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Lecture 10: Auto-mation

[Loading ML file ring_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Open Scope string_scope. Require Import List. Open Scope list_scope.
[Loading ML file zify_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file micromega_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Arith. Require Import Nat.

Type Classses

Last time we saw type classes, which can be thought of as defining a kind of interface for a type. For example, the Show type class models types that can be printed as a string.

Class Show (A:Type) := {
  show : A -> string

Definition digit2string(d:nat) : string :=
  match d with
  | 0 => "0" | 1 => "1" | 2 => "2" | 3 => "3"
  | 4 => "4" | 5 => "5" | 6 => "6" | 7 => "7"
  | 8 => "8" | _ => "9"

Fixpoint digits'(fuel n:nat) (accum : string) : string :=
  match fuel with
  | 0 => accum
  | S fuel' =>
      match n with
      | 0 => accum
      | _ => let d := digit2string(n mod 10) in
             digits' fuel' (n / 10) (d ++ accum)

Definition digits (n:nat) : string :=
  match digits' n n "" with
  | "" => "0"
  | ds => ds

Instance natShow : Show nat := {
  show := digits


We already saw definitions monoids when we introduced the module system. Let's see how we might define monoids using type classes instead.

Class Monoid (M:Type) := {
    munit : M;
    mplus : M -> M -> M;                                  

We can define instances of a monoid, such as strings, integers, and lists.

Instance StringMonoid : Monoid string := {
    munit := "";
    mplus := String.append;

Instance NatMonoid : Monoid nat := {
    munit := 0;
    mplus := Nat.add;

Instance ListMonoid {A:Type} : Monoid (list A) := {
    munit := List.nil;
    mplus := @List.app _;

How would we use a monoid? As a running example, let's define a simple interpreter.

Definition env := string -> nat.

Inductive expr : Type :=
  | Const : nat -> expr
  | Var : string -> expr
  | Plus : expr -> expr -> expr
  | Mult : expr -> expr -> expr
  | Minus : expr -> expr -> expr.

We extend the usual evaluator with two additional inputs:

  • A function f that maps expressions to monoid elements
  • An initial monoid element m

Intuitively, this interpreter will encode its steps as a monoid element, using f at each step.

Fixpoint eval {A:Type} {m:Monoid A} (f:expr -> A) (m:A)
  (env : env) (e : expr) : (A * nat) :=
  match e with
  | Const n =>
      (mplus (f e) m, n)
  | Var x =>
      (mplus (f e) m, env x)
  | Plus e1 e2 =>
      let (m1,n1) := eval f m env e1 in
      let (m2,n2) := eval f m env e2 in
      (mplus (mplus m (mplus m1 m2)) (f e), n1 + n2)
  | Mult e1 e2 =>
      let (m1,n1) := eval f m env e1 in
      let (m2,n2) := eval f m env e2 in
      (mplus (mplus m (mplus m1 m2)) (f e), n1 * n2)
  | Minus e1 e2 =>
      let (m1,n1) := eval f m env e1 in
      let (m2,n2) := eval f m env e2 in
      (mplus (mplus m (mplus m1 m2)) (f e), n1 - n2)

Definition e := Plus (Const 7) (Mult (Const 3) (Const 4)).
Definition init_env := fun (_:string) => 0.
Definition f_count (e:expr) := 1.
Definition f_debug (e:expr) :=
  match e with
  | Const _ => "const,"
  | Var _ => "var,"
  | Plus _ _ => "plus,"
  | Mult _ _ => "mult,"
  | Minus _ _ => "minus,"

= (5, 19) : nat * nat
= ("const,const,const,mult,plus,", 19) : string * nat

We can also define a monoid given any pair of monoids, in the obvious way.

Instance pairMonoid (A B:Type)
  (MA : Monoid A) (MB : Monoid B)
  : Monoid (A*B) :=
    munit := (munit, munit);
    mplus := (fun p1 p2 =>
                match p1,p2 with
                | (a1,b1),(a2,b2) => (mplus a1 a2, mplus b1 b2)

= (5, "const,const,const,mult,plus,", 19) : nat * string * nat


Monads are useful for modeling things that are not just pure functions, but have some kind of external effect on the world such as reading input or producing output. They're essential for modeling statefulness a in pure, stateless, functional language like Coq.

Now we define a generic class for Monads. Here, it's not a type that's a monad, but rather a type constructor (i.e., a function from types to types, aka a functor. Monads have two operations: ret and bind.

If we think of monads as a pattern for encoding effects, such as exceptions or state or non-determinism, then we can think of M A as describing side-effecting computations that produce a value of type A.

The ret operation takes a pure (effect-free) value of type A and injects it into the space of side-effecting computations.

The bind operation sequences two side-effecting computations, allowing the latter to depend upon the value of the first one.

Class Monad(M:Type -> Type) := {
  ret : forall {A:Type}, A -> M A ; 
  bind : forall {A B:Type}, M A -> (A -> M B) -> M B

We will define the usual, more convenient, notation for bind.

Notation "x <- c1 ;; c2" :=
  (bind c1 (fun x => c2)) 
    (right associativity, at level 84, c1 at next level).

Notation "c1 ;; c2" :=
  (bind c1 (fun _ => c2)) (at level 100, right associativity).

One instance of the generic Monad class is the option monad defined as follows. It's a bit like exceptions where there is only one possible exception: None.

Instance OptionMonad : Monad option := {
  ret := fun {A:Type} (x:A) => Some x ; 
  bind := fun {A B:Type} (x:option A) (f:A -> option B) =>
            match x with 
              | None => None
              | Some y => f y

How might we use this monad? We can 'fix' subtraction, which ordinarily has odd semantics in Coq, so that any computation of a negative number fails and that failure propagates to the final result.

Fixpoint subtract (x y:nat) : option nat := 
  match x, y with 
    | x, 0 => ret x
    | 0, S _ => None
    | S x', S y' => subtract x' y'

Instance exprShow : Show expr := {
  show := fix show_exp (e:expr) : string := 
              match e with 
                | Const n => show n
                | Var x => x
                | Plus e1 e2 => 
                  "(" ++ (show_exp e1) ++ "+" ++ (show_exp e2) ++ ")"
                | Mult e1 e2 => 
                  "(" ++ (show_exp e1) ++ "*" ++ (show_exp e2) ++ ")"
                | Minus e1 e2 => 
                  "(" ++ (show_exp e1) ++ "-" ++ (show_exp e2) ++ ")"
              end %string

Now we can write an expression evaluator very conveniently:

Fixpoint eval' (env:env) (e:expr) : option nat := 
  match e with 
  | Const n => ret n
  | Var x => ret (env x)                   
  | Plus e1 e2 => n1 <- eval' env e1 ;; 
                  n2 <- eval' env e2 ;;
                  ret (n1 + n2)
  | Mult e1 e2 => n1 <- eval' env e1 ;; 
                  n2 <- eval' env e2 ;;
                  ret (n1 + n2)
  | Minus e1 e2 => n1 <- eval' env e1 ;; 
                   n2 <- eval' env e2 ;;
                   subtract n1 n2

Example e1 : expr := Plus (Const 2) (Minus (Const 0) (Const 1)).
= None : option nat

This is clearly better than with Coq's usual evaluation for naturals:

= 2 : nat

Going a step further, we can define an exception monad.

Inductive Exn (A:Type) : Type := 
| Result : A -> Exn A
| Fail : string -> Exn A.
Arguments Result {A}.
Arguments Fail {A}.

Instance ExnMonad : Monad Exn := {
  ret := fun {A:Type} (x:A) => Result x ; 
  bind := fun {A B:Type} (x:Exn A) (f:A -> Exn B) =>
            match x with 
              | Result y => f y
              | Fail s => Fail s

Fixpoint eval'' (env:env) (e:expr) : Exn nat := 
  match e with 
  | Const n => ret n
  | Var x => ret (env x)
  | Plus e1 e2 => n1 <- eval'' env e1 ;;
                  n2 <- eval'' env e2 ;;
                  ret (n1 + n2)
  | Mult e1 e2 => n1 <- eval'' env e1 ;;
                  n2 <- eval'' env e2 ;;
                  ret (n1 * n2)
  | Minus e1 e2 => n1 <- eval'' env e1 ;; 
                   n2 <- eval'' env e2 ;;
                   match subtract n1 n2 with 
                   | None => Fail "underflow"
                   | Some v => ret v

Definition tryCatch {A} (e:Exn A) (s:string) (handler:Exn A) : Exn A := 
  match e with 
    | Fail s' => if string_dec s s' then handler else e
    | _ => e

Definition eval_to_zero (e:expr) : Exn nat := 
  tryCatch (eval'' init_env e) "underflow" (ret 0).

eval_to_zero : expr -> Exn nat
= Fail "underflow" : Exn nat
= Result 0 : Exn nat

We can also use monads to model stateful computations. To illustrate the idea, we'll define a simple language of "expressions" with imperative updates.

Inductive expr_s : Type := 
| Var_s : string -> expr_s
| Plus_s : expr_s -> expr_s -> expr_s
| Times_s : expr_s -> expr_s -> expr_s
| Set_s : string -> expr_s -> expr_s
| Seq_s : expr_s -> expr_s -> expr_s
| If0_s : expr_s -> expr_s -> expr_s -> expr_s.

Definition state := string -> nat.

Definition upd (x:string) (n:nat) (s:state) : state := 
  fun v => if string_dec x v then n else s x.

An evaluator can be written that passes the state through everywhere, but it's rather tedious.

Fixpoint eval_s (e:expr_s)(s:state) : (state * nat) := 
  match e with 
    | Var_s x => (s, s x)
    | Plus_s e1 e2 => 
      let (s1, n1) := eval_s e1 s in
      let (s2, n2) := eval_s e2 s1 in 
      (s2, n1+n2)
    | Times_s e1 e2 =>
      let (s1, n1) := eval_s e1 s in
      let (s2, n2) := eval_s e2 s1 in 
      (s2, n1*n2)
    | Set_s x e => 
      let (s1, n1) := eval_s e s in 
      (upd x n1 s1, n1)
    | Seq_s e1 e2 => 
      let (s1, n1) := eval_s e1 s in
      eval_s e2 s1
    | If0_s e1 e2 e3 => 
      let (s1, n1) := eval_s e1 s in 
      match n1 with 
        | 0 => eval_s e2 s1
        | _ => eval_s e3 s1

Definition state_comp (A:Type) := state -> (state * A).

Instance StateMonad : Monad state_comp := {
  ret := fun {A:Type} (x:A) => (fun (s:state) => (s,x)) ; 
  bind := fun {A B:Type} (c : state_comp A) (f: A -> state_comp B) => 
            fun (s:state) => 
              let (s',v) := c s in 
              f v s'

Definition read (x:string) : state_comp nat := 
  fun s => (s, s x).

Definition write (x:string) (n:nat) : state_comp nat := 
  fun s => (upd x n s, n).

The evaluator looks much cleaner with the state monad, using the functions [read] and [write] to capture interaction with the state.

Fixpoint eval_sm (e:expr_s) : state_comp nat := 
  match e with 
    | Var_s x => read x
    | Plus_s e1 e2 => 
      n1 <- eval_sm e1 ;; 
      n2 <- eval_sm e2 ;;
      ret (n1 + n2)
    | Times_s e1 e2 =>
      n1 <- eval_sm e1 ;; 
      n2 <- eval_sm e2 ;; 
      ret (n1 * n2)
    | Set_s x e => 
      n <- eval_sm e ;; 
      write x n 
    | Seq_s e1 e2 => 
      _ <- eval_sm e1 ;; 
      eval_sm e2
    | If0_s e1 e2 e3 => 
      n <- eval_sm e1 ;;
      match n with 
        | 0 => eval_sm e2
        | _ => eval_sm e3 

We can also use monads to model nondeterministic computation.

Inductive expr_nd : Type := 
| Choose_nd : list nat -> expr_nd
| Plus_nd : expr_nd -> expr_nd -> expr_nd
| Times_nd : expr_nd -> expr_nd -> expr_nd.

Definition flatten {A:Type} (xs:list (list A)) : list A := 
  fold_right (fun x a => x ++ a) nil xs.

Instance listMonad : Monad list := {
  ret := fun {A:Type} (x:A) => (x::nil) ;
  bind := fun {A B:Type} (c:list A) (f: A -> list B) => 
            flatten (map f c)

Fixpoint eval_nd (e:expr_nd) : list nat := 
  match e with 
  | Choose_nd ns =>
  | Plus_nd e1 e2 => 
      n1 <- eval_nd e1 ;; 
      n2 <- eval_nd e2 ;; 
      ret (n1 + n2)
  | Times_nd e1 e2 => 
      n1 <- eval_nd e1 ;; 
      n2 <- eval_nd e2 ;;
      ret (n1 * n2)

= 4 :: 5 :: 5 :: 6 :: nil : list nat

Monads ideally satisfy the following laws, and a good exercise is to try to show that any monad you define satisfies these laws.

