In file planspj.h:

class RelSPJOptimizer

This is the root class of all SPJ optimizers


Public Classes

class PlanGlue
/ dummy superclass that indicates glue information for a plan
class RelSPJBlockPlan : public RelBlockPlan
class SMPlanGlue : public PlanGlue
/ Glue information for sort merge join
XxxBool MaterializeLtInput
/ indicate whether the inputs need a temp to sort them
int LeftRunSize
/ indicate max run sizes for sorting


This is the root class of all SPJ optimizers
class RelSPJBlockPlan: public RelBlockPlan

class PlanGlue
/ dummy superclass that indicates glue information for a plan

class SMPlanGlue: public PlanGlue
/ Glue information for sort merge join

XxxBool MaterializeLtInput
/ indicate whether the inputs need a temp to sort them

int LeftRunSize
/ indicate max run sizes for sorting

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling