CS667: Physics Based Rendering—Spring 2005


15 February Example.tex has been added to the LaTeX page.

10 February LaTeX information page has been added.

LaTeX information

We expect you to use LaTeX to produce high quality scribed lecture notes.


For Windows:

MikTeX is a set of utilities to compile, convert, and view the necessary file types.
WinShell is a handy editor for LaTeX documents that simplifies the compilation process.

For Linux:

teTex is similar in function to MikTek.

667-specific files

667.sty: The standard style file for scribed notes.
example.tex: A sample LaTeX source file, which you should learn from and mimic when scribing.


Hypertext Help with LaTeX covers the basic commands and modes of LaTex.
amsmath user's guide: Documentation to math features provided by package amsmath, which is helpful for equation alignment and other common mathematical tasks. Also useful is AMS's Short Math Guide for LaTeX.

Many other LaTeX resources exist, including documentation installed with MikTeX/teTeX in the texmf/doc/latex/ directories, and a countless number of guides, tutorials, and symbol lists available on the web.

Jon Moon (jmoon@cs.cornell.edu)