Class Monad_with_Laws (M: Type -> Type) {MonadM : Monad M} := {
  m_left_id : forall {A B:Type} (x:A) (f:A -> M B),
    bind (ret x) f = f x ;
  m_right_id : forall {A B:Type} (c:M A),
    bind c ret = c ;
  m_assoc : forall {A B C} (c:M A) (f:A->M B) (g:B -> M C), 
    bind (bind c f) g = bind c (fun x => bind (f x) g)

forall (A B : Type) (x : A) (f : A -> option B), (x <- ret x;; f x) = f x

forall (A B : Type) (x : A) (f : A -> option B), (x <- ret x;; f x) = f x
A, B: Type
x: A
f: A -> option B

(x <- ret x;; f x) = f x
reflexivity. Qed.

forall A : Type, Type -> forall c : option A, (x <- c;; ret x) = c

forall A : Type, Type -> forall c : option A, (x <- c;; ret x) = c
A, B: Type
c: option A

(x <- c;; ret x) = c
destruct c; reflexivity. Qed.

forall (A B C : Type) (c : option A) (f : A -> option B) (g : B -> option C), (x <- (x <- c;; f x);; g x) = (x <- c;; x <- f x;; g x)

forall (A B C : Type) (c : option A) (f : A -> option B) (g : B -> option C), (x <- (x <- c;; f x);; g x) = (x <- c;; x <- f x;; g x)
A, B, C: Type
c: option A
f: A -> option B
g: B -> option C

(x <- (x <- c;; f x);; g x) = (x <- c;; x <- f x;; g x)
destruct c; reflexivity. Qed.

This demonstration is easy for the option monad:

Instance OptionMonadLaws : @Monad_with_Laws option _ := {
    m_left_id := @option_left_id;
    m_right_id := @option_right_id;
    m_assoc := @option_assoc

Proof Automation

Note: the following material is adapted from EPFL CS 628 by Barrière, Foster, and Pit-Claudel, which in turn is based on materials from Chlipala's FRAP. Used with permission.

Next we'll see how we can use Coq's features for automating proofs, which can be seen as similar to logic progarmming.

Recall the definition of addition from the standard library.

Nat.add = fix add (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat := match n with | 0 => m | S p => S (add p m) end : nat -> nat -> nat Arguments Nat.add (n m)%nat_scope

This is a recursive definition, in the style of functional programming. We might also define addition in style of logic programming, using the inductive relations we have seen in previous lectures.

Inductive plusR : nat -> nat -> nat -> Prop :=
| PlusO : forall m, plusR O m m
| PlusS : forall n m r, plusR n m r
  -> plusR (S n) m (S r).

Intuitively, a fact plusR n m r only holds when plus n m = r. It is not hard to prove this correspondence formally.

forall n m : nat, plusR n m (n + m)

forall n m : nat, plusR n m (n + m)

forall m : nat, plusR 0 m m
n: nat
IHn: forall m : nat, plusR n m (n + m)
forall m : nat, plusR (S n) m (S (n + m))

forall m : nat, plusR 0 m m
n: nat
IHn: forall m : nat, plusR n m (n + m)

forall m : nat, plusR (S n) m (S (n + m))
n: nat
IHn: forall m : nat, plusR n m (n + m)
m: nat

plusR n m (n + m)
apply IHn. Qed.

We see here another instance of the very mechanical proof pattern that came up before: keep trying constructors and hypotheses. The tactic auto will automate searching through sequences of that kind, when we prime it with good suggestions of single proof steps to try, as with this command:

Local Hint Constructors plusR : core.

That is, every constructor of plusR should be considered as an atomic proof step, from which we enumerate step sequences.

forall n m : nat, plusR n m (n + m)

forall n m : nat, plusR n m (n + m)
induction n; simpl; auto. Qed.

forall n m r : nat, plusR n m r -> r = n + m

forall n m r : nat, plusR n m r -> r = n + m
intros; induction H; lia. Qed.

With the functional definition of plus, simple equalities about arithmetic follow by computation.

4 + 3 = 7

4 + 3 = 7
reflexivity. Qed.
four_plus_three = eq_refl : 4 + 3 = 7

With the relational definition, the same equalities take more steps to prove, but the process is completely mechanical. For example, consider this simple-minded manual proof search strategy. The steps prefaced by Fail are intended to fail; they're included for explanatory value, to mimic a simple-minded try-everything strategy.

Example four_plus_three' : plusR 4 3 7.

plusR 4 3 7
Unable to unify "plusR 0 ?M1378 ?M1378" with "plusR 4 3 7".

plusR 3 3 6
Unable to unify "plusR 0 ?M1382 ?M1382" with "plusR 3 3 6".

plusR 2 3 5
Unable to unify "plusR 0 ?M1386 ?M1386" with "plusR 2 3 5".

plusR 1 3 4
Unable to unify "plusR 0 ?M1390 ?M1390" with "plusR 1 3 4".

plusR 0 3 3
apply PlusO.

At this point the proof is complete. It is no doubt clear that a simple procedure could find all proofs of this kind for us. We are just exploring all possible proof trees, built from the two candidate steps apply PlusO and apply PlusS. Thus, auto is another great match!

plusR 4 3 7
auto. Qed.
four_plus_three' = PlusS 3 3 6 (PlusS 2 3 5 (PlusS 1 3 4 (PlusS 0 3 3 (PlusO 3)))) : plusR 4 3 7

Let us try the same approach on a slightly more complex goal.

plusR 5 3 8

plusR 5 3 8

plusR 5 3 8

This time, auto is not enough to make any progress. Since even a single candidate step may lead to an infinite space of possible proof trees, auto is parameterized on the maximum depth of trees to consider. The default depth is 5, and it turns out that we need depth 6 to prove the goal.

  auto 6.

Sometimes it is useful to see a description of the proof tree that auto finds, with the info_auto variant.

plusR 5 3 8
(* info auto: *)
simple apply PlusS (in core). simple apply PlusS (in core). simple apply PlusS (in core). simple apply PlusS (in core). simple apply PlusS (in core). simple apply PlusO (in core).

