CaiRoad: The direct download link for the data can be found here Once unzipped the directory has the following structure. CaiRoad/ events/ 2955_3125_00001/ 00_img.png 00_mask.png 01_img.png .... 2955_3125_00003/ ... fulldata/ 2955_3125/ bbox31250_29550_2015_07.jpg bbox31250_29550_2015_08.jpg ... 2955_3130/ ... road_labels.csv testset.csv trainset.csv We describe each of these directories and files here: fulldata: contains a set of directories for different locations. Each directory name describes the bottom left corner of the bounding box region in coordinates. If the directory name is 2955_3125. The bottom left corner has the coordinate (29.55 N 31.25 E) i.e. a division by 100. Each directory contains images from different months. The last two integers delimited by an underscore decribe the year and month of the image. For example, *_2015_07.jpg was taken in July of 2015. The images itself is a 1024x1024 RGB representation of the signals from satellite capturing 0.05 degrees of latitute and longitude. events: contains a set of directories for different events discovered and presented by in dataset. Each directory name is a unique identifier for an event. The event directory contains n images (**_img.png) and n-1 masks (**_mask.png). The img.png files contain the RGB images from change events. i_mask.png is a binary mask showing change between i_img.png and i+1_img.png. road_labels.csv: is a csv file containing ground truth labels for all the change events. Each row has 2 items, the first is the unique indentifier for events. second is a 0, 1 value. If the value is 1, humans annotated is as a road construction event. testset.csv, trainset.csv: are 50-50 test-train split for change events. the structure is similar to road_labels.csv ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CalFire: The direct download link for the data can be found here The structure is very similar to CaiRoad. Once unzipped the directory has the following structure. CalFire/ events/ 0089d3c4-c554-46e1-8eb9-af95e4dfae0c_00006/ 00_img.png 00_mask.png 01_img.png .... 0089d3c4-c554-46e1-8eb9-af95e4dfae0c_00009/ ... fulldata/ 0089d3c4-c554-46e1-8eb9-af95e4dfae0c/ bbox_2019_04.jpg bbox_2019_05.jpg ... 00a13d84-415e-4106-aa31-2e664ed9eabf/ ... fire_labels.csv testset.csv trainset.csv We describe each of these directories and files here: fulldata: contains a set of directories for different locations. Each directory name is the unique forest fire location (see forest unique identifier in 'all_forest_fires.csv'). Some of these fires are small in area and temporal extent and are thus ignored. More information about obtaining images is provided with the code. events: contains a set of directories for different events discovered and presented by in dataset. Each directory name is a unique identifier for an event. The event directory contains n images (**_img.png) and n-1 masks (**_mask.png). The img.png files contain the RGB images from change events. i_mask.png is a binary mask showing change between i_img.png and i+1_img.png. fire_labels.csv: is a csv file containing ground truth labels for all the change events. Each row has 2 items, the first is the unique indentifier for events. second is a 0, 1 value. If the value is 1, it is annotated is as a forest fire event. testset.csv, trainset.csv: are 50-50 test-train split for change events. the structure is similar to road_labels.csv