost read right

    Subject: all others
    Actions: pay copyright fee to read article

  6. Object: slide collection (donated from dubious origin)

    Subject: CC

    read access for 3 yrs (while copyright is being secured)
    after 3 yrs., read access to slides that have CUL copyright clearence
    after 3 yrs., read access to slides that are in the public domain
    after 3 yrs., pay fee to read slides with CUL NO copyright clearence

    Subject: members of the Yale community

    no access for first 3 yrs.
    after 3 yrs., read access to slides with CUL obtained 'special' copyright clearence
    after 3 yrs., read access to slides that are in the public domain
    after 3 yrs., pay fee for read access to all other slides

    Subject: all others
    Actions: read access to public domain slides after 3 yrs.

  7. Object: film clip

    Subject: all users
    Actions: access (download/view) first 10 seconds, pay fee to access entire clip

  8. Object: book with copyright of text belonging to person A and copyright of images to person B

    Subject: all users

    pay copyright to view text until A's rights expire
    pay copyright to view images until B's rights expire
    read text and view images after relevant rights have expired

From the Corporation for National Research Initiatives's work
with the Library of Congress's National Digital Library Program

Policies are from "Implementing Policies for Access Management" by William Yeo Arms, D-Lib Magazine, Feb 1998

  1. Object: a general collection, a reserve collection, and reference materials

    Subject: faculty

    check-out a portion of the general collection for 12 weeks
    check-out a portion of the reserve material for 2 weeks
    use reference material in the library

    Subject: student

    check-out a portion of the general collection for 2 weeks
    use reserve material in the library
    use reference material in the library

    Subject: all others
    Actions: no access

  2. Object: a general collection, a reserve collection, and reference materials

    Subject: faculty and students

    check-out a portion of the general collection for 12 weeks
    use reserve material in the library
    use reference material in the library

    Subject: all others
    Actions: no access

  3. Object: a set of roles, possible roles are:
    All (any user)
    Educational (holds educational site license)
    In_LC (in Library of Congress)
    LC_Staff (Library of Congress staff member)

    Subject: correct ID and password for an educational site
    Actions: may act in Education role

    Subject: correct ID and password for LC staff member
    Actions: may act in LC_Staff role

    Subject: IP Address matches a computer in LC
    Actions: may act In_LC role

    Subject: any
    Actions: may act in All role

  4. Object: work for which at least one of the following holds:
    the copyright has expired and the work is published or registered
    the work is associated with a deed of gift from the donor permitting universal access
    LC review of work revealed no extant right, universal access permitted
    information on work is incomplete and LC review indicates low risk

    Subject: all users
    Actions: general operations

  5. Object: work for which the deed of gift from donor restricts access

    Subject: Educational
    Actions: general operations

    Subject: all others
    Actions: no access

  6. Object: work for which information is incomplete, LC review indicates high risk

    Subject: In_LC
    Actions: general and statement-1 must be shown with each access

    Subject: all others
    Actions: no access

  7. Object: copyrighted work for which permission has not been granted by owner

    Subject: LC_Staff
    Actions: general and statement-2 must be shown with each access

    Subject: all others
    Actions: no access

  8. Object: copyrighted work for which permission has been granted by owner

    Subject: any
    Actions: general and statement-3 must be shown with each access

Note: Policies were collected from various libraries at Cornell University and the Tomkins County Public Library, however, the policies were not significanly different from those given above.

Misc. Examples

The following examples seem reasonable, although they did not come from discussions with people in the digital libraries field.

  1. Object: a collection

    Subject: law-enforcement agency or self
    Actions: obtain a listing of what self has checked-out in the last 6 months.

    Subject: all others
    Actions: no access to listings

    Examples - Why have this type of policy?:

    • you're very interested in topic X, but don't want anyone to know, because topic X is not well-respected among your peers
    • a suspect in a burglary has been checking out books on home security systems

  2. Object: a policy

    Subject: senior library staff
    Actions: view and change policy

    Subject: all others
    Actions: view policy

    Purpose: to correct mistakes and to adapt to new circumstances.

  3. Object: a collaborative work between persons A and B

    Subject: A
    Actions: change work

    Subject: B
    Actions: change work with consent of A

    Purpose: to facilitate collaboration.

  4. Object: new object

    Subject: library staff
    Actions: can add new objects to repository but additions must come with a description and a policy.

    Subject: all others
    Actions: cannot create objects

    Purpose: to allow the creation and growth of repositories

  5. Object: an object

    Subject: trusted third party
    Actions: label object as 'verified'

    Subject: all others
    Actions: cannot label object as 'verified'

    Purpose: to protect consumers from misinformation

Questions concerning this project should be sent to Vicky Weissman.