The two key components of logic programming are backtracking and unification. To see these techniques in action, consider this further silly example. Here our candidate proof steps will be reflexivity and quantifier instantiation.

exists x : nat, x + 3 = 7

exists x : nat, x + 3 = 7

For explanatory purposes, let us simulate a user with minimal understanding of arithmetic. We start by choosing an instantiation for the quantifier. It is relevant that ex_intro is the proof rule for existential-quantifier instantiation.


0 + 3 = 7
The command has indeed failed with message: Unable to unify "7" with "0 + 3".

0 + 3 = 7

This seems to be a dead end. Let us backtrack to the point where we ran apply and make a better alternative choice.

exists x : nat, x + 3 = 7

4 + 3 = 7
reflexivity. Qed.

The above was a fairly tame example of backtracking. In general, any node in an under-construction proof tree may be the destination of backtracking an arbitrarily large number of times, as different candidate proof steps are found not to lead to full proof trees, within the depth bound passed to auto.

Next we demonstrate unification, which will be easier when we switch to the relational formulation of addition.

exists x : nat, plusR x 3 7

exists x : nat, plusR x 3 7

We could attempt to guess the quantifier instantiation manually as before, but here there is no need. Instead of apply, we use eapply, which proceeds with placeholder unification variables standing in for those parameters we wish to postpone guessing.


plusR ?x 3 7

Now we can finish the proof with the right applications of plusR's constructors. Note that new unification variables are being generated to stand for new unknowns.


plusR ?n 3 6

plusR ?n 3 5

plusR ?n 3 4

plusR ?n 3 3
apply PlusO.

The auto tactic will not perform these sorts of steps that introduce unification variables, but the eauto tactic will. It is helpful to work with two separate tactics, because proof search in the eauto style can uncover many more potential proof trees and hence take much longer to run.

exists x : nat, plusR x 3 7
(* info eauto: *)
simple eapply ex_intro.
simple apply PlusS.
simple apply PlusS.
simple apply PlusS.
simple apply PlusS.
simple apply PlusO.

This proof gives us our first example where logic programming simplifies proof search compared to functional programming. In general, functional programs are only meant to be run in a single direction; a function has disjoint sets of inputs and outputs. In the last example, we effectively ran a logic program backwards, deducing an input that gives rise to a certain output. The same works for deducing an unknown value of the other input.

exists x : nat, plusR 4 x 7

exists x : nat, plusR 4 x 7
eauto 6. Qed.

By proving the right auxiliary facts, we can reason about specific functional programs in the same way as we did above for a logic program. Let us prove that the constructors of plusR have natural interpretations as lemmas about plus. We can find the first such lemma already proved in the standard library, using the Search command to find a library function proving an equality whose lefthand or righthand side matches a pattern with wildcards.

Nat.add_0_l: forall n : nat, 0 + n = n
plus_O_n: forall n : nat, 0 + n = n

The command Hint Immediate asks auto and eauto to consider this lemma as a candidate step for any leaf of a proof tree, meaning that all premises of the rule need to match hypotheses.

Local Hint Immediate plus_O_n : core.

The counterpart to PlusS we will prove ourselves.

forall n m r : nat, n + m = r -> S n + m = S r

forall n m r : nat, n + m = r -> S n + m = S r
lia. Qed.

The command Hint Resolve adds a new candidate proof step, to be attempted at any level of a proof tree, not just at leaves.

Local Hint Resolve plusS : core.

Now that we have registered the proper hints, we can replicate our previous examples with the normal, functional addition plus.

exists x : nat, x + 3 = 7

exists x : nat, x + 3 = 7
eauto 6. Qed.

exists x : nat, 4 + x = 7

exists x : nat, 4 + x = 7
eauto 6. Qed.

This new hint database is far from a complete decision procedure, as we see in a further example that eauto does not solve.

exists x : nat, 4 + x + 0 = 7

exists x : nat, 4 + x + 0 = 7
(* info eauto: *)

exists x : nat, 4 + x + 0 = 7
The command has indeed failed with message: (in proof seven_minus_four_zero): Attempt to save an incomplete proof

exists x : nat, 4 + x + 0 = 7

A further lemma will be helpful.

forall n m : nat, n = m -> n + 0 = m

forall n m : nat, n = m -> n + 0 = m
lia. Qed. Local Hint Resolve plusO : core.

Note that, if we consider the inputs to plus as the inputs of a corresponding logic program, the new rule plusO introduces an ambiguity. For instance, a sum 0 + 0 would match both of plus_O_n and plusO, depending on which operand we focus on. This ambiguity may increase the number of potential search trees, slowing proof search, but semantically it presents no problems, and in fact it leads to an automated proof of the present example.

exists x : nat, 4 + x + 0 = 7

exists x : nat, 4 + x + 0 = 7
eauto 7. Qed.


Instead of adding plusO to the core database explicitly, we could configure it to allow more flexibility in unification:

Section AllowUnfold.
  Remove Hints plusO : core.
  Remove Hints plus_n_O : core.


exists x : nat, 4 + x + 0 = 7

exists x : nat, 4 + x + 0 = 7
No applicable tactic.
Abort. Hint Constants Transparent : core.

exists x : nat, 4 + x + 0 = 7

exists x : nat, 4 + x + 0 = 7
(* info eauto: *)
simple eapply ex_intro.
simple apply plusS.
simple apply plusS.
simple apply plusS.
simple apply plusS.
simple apply plusS.
simple apply plusS.
simple apply plusS.
simple apply plus_O_n ; trivial.

This works because 4 + x simplifies to S (S (S (S x))), which allows plusS to apply; should the term have been written as x + 4 instead, it would not have helped:


exists x : nat, x + 4 + 0 = 7

exists x : nat, x + 4 + 0 = 7
The command has indeed failed with message: No applicable tactic.

exists x : nat, x + 4 + 0 = 7
Abort. End AllowUnfold.

Just how much damage can be done by adding hints that grow the space of possible proof trees? A classic gotcha comes from unrestricted use of transitivity, as embodied in this library theorem about equality:

eq_trans : forall (A : Type) (x y z : A), x = y -> y = z -> x = z

Hints are scoped over sections, so let us enter a section to contain the effects of an unfortunate hint choice.

Section slow.
  Hint Resolve eq_trans : core.

