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sc3246 at cornell dot edu

Curriculum Vitae | Kerikulum Vite

Sak Pase!

Stanley Celestin

Be Passionate, Be Loving, and Think Hard.

About | Kiyès Sa?

I am a third year PhD student in Computer Science at Cornell Univeristy working with Guy Hoffman in the Human Robot Collaboration and Campanionship Lab. I have interests in human-robot interaction and artificial intelligence . I am broadly interested in increasing the socialbility of robots through intention recognition, collaboration, and multimodality.

Prior to Cornell, I attended the Univeristy of Florida where I obtained a bachelors degree in computer engineering. While UF, I worked with Dr. Juan E. Gilbert in the Human Experience Research Lab and Dr. Kyla Mc Mullen in the SoundPad Lab. I interned several times at General Electric and at Microsost Research with Dr. Ashish Kapoor in the Aerial Informatics and Robotics Group.

Outside of the computer science, I study how communities in underdeveloped parts of the world can grow to become present in the modern ecosystem of eduction, technology, and commerce. If you have any thoughts on innovative soultions for underdeveloped communities, contact me!

Outside of academics, I love sports, (video and board) games, and spending time with frinds and church.

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