July 15, 2002 Carmel, NY
These pictures were taken at my friend Angel's house in Carmel NY.
Bubbles having fun with her chocolate friend Turon in these pictures.
Thanks to Amy for the pictures and the annotations.
- Hubble standing by the deck
- Hubble and Turon running on the deck
- Hubble in deep thought
- Hubble standing by the chair
- Hubble and Turon sitting down
- Hubble and Turon waiting for dinner
- Hubble wrinkling her forehead
- Let us in the house!
- Angel and Hubble relaxing on the deck
- Hubble and Turon enjoying Raman's socks
- Raman with Hubble and Turon
- Raman and Hubble shaking hands
- Raman and Hubble shaking hands again
- Raman and Hubble enjoying the sunset
- Raman petting Hubble
- Raman petting Turon with Hubble becoming jealous
- Raman continues to pet Turon despite Hubble's displeasure
- Angel petting Turon
- Angel and Turon after a hard day
- Hubble and Turon playing on the deck
- Hubble and Turon playing the jumping game
- Hubble and Turon having fun
- Dogs running in circles on the deck
- More of the jumping game
- And still more dogs jumping
- Hubble and Tu checking each other out
- Puppy power
- Dogs staring at the house
- Hubble and Turon sniffing each other
- Hubble kissing Turon and he loves it
- Hubble and Turon resting on the deck
- Hubble sleeping
- Hubble resting
- Angel playing with the dogs
- Angel giving the dogs a command
- The dogs kissing Angel and he loves it
- A profile of Turon
- Hubble and Turon looking into the kitchen
- Hubble and Turon looking into the kitchen ? a close-up
- Hubble and Turon hugging each other
- Hubble and Turon staring into the kitchen ? a cute picture
- Hubble on the deck at night
- Hubble and Turon in the morning
Email: T. V. Raman
Last modified: Thu Aug 15 18:03:37 2002