The direct download link for the data can be found here The data directory should be extracted in the home directory of the project. So if `path/to/Field-Guide-ZSL` is the project directory data directory should be `path/to/Field-Guide-ZSL/data`. The data directory is organized in the following format: data/ CUB/ CUB_r101.pkl CUB_parent.npy CUB_nns.npy SUN/ ... AWA2/ ... `{Dataset}_r101.pkl` contains information semantic and image information for the dataset. The `.pkl` file contains the information provided by the datasets from [1]. `{Dataset}_parent.npy` contains the taxonomy information about the dataset. Classes with same parents are considered siblings in our framework. `{Dataset}_nns.npy` contains the user annotated nearest base class information for the novel classes. [1] Zero-Shot Learning - A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Xian et. al., CVPR 2017 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description of '{Dataset}_r101.pkl' This is a pickle file containing following keys: features : 2-d numpy array (size: Nx2048) containing resnet features for all N images (train/test/val). labels: 1-d numpy array (size: N) containing class labels for all N images (train/test/val). class_names: 1-d numpy array (size: C) containing class names corresponding to index for all C classes (seen/unseen). image_files: 1-d numpy array (size: N) containing file name for all N images (train/test/val). We do not use this in our experiements but this could be useful for future analysis. attributes: 2-d numpy array (size: CxA) containing normalized attribute description of length A for C classes (seen/unseen). attribute_names: python list (length: A) containing name of the A attributes. original_attributes: 2-d numpy array (size: CxA) containing original attribute description of length A for C classes (seen/unseen). trainval_loc: 1-d numpy array containing indices of image-labels used for training and validation (training for deployment). train_loc: 1-d numpy array containing indices of image-labels used for training. val_loc: 1-d numpy array containing indices of image-labels used for validation. test_seen_loc: 1-d numpy array containing indices of image-labels used for testing containing classes seen during training. test_unseen_loc: 1-d numpy array containing indices of image-labels used for testing containing classes not seen during training. perimageatrribute: Dictionary (size: N) containing image-level attributes for each image annotated by humans. These attributes are aggregated to get class level attributes. Values that are not use NaN instead.