REDNESS and BLUENESS by Degrees Data was taken by sfa Nov 4, 2004, from States are sorted by the percentage difference in votes for Bush and Kerry. Number of votes cast per state cast for Kerry or Bush is indicated (millions). Percentages of all votes that are for Kerry and for Bush are indicated. Graph: *'s are proportional to the number of total Bush plus Kerry votes. -'s are the differences in percentages. State B% K% B%-K% Votes&Diff% Graphs Mass 2.8 37 62 -25 ***------------------------- RhoIs .4 39 60 -21 --------------------- Verm .3 39 59 -20 -------------------- NY 6.8 40 58 -18 *******------------------ Maryl 2.1 43 56 -13 **------------- Cal 9.8 44 55 -11 **********----------- Conn 1.5 44 54 -10 **---------- Illi 5.1 45 55 -10 *****---------- Hawa .4 45 54 -9 --------- Maine .7 45 53 -8 *-------- Wash 2.0 46 53 -7 **------- Dela .4 46 53 -7 ------- NJers 3.4 46 53 -7 ***------- Oreg 1.7 48 52 -4 **---- Minn 2.8 48 51 -3 ***--- Mich 2.8 48 51 -3 ***--- Penn 5.6 49 51 -2 ******-- NHamp .7 49 50 -1 *- Wisc 3.0 49 50 -1 ***- NMex .7 50 49 1 *- Iowa 1.5 50 49 1 **- Ohio 5.5 51 49 2 ******-- Nev .8 51 48 3 *--- Fla 7.4 52 47 5 *******----- Col 1.9 53 46 7 **------- Misso 2.7 54 46 8 ***-------- Ark 1.0 54 45 9 *--------- Virg 3.0 54 45 9 ***--------- Ariz 1.6 55 44 11 **----------- NoCar 3.4 56 44 12 ***------------ WVirg .7 56 43 13 *------------- Tenn 2.4 57 43 14 **-------------- Louis 1.9 57 42 15 **--------------- SoCar 1.6 58 41 17 **----------------- Geor 3.2 58 41 17 ***----------------- Kent 1.8 60 40 20 **-------------------- Missi 1.1 60 40 20 *-------------------- Mont .4 59 39 20 -------------------- SoDak .4 60 39 21 --------------------- Indi 2.4 60 39 21 **--------------------- Tex 7.3 61 38 23 *******----------------------- Kans 1.1 62 37 25 *------------------------- Alab 1.8 63 37 26 **-------------------------- NoDak .3 63 36 27 --------------------------- Alas .2 62 35 27 --------------------------- Okla 1.5 66 34 32 **-------------------------------- Nebr .7 67 32 35 *----------------------------------- Ida .6 68 30 38 *-------------------------------------- Wyo .2 69 29 40 ---------------------------------------- Utah .8 71 27 44 *--------------------------------------------