For a list of videos from past talks click here (Net ID required)

Thursdays at 4:15pm in G01 Gates Hall - Mentor's Lecture Hall (Unless otherwise indicated)
Reception at 3:45 in front of 416 Gates Hall - New Visions

Thursday 08.27.15

Deep Learning with Attention Mechanisms

Speaker: Yoshua Bengio, U Montreal

Host: Kilian Weinberger

Thursday 09.03.15

Privacy in the Land of Plenty

Speaker: Cynthia Dwork, Microsoft

Host: Jon Kleinberg

Thursday 09.10.15

No Colloquium


Thursday 09.17.15

Convexity, Bayesianism, and the Quest Towards Optimal Algorithms 
Speaker: Boaz Barak, Harvard University/Microsoft Research
Host: David Steurer

Thursday 09.24.15

Synthesis and Verification for Everyone

Speaker: Emina Torlak, UWash

Host: Andrew Myers

Thursday 10.01.15

No Colloquium

Thursday 10.08.15

Coordinating $4.1B of Federal IT Research and Development: the NITRD and NCO

Speaker: Keith Marzullo, NSF/UCSD

Host: Robbert Van Renesse

Thursday 10.15.15

Instruction Sets Want To Be Free: A Case for RISC-V

Speaker: David Patterson, Berkeley

Host: Greg Morrisett

Thursday 10.22.15

Using Formal Methods to Eliminate Exploitable Bugs

Speaker: Kathleen Fisher, Tufts

Host: Nate Foster

Thursday 10.29.15

From Robots to Biomolecules: Computing Meets the Physical World

Salton Speaker: Lydia Kavraki, Rice University

Host: Ross Knepper

Thursday 11.05.15

The Pit and the Pendulum

Speaker: Lorenzo Alvisi, UT Austin

Host: Robbert Van Renesse

Thursday 11.12.15

A Big World of Tiny Motions

Speaker: Bill Freeman, MIT

Host: Kavita Bala

Thursday 11.19.15

Greed in Service of Tensors for Dependency Parsing

Speaker: Regina Barzilay, MIT

Host: Lillian Lee

Thursday 11.26.15

No Colloquium-Thanksgiving

Tuesday 12.01.15

Network Verification and Synthesis - When Hoare Meets Cerf

Speaker: George Varghese, Microsoft

Host: Nate Foster

Thursday 12.03.15

Big Data Is (At Least) Four Different Problems

Salton Speaker: Mike Stonebraker, CSAIL MIT

Host: Ken Birman




Fall 2015Spring 2015Fall 2014Spring 2014Fall 2013 | Spring 2013 | Fall 2012 | Spring 2012 | Fall 2011 | Spring 2011 | Fall 2010 | Spring 2010 | Fall 2009 | Spring 2009 | Fall 2008 | Spring 2008 | Fall 2007 | Spring 2007 | Fall 2006 | Spring 2006 | Fall 2005 | Spring 2005 | Fall 2004 | Spring 2004 | Fall 2003 | Spring 2003 | Fall 2002Spring 2002 | Fall 2001 | Spring 2001 | Fall 2000 | Spring 2000