Image Library Notes

The image library is fairly complex, and you should not waste significant time exploring it.  Here is a synopsis of what you will need to understand from it.

  1. An image object, such as CByteImage or CFloatImage has two methods you will need to use:

    1.  CShape Shape(void): This returns a CShape object describing the dimensions of an image.  CShape has two important members: width and height.  You can access these integers directly.

    2. T & Pixel(int x, int y, int band):  The return type T will depend on the type of image.  This method gives access to a single pixel at coordinates (x,y).  The band parameter gives access to a single band of a multi-band image (such as a color image).

  2. The only file in ImageLib you should examine more carefully is Transform.h.  You will need the CTransform3x3 class.