In file record.h:

class XxxAttribute

Represents a single named and typed field


Public Fields

int AttrIndex
index of src attribute in AttrSource
char AttrSource
which input relation does this come from
name of the attribute
XxxBasicType Type
type of attribute
XxxADTMetaInfo* TypeCatInfo
further type info if available

Public Methods

inline void Assign (const XxxAttribute& Attr)
Initialize this attribute
inline void Assign (const char *XxxName, XxxBasicType XxxType, const XxxADTMetaInfo* TypeInfo)
Initialize this attribute
XxxBool FindValueAttr (const XxxQueryNode*, XxxUnknownValue*, XxxBool)
Checks if this attribute corresponds directly or transitively to the specified var value
void Print (ostream& OStr)
Print the value of this attribute


Represents a single named and typed field
name of the attribute

XxxBasicType Type
type of attribute

XxxADTMetaInfo* TypeCatInfo
further type info if available

char AttrSource
which input relation does this come from

int AttrIndex
index of src attribute in AttrSource

inline void Assign(const char *XxxName, XxxBasicType XxxType, const XxxADTMetaInfo* TypeInfo)
Initialize this attribute

inline void Assign(const XxxAttribute& Attr)
Initialize this attribute

void Print(ostream& OStr)
Print the value of this attribute

XxxBool FindValueAttr(const XxxQueryNode*, XxxUnknownValue*, XxxBool)
Checks if this attribute corresponds directly or transitively to the specified var value

This class has no child classes.
See Also:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling