In file shorerel.h:

class XxxShoreFileRelation : public XxxShoreRelation

// Implementation of a relation as a file


Protected Classes

class FScanCursorInfo : public XxxShoreRelation::CursorInfo
/ Cursor for file scan

Inherited from XxxShoreRelation:

Public Classes

class CursorInfo: public XxxRelation::CommonCursorInfo
class ShoreIndexImplInfo: public RelImplInfo::IndexImplInfo
Subclass of index impl information
ShoreIndexImplInfo(const ShoreIndexImplInfo& IInfo)
/ copy constructor needed for Replicate

Inherited from XxxStoredRelation:


typedef enum AccessMode AccessMode

Inherited from XxxRelation:

Public Classes

class CommonCursorInfo: public XxxSetCursor::CursorState

Inherited from XxxRecordSet:

Inherited from XxxMultiSet:


Implementation of a relation as a file. Most straightforward impl.
class FScanCursorInfo: public XxxShoreRelation::CursorInfo
/ Cursor for file scan

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling