In file relcat.h:

class RelImplInfo

impl info on a relation : each implementation can subclass this


Public Classes

class IndexImplInfo
Implementation information for an index
virtual XxxErrCode matches (XxxRelBooleanPlan* Expr, int SiblingArity, int CurrentRelationPos, XxxBool& Success, XxxMatchInfo*& MatchedInfo)
/ to match a relboolean expr
virtual XxxErrCode matches (XxxBoolBooleanPlan* Expr, int SiblingArity, int CurrentRelationPos, XxxBool& Success, XxxMatchInfo*& MatchedInfo)
/ to match a boolboolean expr
class IndexList
class SortOrders
a list of sort order properties

Public Fields

RelationType RelType
Marks a relation as stored on disk, or as a derived relation which is the output of a relational operator
SortOrders SortInfo
/ Sort properties of the relation: unsorted by default

Public Methods

RelImplInfo (const RelImplInfo&, XxxBool CopyIndexes)
/ copy constructor : needed for Replicate()


impl info on a relation : each implementation can subclass this
class IndexImplInfo
Implementation information for an index

virtual XxxErrCode matches(XxxRelBooleanPlan* Expr, int SiblingArity, int CurrentRelationPos, XxxBool& Success, XxxMatchInfo*& MatchedInfo)
/ to match a relboolean expr

virtual XxxErrCode matches(XxxBoolBooleanPlan* Expr, int SiblingArity, int CurrentRelationPos, XxxBool& Success, XxxMatchInfo*& MatchedInfo)
/ to match a boolboolean expr

class IndexList

class SortOrders
a list of sort order properties

RelationType RelType
Marks a relation as stored on disk, or as a derived relation which is the output of a relational operator

SortOrders SortInfo
/ Sort properties of the relation: unsorted by default

RelImplInfo(const RelImplInfo&, XxxBool CopyIndexes)
/ copy constructor : needed for Replicate()

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling