
Consider the equations $\alpha x^2 + \beta x = \gamma$ and the fixed point iteration $\beta x_{k+1} = \gamma - \alpha x_k^2$.

Write an error iteration. Can you give conditions on the coefficients and the initial error that are sufficient to guarantee convergence?


  • Reaction paper - March 15
    • May do in small groups if you want (up to 3)
    • Problem spec and some paper pointers online
    • SIAM CSE has lots of relevant talks (and often you can chase down pointers)
  • Project proposal - March 22
    • Again in small groups (1-3)
    • Not required to be the same direction as reaction paper
    • Use the discussion board to advertise!

Rand NLA comments

  • Sketching vs preconditioning

Matrix data

  • Matrix data and (approximate) low-rank structure
    • Example data: images, docs, graphs, preferences, joint distributions
    • Interpretation: latent factors and bilinear maps
  • Supervised learning applications
    • Imputation and missing data (e.g. collaborative filtering)
    • Guided dimension reduction (e.g. linear discriminant analysis)
  • Unsupervised learning applications
    • k-means clustering as a matrix factorization (and alternating iteration)
    • Latent-space embeddings (e.g. LSI)
    • Latent Dirichlet Allocation, NMF, and interepretable topic models
  • Example: Linear Discriminant Analysis
    • Basic setup
    • Key numerical issues (robustness and performance)

Activity (submit a notebook or PDF for points)

2021-03-02 notebook