Computer Graphics Seminar—Fall 2009

CS 7690
Mondays, 12:15–1:15 pm
551 Rhodes Hall (PCG Conference Room)

The talks in the Graphics Seminar stem from current research, and they can be of various types:

Talks about research that is already written up and submitted are generally not allowed; you should present work in seminar when you are still ready to get feedback on it.

Schedule for Fall 2009:

August 31 Introductions, and Graphics/Vision Lab Pizza Party
Special Location: 455 Rhodes (G/V Lab)
September 7
Manuel Vargas
Manolis Savva
September 14
Jon Kaldor
September 21 Kan Li
September 28 no seminar
October 5
Steven An
October 12
—Fall Break—
October 19
Jeff Chadwick
October 26
Tim Condon
November 2
Changxi Zheng
November 9
Wenzel Jakob
November 16
Edgar Velázquez-Armendáriz & Shuang Zhao
November 23
Jaroslav Krivanek
November 30
no seminar

Previous semesters:

  Doug James (djames @