

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002     This file is part of Nori, a simple educational ray tracer
00004     Copyright (c) 2012 by Wenzel Jakob and Steve Marschner.
00006     Nori is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
00008     as published by the Free Software Foundation.
00010     Nori is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013     GNU General Public License for more details.
00015     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00016     along with this program. If not, see <>.
00017 */
00019 #if !defined(__BBOX_H)
00020 #define __BBOX_H
00022 #include <nori/ray.h>
00026 /**
00027  * \brief Generic n-dimensional bounding box data structure
00028  *
00029  * Maintains a minimum and maximum position along each dimension and provides
00030  * various convenience functions for querying and modifying them.
00031  *
00032  * This class is parameterized by the underlying point data structure,
00033  * which permits the use of different scalar types and dimensionalities, e.g.
00034  * \code
00035  * TBoundingBox<Vector3i> integerBBox(Point3i(0, 1, 3), Point3i(4, 5, 6));
00036  * TBoundingBox<Vector2d> doubleBBox(Point2d(0.0, 1.0), Point2d(4.0, 5.0));
00037  * \endcode
00038  *
00039  * \tparam T The underlying point data type (e.g. \c Point2d)
00040  * \ingroup libcore
00041  */
00042 template <typename _PointType> struct TBoundingBox {
00043         enum {
00044                 Dimension = _PointType::Dimension
00045         };
00047         typedef _PointType                             PointType;
00048         typedef typename PointType::Scalar             Scalar;
00049         typedef typename PointType::VectorType         VectorType;
00051         /** 
00052          * \brief Create a new invalid bounding box
00053          * 
00054          * Initializes the components of the minimum 
00055          * and maximum position to \f$\infty\f$ and \f$-\infty\f$,
00056          * respectively.
00057          */
00058         inline TBoundingBox() {
00059                 reset();
00060         }
00062         /// Create a collapsed bounding box from a single point
00063         inline TBoundingBox(const PointType &p) 
00064                 : min(p), max(p) { }
00066         /// Create a bounding box from two positions
00067         inline TBoundingBox(const PointType &min, const PointType &max)
00068                 : min(min), max(max) {
00069         }
00071         /// Test for equality against another bounding box
00072         inline bool operator==(const TBoundingBox &bbox) const {
00073                 return min == bbox.min && max == bbox.max;
00074         }
00076         /// Test for inequality against another bounding box
00077         inline bool operator!=(const TBoundingBox &bbox) const {
00078                 return min != bbox.min || max != bbox.max;
00079         }
00081         /// Calculate the n-dimensional volume of the bounding box
00082         inline Scalar getVolume() const {
00083                 return (max - min).prod();
00084         }
00086         /// Calculate the n-1 dimensional volume of the boundary
00087         inline float getSurfaceArea() const {
00088                 VectorType d = max - min;
00089                 float result = 0.0f;
00090                 for (int i=0; i<Dimension; ++i) {
00091                         float term = 1.0f;
00092                         for (int j=0; j<Dimension; ++j) {
00093                                 if (i == j)
00094                                         continue;
00095                                 term *= d[j];
00096                         }
00097                         result += term;
00098                 }
00099                 return 2.0f * result;
00100         }
00102         /// Return the center point
00103         inline PointType getCenter() const {
00104                 return (max + min) * (Scalar) 0.5f;
00105         }
00107         /**
00108          * \brief Check whether a point lies \a on or \a inside the bounding box
00109          *
00110          * \param p The point to be tested
00111          *
00112          * \param strict Set this parameter to \c true if the bounding
00113          *               box boundary should be excluded in the test
00114          */
00115         inline bool contains(const PointType &p, bool strict = false) const {
00116                 if (strict) {
00117                         return (p.array() > min.array()).all() 
00118                                 && (p.array() < max.array()).all();
00119                 } else {
00120                         return (p.array() >= min.array()).all() 
00121                                 && (p.array() <= max.array()).all();
00122                 }
00123         }
00125         /**
00126          * \brief Check whether a specified bounding box lies \a on or \a within 
00127          * the current bounding box
00128          *
00129          * Note that by definition, an 'invalid' bounding box (where min=\f$\infty\f$
00130          * and max=\f$-\infty\f$) does not cover any space. Hence, this method will always 
00131          * return \a true when given such an argument.
