GVL4 M-Files: Chapter 3

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ShowOuterLU outer product LU
ShowOuterLU_PP outer product LU with partial pivoting
ShowOuterLU_CP outer product LU with complete pivoting
ShowOuterLU_RP outer product LU with rook pivoting
ShowGaxpyLU gaxpy LU
ShowGaxpyLU_PP gaxpy LU with partial pivoting
ShowBlockLU block LU (non-recursive implementation)
ShowBlockLU_Recur block LU (recursive implementation)
ShowCondEst condition estimation
ShowEffectOfCond effect of condition on Ax = b accuracy
ShowIterImprove iterative improvement
ShowRectLU LU of rectangular matrix


BackCol back substitution (column-oriented)
BackRow back substitution (row-oriented)
ForwardCol forward elimination (column-oriented)
ForwardRow   forward elimination (row-oriented)
ForwardColMultipleRHS block forward elimination with multiple rhs
OuterLU outer product LU
OuterLU_PP outer product LU with partial pivoting
OuterLU_CP outer product LU with complete pivoting
OuterLU_RP outer product LU with rook pivoting
GaxpyLU gaxpy LU
GaxpyLU_PP gaxpy LU with partial pivoting
BlockLU block LU (non-recursive implementation)
BlockLU_recur block LU (recursive implementation)
CondEstLowerTri condition estimate of lower triangular matrix
CondEstUpperTri condition estimate of upper triangular matrix
BackRow6 back substitution in 6-digit FP
ForwardRow6 forward elimination in 6-digit FP
OuterLU_PP6 outer product LU in 6-digit FP
RectLU LU of rectangular matrix