(* In 33 cases, images and depths are not aligned because of dynamic objects in the scene, or error in the collection process. Therefore, 425 images from datatset 1,2 and 3 were used in the NIPS and IJCV paper. Also read data alamac.)
Depth Data format:
Untar the depths (e.g. using tar -xvzf filename.tar.gz)
The files are in Matlab .mat files, you can use matlab: load filenamexxx.mat, imagesc(depthMap) to see the depthmaps.
Data alignment issues:
Depth data alignment: Depths and Images cannot be completely aligned because of equipment
noise. However, affine transformation of the images/depths would help, and conversion of
depths from spherical to planar coordinates would help --- more info/code later.
For alignment to a first approximation, simple cropping of depthmaps and scaling will do reasonably.