00132          *
00133          * \param strict Set this parameter to \c true if the bounding
00134          *               box boundary should be excluded in the test
00135          */
00136         inline bool contains(const TBoundingBox &bbox, bool strict = false) const {
00137                 if (strict) {
00138                         return (bbox.min.array() > min.array()).all() 
00139                                 && (bbox.max.array() < max.array()).all();
00140                 } else {
00141                         return (bbox.min.array() >= min.array()).all() 
00142                                 && (bbox.max.array() <= max.array()).all();
00143                 }
00144         }
00146         /**
00147          * \brief Check two axis-aligned bounding boxes for possible overlap.
00148          *
00149          * \param strict Set this parameter to \c true if the bounding
00150          *               box boundary should be excluded in the test
00151          *
00152          * \return \c true If overlap was detected.
00153          */
00154         inline bool overlaps(const TBoundingBox &bbox, bool strict = false) const {
00155                 if (strict) {
00156                         return (bbox.min.array() < max.array()).all() 
00157                                 && (bbox.max.array() > min.array()).all();
00158                 } else {
00159                         return (bbox.min.array() <= max.array()).all() 
00160                                 && (bbox.max.array() >= min.array()).all();
00161                 }
00162         }
00164         /**
00165          * \brief Calculate the smallest squared distance between
00166          * the axis-aligned bounding box and the point \c p.
00167          */
00168         inline Scalar squaredDistanceTo(const PointType &p) const {
00169                 Scalar result = 0;
00171                 for (int i=0; i<Dimension; ++i) {
00172                         Scalar value = 0;
00173                         if (p[i] < min[i])
00174                                 value = min[i] - p[i];
00175                         else if (p[i] > max[i])
00176                                 value = p[i] - max[i];
00177                         result += value*value;
00178                 }
00180                 return result;
00181         }
00183         /**
00184          * \brief Calculate the smallest distance between
00185          * the axis-aligned bounding box and the point \c p.
00186          */
00187         inline Scalar distanceTo(const PointType &p) const {
00188                 return std::sqrt(squaredDistanceTo(p));
00189         }
00191         /**
00192          * \brief Calculate the smallest square distance between
00193          * the axis-aligned bounding box and \c bbox.
00194          */
00195         inline Scalar squaredDistanceTo(const TBoundingBox &bbox) const {
00196                 Scalar result = 0;
00198                 for (int i=0; i<Dimension; ++i) {
00199                         Scalar value = 0;
00200                         if (bbox.max[i] < min[i])
00201                                 value = min[i] - bbox.max[i];
00202                         else if (bbox.min[i] > max[i])
00203                                 value = bbox.min[i] - max[i];
00204                         result += value*value;
00205                 }
00207                 return result;
00208         }
00210         /**
00211          * \brief Calculate the smallest distance between
00212          * the axis-aligned bounding box and \c bbox.
00213          */
00214         inline Scalar distanceTo(const TBoundingBox &bbox) const {
00215                 return std::sqrt(squaredDistanceTo(bbox));
00216         }
00218         /**
00219          * \brief Check whether this is a valid bounding box
00220          *
00221          * A bounding box \c bbox is valid when
00222          * \code
00223          * bbox.min[dim] <= bbox.max[dim]
00224          * \endcode
00225          * holds along each dimension \c dim.