The following fact is false, but that does not stop eauto from taking a very long time to search for proofs of it. We use the handy Time command to measure how long a proof step takes to run. None of the following steps make any progress.


exists x : nat, 1 + x = 0
Finished transaction in 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (successful)

exists x : nat, 1 + x = 0
Finished transaction in 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (successful)

exists x : nat, 1 + x = 0
Finished transaction in 0.001 secs (0.001u,0.s) (successful)

exists x : nat, 1 + x = 0
Finished transaction in 0.015 secs (0.015u,0.s) (successful)

exists x : nat, 1 + x = 0
Finished transaction in 0.428 secs (0.425u,0.003s) (successful)

exists x : nat, 1 + x = 0

We see worrying exponential growth in running time, and the debug tactical helps us see where eauto is wasting its time, outputting a trace of every proof step that is attempted. The rule eq_trans applies at every node of a proof tree, and eauto tries all such positions.

(* debug eauto: *)
1 depth=3
1.1 depth=2 simple eapply ex_intro
1.1.1 depth=1 simple apply plusO depth=0 simple eapply eq_trans
1.1.2 depth=1 simple eapply eq_trans depth=1 simple apply plus_n_Sm depth=0 simple eapply eq_trans depth=1 simple apply @eq_refl depth=0 simple apply plusO depth=0 simple eapply eq_trans depth=1 simple apply plus_n_O depth=0 simple apply plusO depth=0 simple eapply eq_trans depth=1 simple apply eq_add_S ; trivial depth=0 simple eapply eq_trans depth=1 simple apply eq_sym ; trivial depth=0 simple eapply eq_trans depth=0 simple apply plusO depth=0 simple apply plusS depth=0 simple apply f_equal_nat depth=0 simple apply f_equal2_nat depth=0 simple eapply eq_trans
Abort. End slow.

Sometimes, though, transitivity is just what is needed to get a proof to go through automatically with eauto. For those cases, we can use named hint databases to segregate hints into different groups that may be called on as needed. Here we put eq_trans into the database slow.

Local Hint Resolve eq_trans : slow.

exists x : nat, 1 + x = 0

exists x : nat, 1 + x = 0
Finished transaction in 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (successful)

exists x : nat, 1 + x = 0

This eauto fails to prove the goal, but at least it takes substantially less than the 2 seconds required above!


One simple example from before runs in the same amount of time, avoiding pollution by transitivity.

exists x : nat, x + 3 = 7

exists x : nat, x + 3 = 7
Finished transaction in 0. secs (0.u,0.s) (successful)

When we do need transitivity, we ask for it explicitly.

forall x y : nat, 1 + x = y -> y = 2 -> exists z : nat, z + x = 3

forall x y : nat, 1 + x = y -> y = 2 -> exists z : nat, z + x = 3
(* info eauto: *)
simple eapply ex_intro.
simple apply plusS.
simple eapply eq_trans.
exact H.
exact H0.

The info trace shows that eq_trans was used in just the position where it is needed to complete the proof. We also see that auto and eauto always perform intro steps without counting them toward the bound on proof-tree depth.

Searching for Underconstrained Values

Recall the definition of the list length function.

Datatypes.length = fun A : Type => fix length (l : list A) : nat := match l with | nil => 0 | _ :: l' => S (length l') end : forall A : Type, list A -> nat Arguments Datatypes.length [A]%type_scope _%list_scope

This function is easy to reason about in the forward direction, computing output from input.

Datatypes.length (1 :: 2 :: nil) = 2

Datatypes.length (1 :: 2 :: nil) = 2
auto. Qed.
length_1_2 = eq_refl : Datatypes.length (1 :: 2 :: nil) = 2

As in the last section, we will prove some lemmas to recast length in logic-programming style, to help us compute inputs from outputs.

forall A : Type, Datatypes.length nil = 0

forall A : Type, Datatypes.length nil = 0
reflexivity. Qed.

forall (A : Type) (h : A) (t : list A) (n : nat), Datatypes.length t = n -> Datatypes.length (h :: t) = S n

forall (A : Type) (h : A) (t : list A) (n : nat), Datatypes.length t = n -> Datatypes.length (h :: t) = S n
simpl; congruence. Qed. Local Hint Immediate length_O : core. Local Hint Resolve length_S : core.

Let us apply these hints to prove that a list nat of length 2 exists.

exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 2

exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 2

Coq leaves for us two subgoals to prove... nat?! We are being asked to show that natural numbers exists. Why? Some unification variables of that type were left undetermined, by the end of the proof. Specifically, these variables stand for the 2 elements of the list we find. Of course it makes sense that the list length follows without knowing the data values. In Coq 8.6 and up, the Unshelve command brings these goals to the forefront, where we can solve each one with exact O, but usually it is better to avoid getting to such a point.

To debug such situations, it can be helpful to print the current internal representation of the proof, so we can see where the unification variables show up.

(ex_intro (fun ls : list nat => Datatypes.length ls = 2) (?h :: ?h0 :: nil) (length_S nat ?h (?h0 :: nil) 1 (length_S nat ?h0 nil 0 (length_O nat))))

Paradoxically, we can make the proof-search process easier by constraining the list further, so that proof search naturally locates appropriate data elements by unification. The library predicate Forall will be helpful.

Inductive Forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) : list A -> Prop := Forall_nil : Forall P nil | Forall_cons : forall (x : A) (l : list A), P x -> Forall P l -> Forall P (x :: l). Arguments Forall [A]%type_scope P%function_scope _%list_scope Arguments Forall_nil [A]%type_scope P%function_scope Arguments Forall_cons [A]%type_scope [P]%function_scope x [l]%list_scope _ _

exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 2 /\ Forall (fun n : nat => n >= 42) ls

exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 2 /\ Forall (fun n : nat => n >= 42) ls
eauto 9. Qed.

We can see which list eauto found by printing the proof term.

length_is_2 = ex_intro (fun ls : list nat => Datatypes.length ls = 2 /\ Forall (fun n : nat => n >= 42) ls) (42 :: 42 :: nil) (conj (length_S nat 42 (42 :: nil) 1 (length_S nat 42 nil 0 (length_O nat))) (Forall_cons 42 (le_n 42 : 42 >= 42) (Forall_cons 42 (le_n 42 : 42 >= 42) (Forall_nil (fun n : nat => n >= 42))))) : exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 2 /\ Forall (fun n : nat => n >= 42) ls

Let us try one more, fancier example. First, we use a standard higher-order function to define a function for summing all data elements of a list.

Definition sum := fold_right plus O.

Another basic lemma will be helpful to guide proof search.

forall n m : nat, n = m -> 0 + n = m

forall n m : nat, n = m -> 0 + n = m
lia. Qed. Local Hint Resolve plusO' : core.

Finally, we meet Hint Extern, the command to register a custom hint. That is, we provide a pattern to match against goals during proof search. Whenever the pattern matches, a tactic (given to the right of an arrow =>) is attempted. Below, the number 1 gives a priority for this step. Lower priorities are tried before higher priorities, which can have a significant effect on proof-search time, i.e. when we manage to give lower priorities to the cheaper rules.

Local Hint Extern 1 (sum _ = _) => simpl : core.

Now we can find a length-2 list whose sum is 0.

exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 2 /\ sum ls = 0

exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 2 /\ sum ls = 0
eauto 7. Qed.
length_and_sum = ex_intro (fun ls : list nat => Datatypes.length ls = 2 /\ sum ls = 0) (0 :: 0 :: nil) (conj (length_S nat 0 (0 :: nil) 1 (length_S nat 0 nil 0 (length_O nat))) (plusO' (0 + 0) 0 (plus_O_n 0) : sum (0 :: 0 :: nil) = 0)) : exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 2 /\ sum ls = 0

Printing the proof term shows the unsurprising list that is found. Here is an example where it is less obvious which list will be used. Can you guess which list eauto will choose?

exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 5 /\ sum ls = 42

exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 5 /\ sum ls = 42
eauto 15. Qed.
length_and_sum' = ex_intro (fun ls : list nat => Datatypes.length ls = 5 /\ sum ls = 42) (0 :: 0 :: 0 :: 0 :: 42 :: nil) (conj (length_S nat 0 (0 :: 0 :: 0 :: 42 :: nil) 4 (length_S nat 0 (0 :: 0 :: 42 :: nil) 3 (length_S nat 0 (0 :: 42 :: nil) 2 (length_S nat 0 (42 :: nil) 1 (length_S nat 42 nil 0 (length_O nat)))))) (plusO' (0 + (0 + (0 + (42 + 0)))) 42 (plusO' (0 + (0 + (42 + 0))) 42 (plusO' (0 + (42 + 0)) 42 (plusO' (42 + 0) 42 (eq_sym (plus_n_O 42))))) : sum (0 :: 0 :: 0 :: 0 :: 42 :: nil) = 42)) : exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 5 /\ sum ls = 42

We will give away part of the answer and say that the above list is less interesting than we would like, because it contains too many zeroes. A further constraint forces a different solution for a smaller instance of the problem.

exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 2 /\ sum ls = 3 /\ Forall (fun n : nat => n <> 0) ls

exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 2 /\ sum ls = 3 /\ Forall (fun n : nat => n <> 0) ls
eauto 11. Qed.
length_and_sum'' = ex_intro (fun ls : list nat => Datatypes.length ls = 2 /\ sum ls = 3 /\ Forall (fun n : nat => n <> 0) ls) (1 :: 2 :: nil) (conj (length_S nat 1 (2 :: nil) 1 (length_S nat 2 nil 0 (length_O nat))) (conj (plusS 0 (2 + 0) 2 (plusO' (2 + 0) 2 (eq_sym (plus_n_O 2))) : sum (1 :: 2 :: nil) = 3) (Forall_cons 1 (not_eq_sym (n_Sn 0)) (Forall_cons 2 (not_eq_sym (O_S 1)) (Forall_nil (fun n : nat => n <> 0)))))) : exists ls : list nat, Datatypes.length ls = 2 /\ sum ls = 3 /\ Forall (fun n : nat => n <> 0) ls

Revisiting eval

The same techniques apply to the eval function that we defined previously.

Module Simple.
  Notation var := string.
  Open Scope string_scope.

  Inductive arith : Set :=
  | Const (n : nat)
  | Var (x : var)
  | Plus (e1 e2 : arith)
  | Minus (e1 e2 : arith)
  | Times (e1 e2 : arith).

  Coercion Const : nat >-> arith.
  Coercion Var : var >-> arith.
Declaring a scope implicitly is deprecated; use in advance an explicit "Declare Scope arith_scope.". [undeclared-scope,deprecated-since-8.10,deprecated,default]
Infix "-" := Minus : arith_scope. Infix "*" := Times : arith_scope. Delimit Scope arith_scope with arith. Definition valuation := var -> option nat. Definition empty : valuation := fun _ => None. Definition get (x:var) (v:valuation) : option nat := v x. Definition set (x:var) (n:nat) (v:valuation) : valuation := fun y => match string_dec x y with | left H => Some n | right H' => get y v end.

We'll define interp as a relation, for maximum eauto-friendliness.

  Inductive interp (v: valuation): forall (e : arith) (n: nat), Prop :=
  | InterpConst (n: nat) : interp v (Const n) n
  | InterpVarNotFound (x: var) (n: nat) :
    get x v = None ->
    interp v (Var x) 0
  | InterpVarFound (x: var) (n: nat) :
    get x v = Some n ->
    interp v (Var x) n
  | InterpPlus (e1 e2: arith) n1 n2:
    interp v e1 n1 -> interp v e2 n2 ->
    interp v (Plus e1 e2) (n1 + n2)
  | InterpMinus (e1 e2: arith) n1 n2:
    interp v e1 n1 -> interp v e2 n2 ->
    interp v (Minus e1 e2) (n1 - n2)
  | InterpTimes (e1 e2: arith) n1 n2:
    interp v e1 n1 -> interp v e2 n2 ->
    interp v (Times e1 e2) (n1 * n2).

  Inductive cmd :=
  | Skip
  | Assign (x : var) (e : arith)
  | Sequence (c1 c2 : cmd)
  | If (e : arith) (then_ else_ : cmd)
  | While (e : arith) (body : cmd).

  Notation "x <- e" := (Assign x e%arith) (at level 75).
  Infix ";;;" := (* This one changed to avoid parsing clashes. *)
    Sequence (at level 76).
Identifier 'when' now a keyword
Identifier 'done' now a keyword
Identifier 'while' now a keyword
Identifier 'loop' now a keyword
Example factorial := "output" <- 1;;; while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done. Inductive eval : valuation -> cmd -> valuation -> Prop := | EvalSkip : forall v, eval v Skip v | EvalAssign : forall v x e n, interp v e n -> eval v (Assign x e) (set x n v) | EvalSeq : forall v c1 v1 c2 v2, eval v c1 v1 -> eval v1 c2 v2 -> eval v (Sequence c1 c2) v2 | EvalIfTrue : forall v e then_ else_ v' n, interp v e n -> n <> 0 -> eval v then_ v' -> eval v (If e then_ else_) v' | EvalIfFalse : forall v e then_ else_ v' n, interp v e n -> n = 0 -> eval v else_ v' -> eval v (If e then_ else_) v' | EvalWhileTrue : forall v e body v' v'' n, interp v e n -> n <> 0 -> eval v body v' -> eval v' (While e body) v'' -> eval v (While e body) v'' | EvalWhileFalse : forall v e body n, interp v e n -> n = 0 -> eval v (While e body) v.

