Monday, April
21, 2008 3:30 PM - note special time 5130 Upson Hall |
Theory Seminar Spring 2008 CS 789 |
Prakash Panangaden |
Bisimulation and Metrics for Labelled Markov Processes |
Labelled Markov Processes (LMPs) are a combination of
traditional labelled transition systems and Markov processes and are
closely related to Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). They model systems
featuring stochasticity as well as interaction with an external
environment. Bisimulation is an equivalence relation that captures the
idea of two systems that ``behave the same;'' it was introduced by
Milner and Park in the early 1970s in their studies of concurrent
systems. Probabilistic bisimulation was studied by Larsen and Skou in
the late 1980s and early 1990s. Our contribution has been to extend this
study to systems with continuous state spaces. |