00226          */
00227         inline bool isValid() const {
00228                 return (max.array() >= min.array()).all();
00229         }
00231         /// Check whether this bounding box has collapsed to a single point
00232         inline bool isPoint() const {
00233                 return (max.array() == min.array()).all();
00234         }
00236         /// Check whether this bounding box has any associated volume
00237         inline bool hasVolume() const {
00238                 return (max.array() > min.array()).all();
00239         }
00241         /// Return the dimension index with the largest associated side length
00242         inline int getMajorAxis() const {
00243                 VectorType d = max - min;
00244                 int largest = 0;
00245                 for (int i=1; i<Dimension; ++i)
00246                         if (d[i] > d[largest])
00247                                 largest = i;
00248                 return largest;
00249         }
00251         /// Return the dimension index with the shortest associated side length
00252         inline int getMinorAxis() const {
00253                 VectorType d = max - min;
00254                 int shortest = 0;
00255                 for (int i=1; i<Dimension; ++i)
00256                         if (d[i] < d[shortest])
00257                                 shortest = i;
00258                 return shortest;
00259         }
00261         /**
00262          * \brief Calculate the bounding box extents
00263          * \return max-min
00264          */
00265         inline VectorType getExtents() const {
00266                 return max - min;
00267         }
00269         /// Clip to another bounding box
00270         inline void clip(const TBoundingBox &bbox) {
00271                 min = min.cwiseMax(bbox.min);
00272                 max = max.cwiseMin(bbox.max);
00273         }
00275         /** 
00276          * \brief Mark the bounding box as invalid.
00277          * 
00278          * This operation sets the components of the minimum 
00279          * and maximum position to \f$\infty\f$ and \f$-\infty\f$,
00280          * respectively.
00281          */
00282         inline void reset() {
00283                 min.setConstant( std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::infinity());
00284                 max.setConstant(-std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::infinity());
00285         }
00287         /// Expand the bounding box to contain another point
00288         inline void expandBy(const PointType &p) {
00289                 min = min.cwiseMin(p);
00290                 max = max.cwiseMax(p);
00291         }
00293         /// Expand the bounding box to contain another bounding box
00294         inline void expandBy(const TBoundingBox &bbox) {
00295                 min = min.cwiseMin(bbox.min);
00296                 max = max.cwiseMax(bbox.max);
00297         }
00299         /// Return the position of a bounding box corner
00300         inline PointType getCorner(int index) const {
00301                 PointType result;
00302                 for (int i=0; i<Dimension; ++i)
00303                         result[i] = (index & (1 << i)) ? max[i] : min[i];
00304                 return result;
00305         }
00307         /// Return a string representation of the bounding box
00308         inline QString toString() const {
00309                 QString result("BoundingBox[");
00310                 if (!isValid())
00311                         result += "invalid";
00312                 else
00313                         result += QString("min=%1, max=%2")
00314                                 .arg(min.toString())
00315                                 .arg(max.toString());
00316                 return result + "]";
00317         }
00319         /** \brief Calculate the near and far ray-box intersection
00320          * points (if they exist).
00321          *
00322          * Also returns intersections along the negative ray direction.
00323          */
00324         inline bool rayIntersect(const TRay<PointType, VectorType> &ray, Scalar &nearT, Scalar &farT) const {
00325                 nearT = -std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::infinity();
00326                 farT  =  std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::infinity();
00328                 /* For each pair of bounding box planes */
00329                 for (int i=0; i<Dimension; i++) {
00330                         const Scalar
00331                                 rayO = ray.o[i],
00332                                 rayD = ray.d[i],
00333                                 minVal = min[i],
00334                                 maxVal = max[i];
00336                         if (rayD == 0) {
00337                                 /* The ray is parallel to the planes */
00338                                 if (rayO < minVal || rayO > maxVal)
00339                                         return false;
00340                         } else {
00341                                 /* Calculate intersection distances */
00342                                 Scalar t1 = (minVal - rayO) * ray.dRcp[i];
00343                                 Scalar t2 = (maxVal - rayO) * ray.dRcp[i];
00345                                 if (t1 > t2) 
00346                                         std::swap(t1, t2);
00348                                 nearT = std::max(nearT, t1);
00349                                 farT = std::min(farT, t2);
00351                                 if (nearT > farT)
00352                                         return false;
00353                         }
00354                 }
00355                 return true;
00356         }
00358         PointType min; ///< Component-wise minimum 
00359         PointType max; ///< Component-wise maximum 
00360 };
00365 #endif /* __BBOX_H */
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