CS/ECE major Feiran Chen and ECE partner Connor Archard have won several awards for their rapid circuit-prototyping printer. The duo started their project by buying an obsolete pen plotter from Craigslist, and then replaced a number of components to allow the device to use electrically conductive ink. They have also built a website explaining how one can build one's own quite cheaply.
Rapid Circuit Plotter won one of two $10,000 ECE Innovation awards. The Innovation Competition challenges students to design and develop an innovative technology based on electrical and computer engineering, and to demonstrate the potential of the idea to address a practical business and/or social challenge.
Chen and Archard's project also collected the Google Moonshot Award and the General Electric IT Imagination at Work Award at the annual BOOM technology showcase.
Chronicle article on Rapid Circuit Plotter (including video):
DIY circuit board printer for under $90
Chronicle article on the ECE Innovation awards:
Dog tail tracker, circuit printer win $10K prizes
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