About Myself
I am currently a fourth-year PhD student advised by Professor Michael Macy, Professor Jon Kleinberg, and Professor Dan Cosley at Information Science, Cornell University. I am interested at understanding the nature of the Internet, the Society, and the Mind using network theories and statistical learning methods. My PhD work focuses on studying the diffusion of information on online social media (Facebook, Twitter, MyMap, etc).
I got my MS degree on Computer Science from University of California, Santa Barbara, where I worked on several areas, including P2P/Wireless Network Routing Protoals and Data Mining on blog networks.
I did my undergraduate on Computer Science in Tsinghua University.
Research and Publications
- Who Says What to Whom on Twitter
Shaomei Wu, Jake M. Hofman, Winter A. Mason, and Duncan J. Watts. In Proc. of the 20th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2011).
[Paper: PDF (1.7M); Slides: PDF (3.9M)]News! The Economist, PC Magazine, San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today, The New York Times Magazine, Time.com, Entrepreneur Blog, Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University, The Economic Times, The Telegraph, Silicon Republic, MIT Technology Review (Chinese version) and many others have covered this study.
- Mining Collective Local Knowledge from Google MyMaps
Shaomei Wu, Shenwei Liu, Dan Cosley, and Michael Macy. In Proc. of the 20th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2011).
[Short Paper: PDF (40KB)]
- Location Independent Compact Routing for Wireless Networks
Robert Gilbert, Kerby Johnson, Shaomei Wu, Ben Y. Zhao and Haitao Zheng. In Proc. of ACM MobiShare 2006
[Paper: PDF (115 KB)]
- Campus Virtual Tour System: Basing on Cylindrical Panorama
Shaomei Wu, Renshen Wang, Jiaxin Wang. In Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM 2005)
[Paper: PDF (531 KB)]
- Z-Ring: Fast Prefix Routing via a Low Maintenance Membership Protocol
Qiao Lian, Wei Chen, Zheng Zhang, Shaomei Wu, Ben Y. Zhao. In Proc. of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2005)
[Paper: PDF (582 KB)]
- Who Says What to Whom on Twitter
- Talks in Cornell
- Information Science Breakfast: A Study of Social Influence in Diffusion of Innovation over Facebook. (Powerpoint slides)
- Network Journal Club: Facebook Platform 101
- Classes in Cornell
- [S10] INFO 6400: Advanced Human Computer Interaction
- [F09] CS 6820: Analysis of Algorithm
- [F09] INFO 6341: Information Technology In Sociocultural Context
- [S09] PSYCH 5310/COGST 4310/BIONB 4330: Consciousness and Free Will
- [F08] SOC 5060: Research Method II
- [S08] CS 683: Advanced Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- [S08] CS 672: Advanced Artificial Intelligence
- [S08] MATH 472: Statistics
- [F07] CS/INFO 685: The Structure of Information Networks
- [F07] CS 674/INFO 630: Advanced Language Technologies
- [F07] INFO 709 : Cornell Information Science Colloquium
- Classes in UCSB
- [S07] CS 235: Computational Geometry
- [S07] CS 595C: Architectural Support for Program Analysis
- [S07] CS 595N: Anonymous and Privacy Preserving Systems
- [W07] CS 263: Implementations of Modern Programming Languages
- [W07] CS 216: Level Set Theory
- [W07] Ling 210: Computational Linguistics
- [F06] CS230: Design and Analysis of Algorithm
- [F06] ECE594N: Data Mining
- [S06] CS284: Mobile Computing
- [S06] CS595N: Networking and Systems Seminar
- [W06] CS290F:Intelligent Wireless System
- [W06] CS220: Theory of Computing and Computional Complexity
- [F05] CS276: Distributed Computing and Computer Networks
- [F05] CS595F: Hot Topics in Networking and Systems
Teaching Experiences
- Cornell [S11] Teaching Assistant of INFO 4302/6302: Web Information Systems
- Cornell [F07] Teaching Assistant of PSYCH/COGST/INFO 214/614: Computational Cognitive Psychology
- UCSB [W07] Teaching Assistant of CS10: Object Oriented Programming in Java
- UCSB [F06] Teaching Assistant of CS276: Graduate Networking
- UCSB [S06] Teaching Assistant of CS290F: Large-scale Networked Systems
- UCSB [W06] Teaching Assistant of CS5JA: Introduction to Computer Programming
- UCSB [F05] Teaching Assistant of CS170:Operating Systems
Contact Information
Shaomei Wu
Information Science Department
Cornell University
301 College Avenue, Ithaca, New York, 14850
Phone: +1 (607)-279-9513
Email: sw475 at cornell dot edu
Mailing address: 301 College Ave., Information Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 14850
Something Else
Besides study and research, I enjoy slowly eating, mid-night talking, morning jogging on the beach, watching TV all the day and napping in library. I like mathematics and physics, but never get good grades in these classes. Being extremely reading compulsive, I am attracted by the beauty of mankind minds very much. Visit my old homepage to find out more about me!