GVL4 M-Files: Chapter 4

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ShowGaxpyChol gaxpy Cholesky
ShowBlockChol block Cholesky (non-recursive implementation)
ShowBlockChol_Recur block Cholesky (recursive implementation)
ShowLDLT LDL transpose factorization
ShowLDLTpiv LDL transpose factorization with diagonal pivoting
ShowBandChol band Cholesky
ShowTridiagSol sym pos def tridiagonal system solver
ShowBlockTridiagSol block tridiagonal system solver
ShowBandLU band LU
ShowHessLUpiv Hessenberg LU with partial pivoting
ShowParlettReid Parlett-Reid method for sym indefinite matrices
ShowAasen Aasen's method for sym indefinite matrices
ShowBunchParlett diagonal pivoting method for sym indefinite matrices
ShowCirculantSolver fast circulant system solver
ShowFastPoisson fast Poisson solver with different boundary conditions
ShowToeplitz classical methods for sym pos def Toeplitz problems
ShowVandermonde fast  Vandermonde solvers


GaxpyChol Cholesky factorization (gaxpy implementation)
BlockChol block Cholesky (non-recursive implementation)
BlockChol_Recur block Cholesky (recursive implementation)
LDLT LDL-transpose factorization
LDLTpiv LDL-transpose factorization with diagonal pivoting
BandChol band Cholesky
BandLU band LU factorization
BandBackSub back substitution for banded upper tri matrices
BandForwardSub forward elimination for banded lower tri matrices
TridiagSol sym pos def tridiagonal system solver
ParlettReid Parlett-Reid method for sym indef matrices
Aasen Aasen factorization for sym indef matrices
BunchParlett Bunch-Parlett method for sym indef matrices
HessLUpiv LU with partial pivoting for upper Hessenberg matrices
SlowPoisson slow Poisson solver on a rectangle
FastPoisson fast Poisson solver on a rectangle
CirculantSolver fast circulant system solver
Durbin classical method for Yule-Walker problems
Levinson classical sym pos def Toeplitz system solver
Trench classical method for inverse of sym pos def Toeplitz