Our first proof is not the most satisfying:


exists v : valuation, eval (set "input" 3 empty) factorial v /\ get "output" v = Some 6

exists v : valuation, eval (set "input" 3 empty) factorial v /\ get "output" v = Some 6

exists v : valuation, eval (set "input" 3 empty) ("output" <- 1;;; while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done) v /\ get "output" v = Some 6

econstructor simply loops, repeatedly applying EvalWhileTrue:


The manual alternative does not look great:


eval (set "input" 3 empty) ("output" <- 1;;; while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done) ?v /\ get "output" ?v = Some 6

eval (set "input" 3 empty) ("output" <- 1;;; while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done) ?v

get "output" ?v = Some 6

eval (set "input" 3 empty) ("output" <- 1;;; while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done) ?v

eval (set "input" 3 empty) ("output" <- 1) ?v1

eval ?v1 (while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done) ?v

eval (set "input" 3 empty) ("output" <- 1) ?v1

interp (set "input" 3 empty) 1 ?n
apply InterpConst.

eval (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) (while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done) ?v

interp (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) "input" ?n

?n <> 0

eval (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) ("output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1) ?v'

eval ?v' (while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done) ?v

interp (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) "input" ?n
apply InterpVarFound; reflexivity.

3 <> 0

eval (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) ("output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1) ?v'

eval (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) ("output" <- "output" * "input") ?v1

eval ?v1 ("input" <- "input" - 1) ?v'

eval (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) ("output" <- "output" * "input") ?v1

interp (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) ("output" * "input")%arith ?n

interp (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) "output" ?n1

interp (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) "input" ?n2

interp (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) "output" ?n1

get "output" (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) = Some ?n1

interp (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) "input" ?n2

get "input" (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)) = Some ?n2

eval (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))) ("input" <- "input" - 1) ?v'

interp (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))) ("input" - 1)%arith ?n

interp (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))) "input" ?n1

interp (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))) 1 ?n2

interp (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))) "input" ?n1

get "input" (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))) = Some ?n1

interp (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))) 1 ?n2
apply InterpConst.

eval (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) (while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done) ?v

interp (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) "input" ?n

?n <> 0

eval (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) ("output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1) ?v'

eval ?v' (while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done) ?v

interp (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) "input" ?n

get "input" (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) = Some ?n

3 - 1 <> 0
simpl; congruence.

eval (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) ("output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1) ?v'

eval (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) ("output" <- "output" * "input") ?v1

eval ?v1 ("input" <- "input" - 1) ?v'

eval (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) ("output" <- "output" * "input") ?v1

interp (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) ("output" * "input")%arith ?n

interp (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) "output" ?n1

interp (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) "input" ?n2

interp (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) "output" ?n1

get "output" (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) = Some ?n1

interp (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) "input" ?n2

get "input" (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))) = Some ?n2

eval (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))) ("input" <- "input" - 1) ?v'

interp (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))) ("input" - 1)%arith ?n

interp (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))) "input" ?n1

interp (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))) 1 ?n2

interp (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))) "input" ?n1

get "input" (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))) = Some ?n1

interp (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))) 1 ?n2
apply InterpConst.

eval (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) (while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done) ?v

interp (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) "input" ?n

?n <> 0

eval (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) ("output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1) ?v'

eval ?v' (while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done) ?v

interp (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) "input" ?n

get "input" (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) = Some ?n

3 - 1 - 1 <> 0
simpl; congruence.

eval (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) ("output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1) ?v'

eval (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) ("output" <- "output" * "input") ?v1

eval ?v1 ("input" <- "input" - 1) ?v'

eval (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) ("output" <- "output" * "input") ?v1

interp (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) ("output" * "input")%arith ?n

interp (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) "output" ?n1

interp (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) "input" ?n2

interp (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) "output" ?n1

get "output" (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) = Some ?n1

interp (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) "input" ?n2

get "input" (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))) = Some ?n2

eval (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1) * (3 - 1 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))))) ("input" <- "input" - 1) ?v'

interp (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1) * (3 - 1 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))))) ("input" - 1)%arith ?n

interp (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1) * (3 - 1 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))))) "input" ?n1

interp (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1) * (3 - 1 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))))) 1 ?n2

interp (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1) * (3 - 1 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))))) "input" ?n1

get "input" (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1) * (3 - 1 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))))) = Some ?n1

interp (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1) * (3 - 1 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty))))))) 1 ?n2
apply InterpConst.

eval (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1) * (3 - 1 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))))) (while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done) ?v

interp (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1) * (3 - 1 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))))) "input" ?n

?n = 0

interp (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1) * (3 - 1 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))))) "input" ?n

get "input" (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1) * (3 - 1 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))))) = Some ?n

3 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 0

get "output" (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1) * (3 - 1 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3 * (3 - 1)) (set "input" (3 - 1) (set "output" (1 * 3) (set "output" 1 (set "input" 3 empty)))))))) = Some 6

Thankfully, with just a few hints, we can get eauto to do all the work for us!


