GibbsILR README =============== last updated: July 28, 2006 If you use this program in your research, please cite: Patrick Ng, Niranjan Nagarajan, Neil Jones, and Uri Keich. "Apples to apples: improving the performance of motif finders and their significance analysis in the Twilight Zone." Bioinformatics 2006 22(14):e393-e401 Abstract Motivation: Effective algorithms for finding relatively weak motifs are an important practical necessity while scanning long DNA sequences for regulatory elements. The success of such an algorithm hinges on the ability of its scoring function combined with a significance analysis test to discern real motifs from random noise. Results: In the first half of the paper we show that the paradigm of relying on entropy scores and their E-values can lead to undesirable results when searching for weak motifs and we offer alternate approaches to analyzing the significance of motifs. In the second half of the paper we reintroduce a scoring function and present a motif-finder that optimizes it that are more effective in finding relatively weak motifs than other tools. INSTALLATION ============ To extract the files, use "tar -zxvf gibbsilr.tar.gz". After the extraction, the program can be compiled by typing "./compile" or by going into the "code" directory and typing "make". That should create "gibbsilr.out". I have previously ran this program under Cygwin, linux 32-bit, and linux 64-bit. The benchmarks in the paper were done without the -funroll-loops compiler option. It seems that this compiler option speeds up GibbsILR significally, but it was left out in the benchmarks so that all finders were on equal footing. RUNNING THE PROGRAM =================== For help on the parameters of the program, simply type "./gibbsilr.out". GibbsILR used the following parameters on the benchmarks shown in the paper: ./gibbsilr sample.fa -l 13 -t 250 -L 200 -p 0.05