We propose a
domain-decomposition method to simulate
articulated deformable characters entirely
within a subspace framework. The method
supports quasistatic and dynamic deformations,
nonlinear kinematics and materials, and can
achieve interactive time-stepping rates. To
avoid artificial rigidity, or "locking,"
associated with coupling low-rank domain
models together with hard constraints, we
employ penalty-based coupling forces. The
multi-domain subspace integrator can simulate
deformations efficiently, and exploits
efficient subspace-only evaluation of
constraint forces between rotated domains
using the so-called Fast Sandwich
Transform (FST). Examples are presented
for articulated characters with quasistatic
and dynamic deformations, and interactive
performance with hundreds of fully coupled
modes. Using our method, we have observed
speedups of between three and four orders of
magnitude over full-rank, unreduced
Individual video
clips, including several not in
the main video, are also available. Many
of the clips are longer than the
segments shown in the main video, and
display additional deformations and
is a toolkit for efficient finite element
simulations of deformable bodies containing both
geometric and material non-linearities. Its main
feature is its use of subspace methods, also
known as dimensional model reduction or
reduced-order methods, which can accelerate
simulations by several orders of magnitude.
This work was supported in part by the National
Science Foundation (CAREER-0430528,
EMTCompBio-0621999), the National Institutes of
Health (NIBIB/NIH R01EB006615), NSERC (Many-core
Physically Based Simulations), the Alfred P.
Sloan Foundation, and donations from Intel,
Pixar, and Autodesk.