exists v : valuation, eval (set "input" 3 empty) factorial v /\ get "output" v = Some 6

exists v : valuation, eval (set "input" 3 empty) factorial v /\ get "output" v = Some 6

exists v : valuation, eval (set "input" 3 empty) factorial v /\ get "output" v = Some 6

exists v : valuation, eval (set "input" 3 empty) factorial v /\ get "output" v = Some 6

exists v : valuation, eval (set "input" 3 empty) ("output" <- 1;;; while "input" loop "output" <- "output" * "input";;; "input" <- "input" - 1 done) v /\ get "output" v = Some 6
(* debug eauto: *)
1 depth=50
1.1 depth=49 simple eapply ex_intro
1.1.1 depth=48 simple apply conj depth=47 simple eapply EvalSeq depth=46 simple apply EvalAssign depth=46 simple apply InterpConst depth=45 simple eapply EvalWhileFalse depth=44 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=44 (*external*) reflexivity depth=44 simple apply InterpVarNotFound depth=45 simple eapply EvalWhileTrue depth=44 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=44 (*external*) reflexivity depth=44 simple apply not_eq_sym ; trivial depth=43 simple eapply EvalSeq depth=42 simple apply EvalAssign depth=41 simple apply InterpTimes depth=40 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=40 (*external*) reflexivity depth=39 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=39 (*external*) reflexivity depth=38 simple apply EvalAssign depth=37 simple apply InterpMinus depth=36 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=36 (*external*) reflexivity depth=36 simple apply InterpConst depth=35 simple eapply EvalWhileFalse depth=34 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=34 (*external*) reflexivity depth=34 simple apply InterpVarNotFound depth=35 simple eapply EvalWhileTrue depth=34 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=34 (*external*) reflexivity depth=34 (*external*) (simpl; congruence) depth=33 simple eapply EvalSeq depth=32 simple apply EvalAssign depth=31 simple apply InterpTimes depth=30 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=30 (*external*) reflexivity depth=29 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=29 (*external*) reflexivity depth=28 simple apply EvalAssign depth=27 simple apply InterpMinus depth=26 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=26 (*external*) reflexivity depth=26 simple apply InterpConst depth=25 simple eapply EvalWhileFalse depth=24 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=24 (*external*) reflexivity depth=24 simple apply InterpVarNotFound depth=25 simple eapply EvalWhileTrue depth=24 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=24 (*external*) reflexivity depth=24 simple apply not_eq_sym ; trivial depth=23 simple eapply EvalSeq depth=22 simple apply EvalAssign depth=21 simple apply InterpTimes depth=20 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=20 (*external*) reflexivity depth=19 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=19 (*external*) reflexivity depth=18 simple apply EvalAssign depth=17 simple apply InterpMinus depth=16 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=16 (*external*) reflexivity depth=16 simple apply InterpConst depth=15 simple eapply EvalWhileFalse depth=14 simple apply InterpVarFound depth=14 (*external*) reflexivity depth=14 simple apply @eq_refl depth=14 simple apply @eq_refl
Qed. End Simple.

Backtracking without auto

We have already seen backtracking with eauto. Let us see another with “multiple successes”.

Inductive EasyPeasy :=
| Nope0 (n: nat): n < 0 -> EasyPeasy
| Yep   (n: nat): n = 0 -> EasyPeasy
| Nope1 (n: nat): n < 0 -> EasyPeasy.

Note the order of constructors, chosen to trick constructor into trying Nope before Yep.

Hint Constructors EasyPeasy : core.


Unsurprisingly, a plain application of econstructor does not solve the goal. In fact, it leaves an unprovable goal instead, because the argument of Nope0 is not satisfiable:


?n < 0

Uh oh.



Also unsurprisingly, eauto solves the goal (it tries constructors in reverse order, but the order is irrelevant for correctness, since it backtracks after attempting Nope1):

(* debug eauto: *)
1 depth=5
1.1 depth=4 simple eapply Nope1
1.1.1 depth=3 unfold lt
1.2 depth=4 simple eapply Yep
1.2.1 depth=4 simple apply @eq_refl

More interesting is what happens if we chain the constructor tactic with another one:


econstructor; reflexivity.

The econstructor tactic produces a stream of proof states to attempt (one per applicable constructor, not just one for the first applicable constructor).

When the control flow reaches a period, all candidate states except the first are discarded.

Any time a tactic fails before reaching a period, however, the Ltac engine backtracks: it rewinds execution to the last ; and tries the next available proof state in the stream produced by earlier tactics.

Here reflexivity fails to solve the goal ?n < 0 (the result of applying Nope0), so the Ltac interpreter backtracks to the next state produced by constructor, which is ?n = 0 (the result of applying Yep). At this point, reflexivity completes the proof.

Another way to force backtracking is by inserting explicit failures. The following does not solve the goal, because eauto does not fail if it cannot solve the goal:



?n < 0

In contrast, the following works, because the fail tactic forces backtracking:


econstructor; eauto; fail.

Or, we can create backtracking points by hand using the + operator:


(eapply Nope0 + eapply Yep + eapply Nope1); reflexivity.

… or, should we want to condition the application of any of the branches, we can create backtracking points with multimatch instead:


The relation lt is not a declared reflexive relation. Maybe you need to require the Coq.Classes.RelationClasses library
multimatch goal with | _ => eapply Nope0 | _ => eapply Yep end; reflexivity. Qed.


Observing backtracking

Here is a quick and dirty way to observe the backtracking that Ltac performs: printing the goal with idtac:

The goal is: (?n < 0)
The goal is: (?n = 0)

Other operators that control backtracking, including once, first`, and [> ], are documented in the reference manual.

Again, the moral of the story is: while proof search in Coq often feels purely functional, unification variables allow imperative side effects to reach across subgoals. That's a tremendously useful feature for effective proof automation, but it can also sneak up on you at times.

More on auto Hints

Let us stop at this point and take stock of the possibilities for auto and eauto hints. Hints are contained within hint databases, which we have seen extended in many examples so far. When no hint database is specified, a default database is used. Hints in the default database are always used by auto or eauto. The chance to extend hint databases imperatively is important, because, in Ltac programming, we cannot create "global variables" whose values can be extended seamlessly by different modules in different source files. We have seen the advantages of hints so far, where a proof script using auto or eauto can automatically adapt to presence of new hints.

The basic hints for auto and eauto are:

  • Hint Immediate lemma, asking to try solving a goal immediately by applying a lemma and discharging any hypotheses with a single proof step each
  • Hint Resolve lemma, which does the same but may add new premises that are themselves to be subjects of nested proof search
  • Hint Constructors pred, which acts like Resolve applied to every constructor of an inductive predicate
  • Hint Unfold ident, which tries unfolding ident when it appears at the head of a proof goal

Each of these Hint commands may be used with a suffix, as in Hint Resolve lemma : my_db, to add the hint only to the specified database, so that it would only be used by, for instance, auto with my_db. An additional argument to auto specifies the maximum depth of proof trees to search in depth-first order, as in auto 8 or auto 8 with my_db. The default depth is 5.

All of these Hint commands can also be expressed with a more primitive hint kind, Extern.

In general, many proofs can be automated in pleasantly modular ways with deft combinations of auto and autorewrite.