In file exprplan.h:

class XxxBooleanExpressionPlan : public XxxValueExprPlan

Root plan class for all boolean expressions


Public Methods

static XxxErrCode MakeConjunction (XxxBooleanExpressionPlan*& OldExpr, XxxBooleanExpressionPlan* NewExpr)
This method makes a conjunction of two expression plans
static XxxErrCode MakeConjunction (XxxBooleanExpressionPlan* OldExpr, XxxBooleanExpressionPlan* NewExpr, XxxBooleanExpressionPlan*& ResultExpr, XxxBool& DeleteOld)
This method makes a conjunction of two expression plans

Inherited from XxxValueExprPlan:

Public Classes

class VarRemapping
struct SrcMapping* SrcMappingArray
/ array that specifies the new mapping
int* NewAttrMapping
mappings for child attrs

Public Methods

virtual XxxErrCode Accumulate(const XxxRecord* Rec[], const XxxRecordSchema* Schema[], XxxAggrOpHandle *Handle, const XxxValueEnv* Env = NULL)
XxxErrCode Evaluate(const XxxRecord* Rec, const XxxRecordSchema* Schema, XxxADTValue *Result, const XxxValueEnv* Env = NULL)
virtual XxxErrCode GetDependencies(XxxBitMap& Dependendency)
virtual XxxErrCode Init(XxxAggrOpHandle *Handle)
virtual XxxErrCode MakeOpHandle(XxxAggrOpHandle*& Handle)
virtual XxxErrCode RedirectDependencies(const VarRemapping& Remap, int CorrelationHeight = 0)
virtual XxxGenericPlan* Replicate()
virtual XxxErrCode Terminate(XxxAggrOpHandle *Handle, const XxxRecord* Rec[], const XxxRecordSchema* Schema[], XxxADTValue *FinalVal, const XxxValueEnv* Env = NULL)
virtual XxxErrCode UsageOfPlan(PlanUsage& Usage)


Protected Methods

XxxErrCode changeDependency(const VarRemapping& Remap)

Private Fields

XxxValueExpression* sourceExpr


Root plan class for all boolean expressions
static XxxErrCode MakeConjunction(XxxBooleanExpressionPlan* OldExpr, XxxBooleanExpressionPlan* NewExpr, XxxBooleanExpressionPlan*& ResultExpr, XxxBool& DeleteOld)
This method makes a conjunction of two expression plans. If the OldExpr == NULL, the NewExpr is returned. Otherwise, a fresh expression is allocated.
OldExpr - : one conjunct to be added
NewExpr - : the other conjunct to be added
ResultExpr - : the resulting conjunction.
DeleteOld - : was the old expr an AND (to be deleted)?

static XxxErrCode MakeConjunction(XxxBooleanExpressionPlan*& OldExpr, XxxBooleanExpressionPlan* NewExpr)
This method makes a conjunction of two expression plans. It calls the previous method, and also deallocates the original contents of the OldExpr.
OldExpr - : the input expression plan
NewExpr - : the other conjunct to be added

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling