In file audio.h:

(RC) class XxxAudioADT : public XxxLargeFixedADT

The E-ADT representing audio data


Public Fields

static XxxBasicType AudioTypeId
type id accessible without object

Public Methods

virtual XxxErrCode CreateStatsInfo (const XxxADTMetaInfo *MetaInfo, TypeStats*& StatsInfo)
create statistics information
virtual const char* GetContentType (void *ResultHandle)
This function will only be called on ADTs which support callbacks
XxxErrCode GetMethodIndex (const char* MethName, XxxValueExpression* Owner, XxxValueExprList *ArgList, XxxBool IsAggr, int& MethodIndex, XxxBool& Success)
/ this is a wrapper for matchMethodName()
virtual XxxErrCode ReadText (istream& InStream, XxxADTValue* ObjectRef, const XxxADTMetaInfo* MetaInfo)
XxxAudioADT (XxxBasicType Id)
virtual ~XxxAudioADT ()

Protected Classes

class AudioMetaInfo : public XxxADTMetaInfo
Meta-info for an audio object
AudioType Format
The format of this audio
int AvgAudioSize
Average size of the audio file
inline virtual XxxErrCode SerializeCopySize (int &Size)
Returns the number of bytes necessary to hold the serialized version of this meta-info object
inline virtual XxxErrCode SerializeCopy (char *Data)
Creates a binary version of this meta-info object
class AudioStatsInfo : public XxxADTClass::TypeStats
int AvgAudioSize
Size of compressed Audio, in bytes
AudioStatsInfo ()
Default constructor
virtual XxxErrCode Copy (const XxxADTMetaInfo* MetaInfo, TypeStats* NewSI)
/ copy a replica into preallocated space
class AudioStruct : public XxxADTValue
structure used to represent an Audio within a record
class PlanInfo : public XxxFuncPlanInfo
The plan structure for functions over audio types
XxxErrCode execBack (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
XxxErrCode execMix (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
XxxErrCode execConcat (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
XxxErrCode execTranslate (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
XxxErrCode execEcho (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
XxxErrCode execVibro (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
XxxErrCode execClip (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
XxxErrCode execVolume (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
XxxErrCode execNothing (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
XxxErrCode execVibroVolume (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
XxxErrCode execRate (XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
XxxErrCode getMemAudio (AudioStruct* AS, XxxBool ToDecompress, long*& AudioInMem, double t1=-1., double t2=-1.)
Changed by Binquan Gu, May 22, 1997 Add argument t1, t2, which is the beginning time and ending time of the audio clip to get(from the start of the audio file
XxxErrCode putMemAudio (AudioStruct* ResultAS, XxxBool ToCompress, AudioStruct* AS, long* AudioInMem)
XxxErrCode reclaimMemAudio (AudioStruct* AS, XxxBool ToDecompress)
PlanInfo (const XxxFuncParseInfo* FuncParse, int ArgCount)
virtual ~PlanInfo ()

Protected Fields

static const char* AU
local consts

Protected Methods

virtual XxxErrCode getOid (const XxxADTValue* Object, XxxShoreVolumeId& VolId, XxxShoreObjectId& LocalId)
virtual XxxErrCode makeMetaInfo (const MetaInfoHandle& MIHandle, XxxADTMetaInfo*& MI)
virtual XxxErrCode parseMetaInfo (const char* MetaInfoString, MetaInfoHandle& MIHandle)
local method defs
void registerMethods ()
/ helper method used by constructor
void registerRules ()
/ helper method used by constructor
virtual XxxErrCode showDataFile (const char* FileName, ostream& OutStream, const XxxADTValue* Object, const XxxADTMetaInfo* MetaInfo)
static XxxErrCode VibroVolumeMergeAct (XxxValueExpression* InVExpr, void* RuleData, XxxValueExpression*& OutVExpr)
Action for the vibro-volume merge rule


typedef enum AUD_AU
The type of the audio source, e.g. AU, WAV, etc.

Inherited from XxxLargeFixedADT:

Inherited from XxxLargeADT:

Public Classes

class XxxLargeADTEnv: public XxxADTEnv
enum XxxLargeADTDisplayTypeEnum
Determines the display type
typedef enum XxxLargeADTDisplayTypeEnum XxxLargeADTDisplayType
A typedef for easy reference
static const char* const DISPLAY_TYPE
The command referencing the next variable
XxxLargeADTDisplayType DisplayType
The desired display type
XxxShoreVolumeId StorageVolume
The volume on which the large ADTs store information
XxxShoreObjectId StorageFile
A file on the default volume which is persistent
XxxShoreObjectId TemporaryFile
A file on the default volume which is cleared after all Xacts end

Public Methods

virtual XxxErrCode CreateEnv( XxxADTEnv* &Env )
virtual XxxErrCode DeleteEnv( XxxADTEnv* Env )
virtual XxxErrCode GetResultSize(const XxxADTValue *ObjectRef, const XxxADTMetaInfo *MetaInfo, const char *Message, const int MessageSize, int &ResultSize)
virtual XxxBool IsSmall(const XxxADTMetaInfo*)
virtual XxxErrCode ServiceCallback(const XxxADTValue *ObjectRef, const XxxADTMetaInfo *MetaInfo, const char *Message, const int MessageSize, ostream &OStr)
virtual XxxBool SupportsCallback()


The E-ADT representing audio data
static XxxBasicType AudioTypeId
type id accessible without object

typedef enum AUD_AU
The type of the audio source, e.g. AU, WAV, etc.

static const char* AU
local consts

class AudioMetaInfo: public XxxADTMetaInfo
Meta-info for an audio object

AudioType Format
The format of this audio

int AvgAudioSize
Average size of the audio file

inline virtual XxxErrCode SerializeCopySize(int &Size)
Returns the number of bytes necessary to hold the serialized version of this meta-info object
XXX_NOT_OK if the object cannot be serialized, XXX_OK otherwise
Size - (out) The required number of bytes

inline virtual XxxErrCode SerializeCopy(char *Data)
Creates a binary version of this meta-info object
XXX_NOT_OK if the object cannot be serialized, XXX_OK otherwise
Data - An array of bytes of at least the size specified by the SerializeCopySize() function.

class AudioStruct: public XxxADTValue
structure used to represent an Audio within a record

class PlanInfo: public XxxFuncPlanInfo
The plan structure for functions over audio types
Leong Kian Fai
June 1, 1997
See Also:
Other relevant topics

XxxErrCode execBack(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)

XxxErrCode execMix(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)

XxxErrCode execConcat(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)

XxxErrCode execTranslate(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)

XxxErrCode execEcho(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)

XxxErrCode execVibro(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)

XxxErrCode execClip(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)

XxxErrCode execVolume(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)

XxxErrCode execNothing(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)

XxxErrCode execVibroVolume(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)

XxxErrCode execRate(XxxValueEnv* Env, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)

XxxErrCode getMemAudio(AudioStruct* AS, XxxBool ToDecompress, long*& AudioInMem, double t1=-1., double t2=-1.)
Changed by Binquan Gu, May 22, 1997 Add argument t1, t2, which is the beginning time and ending time of the audio clip to get(from the start of the audio file

XxxErrCode putMemAudio(AudioStruct* ResultAS, XxxBool ToCompress, AudioStruct* AS, long* AudioInMem)

XxxErrCode reclaimMemAudio(AudioStruct* AS, XxxBool ToDecompress)

PlanInfo(const XxxFuncParseInfo* FuncParse, int ArgCount)

virtual ~PlanInfo()

static XxxErrCode VibroVolumeMergeAct(XxxValueExpression* InVExpr, void* RuleData, XxxValueExpression*& OutVExpr)
Action for the vibro-volume merge rule. This is the action performed when the vibro-volume merge rule is applied. It transforms the two expressions into an equivalent single expression.
The status code.
InVExpr - The incoming expression
RuleData - Any data passed in by the rule firing
OutVExpr - The resultant expression

virtual XxxErrCode parseMetaInfo(const char* MetaInfoString, MetaInfoHandle& MIHandle)
local method defs

virtual XxxErrCode makeMetaInfo(const MetaInfoHandle& MIHandle, XxxADTMetaInfo*& MI)

class AudioStatsInfo: public XxxADTClass::TypeStats

int AvgAudioSize
Size of compressed Audio, in bytes

Default constructor

virtual XxxErrCode Copy(const XxxADTMetaInfo* MetaInfo, TypeStats* NewSI)
/ copy a replica into preallocated space

virtual XxxErrCode getOid(const XxxADTValue* Object, XxxShoreVolumeId& VolId, XxxShoreObjectId& LocalId)

virtual XxxErrCode showDataFile(const char* FileName, ostream& OutStream, const XxxADTValue* Object, const XxxADTMetaInfo* MetaInfo)

void registerMethods()
/ helper method used by constructor

void registerRules()
/ helper method used by constructor

XxxAudioADT(XxxBasicType Id)

virtual ~XxxAudioADT()

virtual XxxErrCode ReadText(istream& InStream, XxxADTValue* ObjectRef, const XxxADTMetaInfo* MetaInfo)

virtual const char* GetContentType(void *ResultHandle)
This function will only be called on ADTs which support callbacks. Any data type which would like to take advantage of browser capability to handle some data specially, for instance, displaying images, must return a valid Content Type string as described in RFC 1590.

virtual XxxErrCode CreateStatsInfo(const XxxADTMetaInfo *MetaInfo, TypeStats*& StatsInfo)
create statistics information

XxxErrCode GetMethodIndex(const char* MethName, XxxValueExpression* Owner, XxxValueExprList *ArgList, XxxBool IsAggr, int& MethodIndex, XxxBool& Success)
/ this is a wrapper for matchMethodName()

This class has no child classes.
Leong Kian Fai
June 1, 1997
See Also:
Other relevant topics

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling