CS 6758: Deep Learning for Robotics (Fall 2024)

Cornell Unviersity

Lectures: Tue, Thu 8:40 am – 9:55 am, Hollister 401


Deep learning has become a pivotal force in recent robotics research advancements, from estimating the state of the world to solving long-horizon tasks in unseen environments. The new paradigm shifts from traditional feature and model engineering to learning task-relevant representations from raw data. This is fueled by increasingly more affordable hardware and diverse data sources from which algorithms may learn from. This graduate-level course examines how deep learning approaches have been applied to robotics problems, including various topics of perception and decision making. We will also discuss the recent trend of large-scale representation learning and foundation models for robotics.


This course interleaves lectures and guided discussions. We will first spend a few lectures at the beginning of the semester to review the fundamentals of robot learning. Then, after each lecture on Thursday, we will read two papers and discuss them in class on the next Tuesday. Each discussion will be led by an assigned group of student presenters. Before each discussion, everyone in the class is expected to submit a short review of the required readings as homework. Another significant portion of the class comes from a semester-long project, where you will work in a team of 1-3 people on a research project that is related to the course topics.


Machine learning: CS 4780 or equivalent is a prerequisite. We will be assuming knowledge of concepts including, but not limited to stochastic gradient descent and logistic regression, and pre-requisites such as probability theory, multivariable calculus, and linear algebra. Some familiarity with deep learning is recommended as the course will build on deep learning concepts such as backpropagation, convolutional networks, and other deep learning techniques.

Robotics: While it is not a hard requirement, we recommend you to come with some familiarity with basic concepts of robotic control, computer vision, and reinforcement learning. CS 5750, CS 4756, CS 5670, or equivalent would be preferred.


Kuan Fang


kuanfang [at] cornell [dot] edu
Office Hours: Tue 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm at Gates 425

Yunhao Cao

Teaching Assistant

yc2579 [at] cornell [dot] edu
Office Hours: Thu 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm at Rhodes 400
Rhodes 400 136 Hoy Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850
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Tentative Schedule

Date Lecture Notes Recommended Reading
Week 1
Tue, 08/27
Introduction [slides]
Week 1
Thu, 08/29
Overview of Robot Perception and Control [slides]
Week 2
Tue, 09/03
Robot Learning Basics [slides]
Part I: Scaing Up Data
Week 2
Thu, 09/05
Exploration and Curiosity
Week 3
Tue, 09/10
Autonomous Improvements
Week 3
Thu, 09/12
Offline Reinforcement Learning
Week 4
Tue, 09/17
Learning from Prior Data
Week 4
Thu, 09/19
Domain Adaptation
Week 5
Tue, 09/24
Learning from Simulation
Week 5
Thu, 09/26
Generative Models
Week 6
Tue, 10/01
Learning from Imagination
Week 6
Thu, 10/03
Affordance Representations
Project Proposal Signup Form
Deadline: 11:59 pm
Week 7
Tue, 10/08
Learning from Human Videos
Week 7
Thu, 10/10
Proposal Talk
Project Proposal
Deadline: 11:59 pm
Week 8
Tue, 10/15
<Fall Break>
Part II: Scaing Up Models
Week 8
Thu, 10/17
Attention and Transformers
Week 9
Tue, 10/22
Transformer Policies
Week 9
Thu, 10/24
Vision-Language Models
Week 10
Tue, 10/29
Vision-Language-Action Models
Week 10
Thu, 10/31
Diffusion Models
Week 11
Tue, 11/05
Diffusion for Control
Week 11
Thu, 11/07
Representation Learning
Week 12
Tue, 11/12
Robotics Representations
Week 12
Thu, 11/14
Open-Vocabulary Perception
Week 13
Tue, 11/19
Open-World Control
Week 13
Thu, 11/21
Guest Lecture: Dhruv Shah, Princeton University / Google Deepmind
Week 14
Tue, 11/26
Guest Lecture: TBA
Week 14
Thu, 11/28
<Thanksgiving Break>
Week 15
Tue, 12/03
Spotlight Talk
Week 15
Thu, 12/05
Spotlight Talk
Week 16
Fri, 12/13
<No Class>
Project Report
Deadline: 11:59 pm

Learning Outcomes

  • Summarize how deep learning is applied for robot perception and decision making.
  • Explain and compare research paeprs in robot learning.
  • Identify limitations and weaknesses of prior work to suggest future work.
  • Apply deep learning to solve real-world robot problems.

Grading Policy

This course interleaves lectures and guided discussions. The course has no midterm or final exams. You will be graded on the basis of homework, class participation, and a course project. In each week, we will read 2 papers related to the previous lecture and discuss them in class. Before each lecture, you are expected to submit a short review of the required readings as homework. Each class will also have a group of presenters who are in charge of leading the discussion. Another significant portion of the grade comes from a semester-long project, where you can work in a team of 1-3 people on a research project that is related to the course topics. The final grade for the course will be tentatively based on the following weights:

Paper reviews (30%)

Write reviews for the papers selected for presentation (paper list is in the syllabus below). You are required to complete 10 paper reviews (based on your choice among the 20 papers that we will discuss) throughout the semester. If you submit more than 10 paper reviews, your grade will be computed based on the 10 reviews which get the highest scores. The review needs to be submitted the day before the presentation (Deadline: 11:59 pm). Please refer to this [guide] and [template] to learn how to write reviews for robot learning papers.

Paper presentation (20%)

An integral component of this course is to conduct a systematic literature review on robot learning research through student presentations and in-class discussions. You will be divided into presentation groups (each of 2-3 students) based on your preference of papers. Each group will present two papers during the semester. To ensure the quality and clarity of the presentations, we expect you to
  • Read the assigned papers thoroughly and gain a good understanding before making the presentation slides ([template]).
  • Email the slides and a list of open-ended questions on the topic to the TA and the instructor 5 days prior to the presentation date (e.g., for a presentation on Tuesday, the deadline is on the Thursday before that week) for feedback and revision (Deadline: 11:59 pm).
Failures to email the slides on time would incur a 20% deduction on the presentation score. Presentation for each paper should be 20min (± 2min). The presentations will be graded in the following aspects:
  • Clarity of presentation (problem formulation, key insights, proposed method, key results).
  • Presentation of the background material (basic concepts to understand the research improvement).
  • Review of prior work and the challenges addressed by this work.
  • Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the research.
  • Discussion of potential research extensions and applications.
  • Response to student questions.
After the presentation, we will do a 10 min Q&A about the presentation and then we will have a 20 min open-ended discussion. The discussion questions will be posted on Ed Discussion by the instructor the day before the class. The slides of the presentations will be shared on the course webpage within one week of the presentation date.

Course project (40%)

The course project aims to help the students gain in-depth, hands-on experiences applying learning-based techniques to practical robot perception and decision making problems. It consists of these key milestones: a project proposal (5%), a proposal talk (5%), a final report (20%), and a spotlight talk (10%). The spotlight talk will be hosted in the week 15.

In-class participation (10%)

You will get penalized if you miss more than 2 attendance-taking classes.