T-Th 9:05, Hollister B14
T-Th 11:15, Phillips 101

CS1110: Introduction to Computing Using Java

Fall 2011

Instructors: David Gries and Steve Marschner

CS1110 Staff

Name Email Phone Office Hours/Availability


David Gries djg17@cornell.edu 255-2998

Upson 5158
1. Tues/Thurs 10:10–10:55, Hollister 202
2. By apptmt: (call Maria Witlox at 255-3313)
3. Walk-in: If in and not in a meeting, he will be happy to talk to you.

Steve Marschner srm2@cornell.edu 255-8367 Upson 5159
1. Tues/Thurs 10:10–10:55, Hollister 202
2. By apptmt: (call Randy Hess at 255-0985)

Admin Asst for the course

Maria Witlox mwitlox@cs.cornell.edu   4146 Upson Hall, 255-3313

Get in the habit of dropping in on the TAs if you have questions --drop in on any TA, not just your section TA.

name email Office hours
Deepak Bapat dab352@cornell.edu 11:15am-12:15pm Tues and Thurs
Upson 328B
Hao Li hl824@cornell.edu 12:30pm - 2:30pm Tues
Upson 4132
Jun Ma jm787@cornell.edu

Prabhjeet Singh ps598@cornell.edu

3:00pm - 5:00pm Tuesdays

Upson 328B
Sidharth Telang sdt45@cornell.edu

12:25pm-2:25pm Wednesdays

Upson 4132
Yexiang Xue yx247@cornell.edu 2:30pm-4:30pm Fridays Upson 328B

Consultants   The supervising consultant is Jun Ma. The consultants are: .

The consulting calendar can be found here