Project Due: September 22, 2021 at 11:59pm
Late Policy: Up to two slip days can be used for the final submission.
Projects are done individually, to make sure that you all have experience enough to use machine learning frameworks on your own. Please submit all required documents to CMS.
Motivation. This is a somewhat open-ended project. It is designed to be an introduction to ML frameworks and tools for those who need it, while also providing the opportunity for those who may be an expect in ML frameworks an opportunity to learn new things. In particular, there are the following learning goals:
At several points in this project description, you will be presented an alternative choice to one or more of the project instructions. The goal of these choices is to give you more options for exploring aspects of ML frameworks that you might not be familiar with. These choices are formatted in green like this. When making one of these choices, consider your own learning goals, and select the option that will best advance them. Note that my reference solution will use only the main choice given in black text in this assignment description, so it may be somewhat more difficult for us to help you debug if you choose alternately. (But as graduate students taking a 6000-level class, this shouldn't scare you!) If you do make an alternate choice, be sure to indicate that in your project report.
The deliverables for this project will include code and a project report. At certain points in this assignment description, you will be asked to present something in your project report. These choices are formatted in crimson like this. In addition to the crimson-formatted deliverables, your project report should also include a short (1-2 paragraphs) summary of what you did.
Overview. In this project, you will be implementing and evaluating stochastic gradient descent for empirical risk minimization on a logistic regression task on the Adult dataset. This dataset is available publically from the UCI data repository; here for simplicity we will be using the a9a featurization of the dataset available from the LibSVM datasets page here (these are both great sources for simple ML datasets to use for testing, by the way). The goal of the Adult dataset is to predict based on census features of an individual American adult whether that person's income exceeds $50k/yr.
The datasets we will use for this assignment are available here: training, validation. These are just local copies of the data available on the LibSVM datasets website. The format for the datasets is as follows. Each line represents a training example. The first number on each line is the training label \(y_i\). The remaining entries on each line are pairs of the form [feature index]:[feature value]
. The features are 1-indexed. There are 123 total features in this dataset. The dataset is presented in this file in a sparse manner: features that are not present have value 0 implicitly.
Part 1: Deriving SGD for logistic regression. Two-class logistic regression in this setting has loss function \[ F(w) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f_i(w) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \log(1 + \exp(-w^T x_i y_i)), \] where \( w \in \mathbb{R}^d \) are the weights, \(x_i \in \mathbb{R}^d\) and \(y_i \in \{-1,1\}\) are the \(i\)th training example and training label, respectively, and \(n\) is the number of training examples. For this model, the prediction made is the simple linear classifies \[ h_w(x) = \operatorname{sign}(w^T x). \] In this assignment, we are going to train such a two-class classifier.
Derive an expression for the gradient of the component loss function \(f_i\) with respect to the weights \(w\). Also write out an expression for a single update step of SGD (with mini-batch size 1). Include these expressions in your report. (Hint: if you are stuck, or want to check your work, these expressions appear in the Lecture 4 notes.)
Part 2: Loading the data. Write code to load the training and validation data for the Adult dataset above into numpy, in such a format as you can use it later. Do this by loading the data into a dense numpy matrix. Importantly, when loading data for a linear model like this, we want to append an "extra" feature that is always 1: this feature is used to represent the bias term in the linear model representation. Thus, the matrix of examples you load should be of size \( X \in \mathbb{R}^{124 \times 32561} \) for the training set and \( X_{\text{val}} \in \mathbb{R}^{124 \times 16281} \) for the validation set.
Alternatively, you may choose to represent your data as a sparse matrix. If you do, you may be interested to evaluate how the performance of this approach compares to the dense matrix approach.
If you wish, you may choose to use Julia as your numerical framework instead of numpy. If you do, use it for the rest of this assignment, whereever you are instructed to run something in numpy. While Python and numpy are more commonly used for ML tasks, if you feel that you already have mastery over them and would like to learn another tool, Julia is a good choice.
Part 3: Implementing stochastic gradient descent. Implement the following three functions in numpy.
that, given a dataset of examples \(X\) and example labels \(y\), and a vector of model weights \(w\), computes the loss \(F\) of that model on that dataset.logreg_error
that, given a dataset of examples \(X\) and example labels \(y\), and a vector of model weights \(w\), computes the error of that model on that dataset. The error is the fraction of examples that the model predicts incorrectly, and should be a number between 0 and 1.logreg_sgd
that, given a dataset of examples \(X\) and example labels \(y\), a vector of initial model weights \(w\), a learning rate \(\alpha\), an \(\ell_2\) regularization constant \(\sigma\), and a number of steps \(T\), runs SGD on that dataset for that number of iterations, returning the resulting model. This function should use a minibatch size of \(1\), and should sample a new training example uniformly at random from the training set at each iteration.Part 4: Evaluating stochastic gradient descent. Run your implementation of SGD with the following parameters:
Part 5: Simple hyperparameter exploration. Now explore how the performance of the training algorithm is affected by different hyperparameter choices. Can you identify a better setting of hyperparameters that improves the accuracy or lets us train in less iterations?
Alternatively, you may choose to explore other hyperparameters, which we have not included in this assignment description. For example, you may choose to add momentum or evaluate minibatching.
Part 6: Logistic regression in PyTorch. Now set up the logistic regression objective in PyTorch. Hint: you can use PyTorch to specify the loss function as a shallow neural network. Then, run stochastic gradient descent on the problem in PyTorch using the same parameters you used above. (Do not worry about what method PyTorch uses to pick what sample is chosen in each step; just go with whatever you think is appropriate.)
Alternatively, you may choose to use a ML framework other than PyTorch for this part and Part 7. If you do, be sure to use a framework that supports automatic differentiation. Choices here include TensorFlow, MXNet, and Flux. If you are using TensorFlow, you may find the tf.keras.optimizers.SGD
and tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy
classes to be useful here, if you are taking the Keras route.
Measure and plot the same values (training loss, training error, validation error) that you did in the numpy case, and include the resulting figures in your report.
How does the performance of PyTorch compare with your numpy implementation? Was one faster? Was one more accurate? Was one easier or harder for you to implement? Explain in a paragraph in your report.
Part 7: Other Optimization Algorithms in PyTorch. PyTorch makes it easy to "switch out" the optimization algorithm for something else. For example, here is a list of the optimizers that PyTorch supports out-of-the box. (Note that the SGD optimizer also supports momentum natively, so there is no need for a separate optimizer class for momentum.) Can we find an optimizer that works better for this problem than SGD?
Project Deliverables. Submit your code containing all the functions you implemented. Additionally, submit a written lab report containing the following.