Computer Science Advanced Standing Exam
Gates Hall
August 17, 2023
12:30-2:30 pm
Gates Hall G01


The Computer Science Advanced Standing Exam (CASE) is used to determine whether a student should receive credit for CS 1110. While that course is currently offered in Python, the computer science department will extend credit to any student that exhibits mastery in an object-oriented language.

This year, we will offer a traditional-style (in-person) placement exam on Thursday, August 17th at 12:30 pm Gates G01. You are permitted to use any object-oriented programming language that you choose, including Python, Java, or any of the C variants (C++/C#/Objective-C). Sufficient performance on this exam will guarantee both credit for CS 1110 and placement into higher-level CS courses.

The exam will be timed and take no more than 2 hours. Students taking the placement exam will be expected to demonstrate mastery of the following concepts:

All of these topics are covered in CS 1110, so you would benefit from this course if any of these terms are unfamiliar to you.

The test does not include subclassing, inheritance, or overriding. While this material is covered in CS 1110, we do not expect mastery in these topics to receive credit.


Grading is pass/fail. Students taking the exam will either receive credit for CS1110 or no credit at all. There is no penalty for failing the exam. This exam is for placement only, and the exam will be destroyed once credit is resolved.

Grading will be complete by Friday, August 18th, in time for your final course selections. Your grade will be posted online in the Cornell course management system (CMS). Log in to this site with your netid and password; the Advanced Standing Exam is listed as a Fall 2023 course named "CS ASE".

If you pass, the grade in CMS will be a 2; there will be no further comments. If you fail the exam, there will be a 0 and, if we deem it necessary, comments explaining the grade. In cases where placement is awarded without credit, the score will be a 1, with additional information about scheduling an in-person interview if necessary. If you have further questions about your score, e-mail Walker White for an appointment to discuss your exam.

Advising Recommendations

You should use the recommendation of the Advanced Standing Exam to determine your fall courses with your advisor.

If you are awarded credit for CS 1110

In this case we advise you to take CS 2110 as your first programming course. If you do take CS 2110, and you discover during the ADD period that it seems too difficult, consult with your advisor about how to proceed. Be aware that if you ever choose to take CS 1110, the grade that you receive in CS 1110 will replace your credit for the Advanced Standing Exam.

If you are awarded placement without credit for CS 1110

It is possible to take CS 2110 without receiving credit for CS 1110. You should only accept this offer if you have significant programming experience and have discussed the issue thoroughly with your advisor.

If you take CS 2110 without having received credit for CS 1110, and if you are a student in the College of Engineering, you should note that CS 2110 cannot fulfill both the CS 1110 requirement and the College of Engineering distribution requirement. CS 2110 is a three-credit course, whereas CS 1110 is a four-credit course. In that case you will need to take both of the following types of courses:

Please consider this option carefully.

If you are awarded neither placement nor credit for CS 1110

In this case we advise you to take either CS 1110 or CS 1112 as your first programming course. Both courses are taught in Python, and are equally good for preparing students for CS 2110 and higher level computer science courses. The only difference is that CS 1110 has an emphasis on software design and development, while CS 1112 has an emphasis on scientific computation.