CS 6115 Problem Set 0: Basic Functional Programming in Coq

  • Due: August 31 at midnight
The goal of this problem set is to just get you comfortable with the basic syntax of Coq, using ProofGeneral or the CoqIDE in an interactive fashion, and to remember some basic functional programming.
Feel free to collaborate with each other, but make sure to do the exercises yourself so you start to become familiar with the syntax and the environment. If you get stuck, ask questions on Piazza or come to office hours (posted on the course web site).
Complete each of the definitions below, and add some test cases (using Eval compute in <exp>. to make sure they are working properly.
Submit your assignment on CMSX as a .v file.

0. Write a function length to compute the length of list. length : forall {A:Type}, list A -> nat
1. Write a function rev that reverses a list. rev : forall {A:Type}, list A -> list A
2. Write a function ith that returns the ith element of a list, if the list has enough elements, and otherwise returns None. We are working zero-based, so for instance, ith 2 (1::2::3::4::nil) should return Some 3, whereas ith 4 (1::2::3::4::nil) should return None.
ith : forall {A:type}, nat -> list A -> option A
3. Write a generic function comp to compose two functions. comp : forall {A B C:Type}, (A -> B) -> (B -> C) -> (A -> C)
4. Write a function sum that adds up all of the nats in a list. sum : list nat -> nat
5. Write a function that map that maps a function over the elements in a list, producing a new list. map : forall {A B:Type}, (A -> B) -> list A -> list B
6. Write a generic "fold-right" for a list such that, for instance. fold (fun x y => x + y) 0 (1::2::3::nil) evaluates to 6. fold : forall {A B:Type}, (A -> B -> B) -> B -> list A -> B
7. Write a function add_pairs that takes a list of pairs of nats and returns the list of the corresponding sums. For instance, add_pairs ((1,2)::(3,4)::nil) should return 3::7::nil. add_pairs : list (nat * nat) -> list nat
Use one of the list functions you have defined rather than a Fixpoint to implement this.
8. Given the following definition for trees:
Inductive tree (A:Type) : Type :=
| Leaf : tree A
| Node : tree A -> A -> tree A -> tree A.

Arguments Leaf [A]. Arguments Node [A].
9. Write a function which flattens the tree into a list. For instance, flatten on the tree:
3 / \ 1 7 / \ / \ o o o o
should yield 1::3::7::nil. flatten : forall {A:Type}, tree A -> list A

Inductive order : Type :=
| Less
| Equal
| Greater.

10. Write a function which when given two numbers n and m, returns Less if n < m, Equal if n = m, and otherwise returns Greater. nat_cmp : nat -> nat -> order
11. Write a function that determines whether a tree nat is a valid search tree in the sense that for a given node with value n, all elements in the left sub-tree should be less than n and all elements in the right sub-tree should be greater than n. search_tree : tree nat -> bool

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