This assignment will exercise the concepts of photometric stereo and plane sweep stereo. The project contains three parts. You are expected to implement parts 1 and 2. For part 3, you are given a script, and would need to finish the assigned tasks.
You are to implement your code in Inputs and outputs for each function are specified in
This repository comes with the tentacle dataset inside 'input/'. You will need to execute the download script (or download via web browser) to get the other datasets. For visualizations of the other datasets, please visit these external sites:
3. Installing Meshlab: You would need to install Meshlab on your computer. Please refer to Meshlab download page to download.
Given a stack of images taken from the same viewpoint under different, known illumination directions, your task is to recover the albedo and normals of the object surface.
where dataset is in: ('tentacle', 'cat', 'frog', 'hippo', 'lizard', 'pig', 'scholar', 'turtle')
For example, if you use the tentacle dataset
the output will be in output/tentacle_{normals.png,normals.npy,albedo.png}.
The first image illustrates the different illuminations for the tentacle dataset. The tentacle is a 3D mesh that has been rendered under 9 different directional illumination settings.
The correct outputs tentacle_normals.png and tentacle_albedo.png should look like the last two images shown.
Red indicates the normal is pointing to the right (+x direction), green indicates the normal is pointing up (+y direction) and blue indicates the normal is pointing out of the screen (+z direction). We expect for you to format your normals in this coordinate frame. Failure to do so will result in incorrect meshes in part 3 of this assignment. The lighting directions we provide are already in this coordinate frame, so the simplest solution should be correct by default.
Given two calibrated images of the same scene, but taken from different viewpoints, your task is to recover a rough depth map.
where dataset is in: ('tentacle', 'Adirondack', 'Backpack', 'Bicycle1', 'Cable', 'Classroom1', 'Couch', 'Flowers', 'Jadeplant', 'Mask', 'Motorcycle', 'Piano', 'Pipes', 'Playroom', 'Playtable', 'Recycle', 'Shelves', 'Shopvac', 'Sticks', 'Storage', 'Sword1', 'Sword2', 'Umbrella', 'Vintage')
You will need to uncomment and download other datasets using "" (or download via your web browser).
For example, if you use the tentacle dataset
the output will be in output/tentacle_{ncc.png,ncc.gif,depth.npy,projected.gif}.
The following illustrates the two views for the tentacle dataset.
The outputs of the plane-sweep stereo for the tentacle dataset should look like:
The first animated gif is tentacle_projected.gif, which shows each rendering of the scene as a planar proxy is swept towards the camera.
For this project, we use Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) measure for matching scores. The second animated gif is tentacle_ncc.gif, which shows slices of the NCC cost volume where each frame corresponds to a single depth. White is high NCC and black is low NCC.
The last image shows the correct depth output tentacle_ncc.png for the tentacle dataset, which is computed from the argmax depth according to the NCC cost volume. White is near and black is far.
Pro tip: Debugging takes too long on the provided examples? Go into where you can edit a couple arguments. You can decrease the number of depth layers in the cost volume. For example, the Middlebury datasets are configured to use 128 depth layers by default:
Alternatively, you can decrease the resolution of the input images. For example, the Middlebury datasets are downscaled by a factor of 4 by default:
The output image will be of dimensions (height / 2^stereo_downscale_factor, width / 2^stereo_downscale_factor).
Given a normal map, depth map, or both, reconstruct a mesh.
where dataset is in: ('tentacle', 'cat', 'frog', 'hippo', 'lizard', 'pig', 'scholar', 'turtle', 'Adirondack', 'Backpack', 'Bicycle1', 'Cable', 'Classroom1', 'Couch', 'Flowers', 'Jadeplant', 'Mask', 'Motorcycle', 'Piano', 'Pipes', 'Playroom', 'Playtable', 'Recycle', 'Shelves', 'Shopvac', 'Sticks', 'Storage', 'Sword1'i, 'Sword2', 'Umbrella', 'Vintage')
and mode is in: ('normals', 'depth', 'both')
For example, if you use the tentacle dataset
The tentacle dataset is the only one compatible with the both option. Other datasets are compatible with either the normals mode (photometric stereo integration) or the depth mode (mesh from depth).
The following video illustrates the expected output for the tentacle dataset. Use Meshlab to open and view the mesh.
Pro tip: Use the Import Mesh button in Meshlab to open your mesh.
If the loaded mesh is completely gray, try turning off Wireframe by clicking on at the top of the screen to display color.
Be patient when running For reference, the whole thing should take no more than 20 seconds for the tentacle dataset with the both option if your implementation is efficient.
Execute the command 'nosetests -v' from the project directory to run the provided test cases in
When you run 'nosetests -v' for the first time, you'll see that all the tests are skipped because the functions to be tested haven't been implemented by you.
As you work on implementing your solution, we recommend that you extend with whatever new test cases you feel will help you debug your code. You can use the resources provided in 'test_materials' folder.
To recap, you must:
Note. If your code is exceptionally fast (e.g., 2x faster than our reference implementation), we will consider a small amount of extra credit as our discretion. If your code runs longer than our requirements (20s for photometric stereo and 100s for plane-sweep stereo), we will take off about 4% of the grade.